Donohue turned to him, flashed one of his high-powered grins.
‘I agree,’ he said. ‘A minimum of a mil. Probably more. And I’m just talking about the stuff up front, in the cases. What’s in that safe in the back room — well, who the hell knows? But it must be beautiful. Okay, that’s agreed. The place is worth the risk. And it’s ripe for the plucking. No armed guard. No TV cameras that I could spot.’
. ‘So you want in?’ I asked him.
‘I want in,’ he said, nodding, ‘but not if I have to follow your script. First of all, with a gang of five you want
‘Well … all right,’ I said grudgingly, ‘I’ll buy that. But that means more people. At least another wheelman.’
‘Correct,’ Black Jack said. ‘But more than just another driver. Bea, we just can’t go busting in there when the store opens at 10:00. What if a street cop or a squad car comes wandering by?’
‘Chances are slim,’ Fleming said. ‘They work on a-’
‘I know how they work,’ Donohue said sharply. ‘No regular schedule. I’m just saying
‘Like what?’ I said.
‘Like this,’ he said, he leaned forward, elbows on knees. ‘I checked out that place for two days running. The key to the whole thing is that cleaning truck that comes an hour before the store opens. You spotted that?’
‘Sure,’ I said. ‘Every morning. At 9:00. They spend about thirty to forty-five minutes in there. The manager unlocks the door to let them in, then locks it again after they leave.’
‘Every morning?’ Donohue asked.
‘Every morning,’ I told him again. ‘Like clockwork. I watched.’
‘Good,’ he said with a satisfied grin. ‘That’s what I figured. The key is this: That truck is from the Bonomo Cleaning Service. It doubleparks right outside the store. On both mornings I watched, the manager was waiting inside the door. When he saw the truck pull up, he unlocked the door. Get it? All he’s looking for is the truck, he doesn’t even wait to see if the guys getting out are his regular cleaning crew or a gang of pirates. He sees the truck; he unlocks the door.’
‘Hijack the truck!’ Fleming burst out.
‘Right!’ Donohue said, looking at Dick with new respect. ‘Now we’ve got our second vehicle. And that cleaning van can hold a football team. And if we work fast enough, we can pile through that unlocked door before the manager realizes it’s not his usual cleaning crew. Four, or six, or even a dozen guys inside, and the door locked, the shutters down, one hour
I had an objection. ‘What if the manager doesn’t unlock until he makes sure it’s his regular cleaning crew?’
‘That’s what he
‘So then?’ I said, beginning to get excited by his idea.
‘So then the moment that door is open, the guys in the front of the van rush it, and the guys in back push in right after them. I don’t mean it can be a stampede, but they don’t mosey either. Listen, it’ll be 9:00 in the morning; a lot of people on the streets. But all they’ll see is guys in uniform — you know, those coveralls they wear — piling out of a truck and hurrying into a store to clean it up before it opens for business. Who’s going to figure a heist is coming down? If it’s timed right, there won’t be a squeal. And cleaning guys always take tools and bags along with them — right? So we go inside with everything we need to take the place apart. We’ve got a whole hour and enough guys to make sure none of the clerks makes like a hero. When we’ve got what we came for, we leave everyone tied and gagged. We split the loot. Half the guys and half the take go in the cleaning van. You take the rest, Bea. We go by different routes. We meet later for the split. How does that sound?’
Fleming and I stared at each other again.
‘What do you think, Dick?’ I asked him.
‘How do we get the truck?’ he wanted to know.
‘Easy,’ Donohue said. ‘It’s from the Bonomo Cleaning
Service. Sign painted on the side.But it’s also got a number painted on the cab door. It’s a truck number 14. So we find out where this Bonomo Cleaning Service is located. We stake the place, find out when the trucks start on their rounds. We follow truck number 14. We learn its routine. It’ll take time, but it can be done. Then, on the day we decide to hit, we hijack Bonomo truck number 14 just before it gets to Brandenberg.’
‘What about the driver?’ I asked. ‘And his helper? They’ll find their truck gone, they’re going to scream to the cops. Then there’s a bulletin out and we’re sitting ducks.’
Donohue snapped his fingers. ‘Right,’ he said briskly. ‘You’re thinking smart, Bea. So we take the truck
‘One thing still bothers me,’ I said. ‘Are you
‘Sure, I’m sure,’ Black Jack said. ‘He did it both mornings I watched.’
‘Two mornings,’ I said. ‘Not enough to bet everything on a habit pattern.’
‘All right,’ Donohue said, frowning at me. ‘Suppose he does look through the glass door before he unlocks it. So he sees two cleaning guys he’s never seen before. What’s he going to do — ask them through a locked door what they’re doing there and where are his regular cleaners? No, he’s going to unlock that door to talk to them. After all, the regular truck is there, and these guys are wearing Bonomo coveralls and carrying mops. He’s not going to be so suspicious that he’ll keep the door locked while he calls Bonomo to find out what’s going on.’
‘Maybe he will,’ I said, ‘and maybe he won’t. But I don’t want this whole job to hinge on that — how the manager will react if he spots two strange cleaning men. Too chancy.’
The three of us sat staring at the worn linoleum.
‘Look, Jack,’ I said finally, ‘we’re planning this for a week or two before Christmas, so we’ve got some time to get it right. Let’s do this: Next week Dick and I will cover
Brandenberg and Sons every morning at 9:00. We’ll watch the exact sequence: when the cleaning truck pulls up, when the crew gets out, when the manager unlocks the door. If it happens the way you say it does — he unlocks the door the moment the truck appears — then we’ll go with it the way you said. If he inspects the crew
‘Jesus,’ Donohue said disgustedly. ‘You’re acting like an old woman. We’ve got to take
‘We’re taking plenty,’ I assured him. ‘I just don’t want to take any unnecessary ones.’
‘All right.’ He sighed. ‘You check it out. And what will I be doing meanwhile?’
‘You can locate the Bonomo Cleaning Service,’ I told him. ‘Find out when their trucks start going out. Try to get the schedule for truck number 14. Also, maybe you can ask around about fences. Guys big enough to handle a haul like this. You know this town better than I do; you’ll know where and who to ask. Can you do that?’
‘Sure.’ Donohue said promptly, mollified. ‘No problem …. You want to work through fences rather than the insurance company?’
‘Depends,’ I said. ‘On what we get and what we’re offered. But we’ve got to start somewhere, so we better have some names when the stuff is in our hands. Now what about those two heavies you said you could recruit?’
‘I can get them,’ he promised. ‘I asked them, casual-like you understand, without telling them exactly what it was, and they’re ready for a fight or a frolic. Look, these guys are mutts. Great brains, they’re not. But they’ll do what they’re told and not cry.’