the smell of old blood was stronger. It stood nine feet tall at least, giving a boggle a run for its money. The majority of it was black metal with a face accented with what looked like dark tarnished iron, but wasn’t. That would have been affected by the explosive rounds to some extent, but it hadn’t been. Although at least it had been blown backward before it hit me, I didn’t see a single dent in its chest or face—only a superficial blackening of the metal. There was a type of metal cowl surrounding its head like a helmet, eyes of the same lava that ran through it, and a snarl of metal lips that showed the tips of pointed black fangs.

Its claws—and that’s all it had, claws, no hands—were huge even in comparison to its size, each one at least two feet long, four of them at the end of each wrist.

It looked like your worst nightmare had taken a Terminator, said, “Oh yeah, we can do a hundred times better than that,” and combined it with a demon from the deepest pit of hell. But I didn’t believe in hell and that made this simply one more monster to put down. One more notch on the bedpost, because I damn sure killed more often than I got laid.

“Nik!” He was on the other side of it. I ejected the empty clip, slammed in a new one, racked the slide, then added one more round. I tossed him the Eagle. “Eight rounds. Seven in the clip, one in the pipe.” Niko caught it and was already firing.

He was a master with the sword and I’d rarely seen him need to use a gun, but this was going to be one of those rare occasions. His blades would only shatter against the unknown metal of this thing.

Ignoring the explosions from behind it, the creature swiveled its head completely around, the metal moving as smoothly as flesh, but the sound it made—the motion as scale hit scale—was the sound of human bones being crushed. Two faces. It could watch its front and back all at once. Fan-fucking-tastic. This face wasn’t snarling. It was grinning, the metal lips stretched wide and every ebony fang showing. They were as oversized as its claws, and the stench of ancient blood on them was overpowering. I preferred it when it wasn’t quite as happy. But my preferences didn’t matter right then.

I didn’t think the Eagle would do Niko any more good than it had done me; nor would my Glock I already had yanked from my double holster, but I had other weapons. Right now, I had only one I could think of that would work. If we’d had more time to think, maybe we could come up with something else, but we didn’t have time.

Or the need.

Our weapons hadn’t worked, but I had one that lived in me and it never failed.

I’d gated Niko’s father to Central Park. I could gate anyone or anything to anyplace I’d been or could see from where I stood. Twice within a day, at any rate. I could put this thing in the ocean, but I had a feeling that wouldn’t stop it. It might give it a long, wet walk to get to land again, but I couldn’t know if water would bother it—not when explosive rounds didn’t. That left only one place I could send it and be sure it wouldn’t come back. Tumulus. The reason I didn’t believe in hell, because that was the true hell. The Auphe home away from home—another dimension, another world, a place out of sync with ours—I didn’t know or care.

I did know only Auphe—or the half Auphe that was me—could travel there or back. If I stuck this thing in Tumulus, we’d never see its metal ass again. Or I could open a gate inside it, but the implosion combined with the explosion—gates were tricky that way—it would send metal shards flying in a shrapnel storm neither Nik or I would survive.

Tumulus it was.

It took less than a fraction of a moment for all that to run through my head, and that fraction proved why I sucked so badly at math. It was on me faster than I’d seen any creature move—and I’d seen the best of the worst. It was too fast to build a gate around it. Too fast for me to build a gate in front of it. Too fast for me to gate myself the hell out of the way.

It crouched on all fours; then it hit me…it or a Mack truck, I wasn’t sure, but I was positive that I was held down by metal claws that encompassed my chest. They were as long as I’d guessed. I couldn’t see them, but I could gauge their length by how far I could feel them penetrate my chest wall, scraping on the outside of my right and left rib cage, pinning me to the street—jammed into the concrete itself. I felt the burn of the metal as it touched my legs. It was as hot as the burner on a stove. The eyes that contained killing magma moved closer until I was certain the molten rock would cascade over me, frying me to an outline of death and charcoal on the street.

Its mouth opened. I could see the red at the back of its throat, but I thought the teeth would get me first. Having your face chewed off or having it melted to slag and ash. Put that down as a choice I was glad I didn’t have to make. Neither seemed a time worth having. I lifted my arm and rammed the Glock into its gaping mouth and emptied the clip. Nothing happened except a good gun began to melt in my hand. I threw it to one side before my hand went with it. The last of the Eagle’s explosive rounds hit it from behind, but this time it was ready. It didn’t move, not an inch. Its mouth, the furnace of heat and metal, moved closer.

Checkout time, and me with no luggage.

I wanted to say something.

I knew this one was it. In our business, it was just a waiting game. When it took me down, my head had slammed against the concrete enough to scramble my brain thoroughly enough that I couldn’t gate out. I’d used a gate once today. A second one in one day was doable, usually, but much harder and took a concentration and an effort that a cracked skull wasn’t giving me.

Yeah, this one was it.

I heard more explosive rounds being fired and then the sound of running. Nik. Running toward death when anyone else would’ve run in the other direction. The head facing mine arrowed closer—curious or toying with me, I didn’t know. Or care. I was the mouse; it was the cat. Wondering was pointless.

Hadn’t I wanted to say something?

Did it matter?

Yeah. It did. Hell, yes. If I was going to die, it mattered. I was going out foulmouthed and spitting blood in the face of my enemy. That’s who I was. What I was. I’d die, but I wouldn’t die screaming. I’d die cursing, and screw life. What had it ever once done for me?

“Swear…not…Sarah Connor, you piece…of shit,” I gasped. The weight of the claws was incredible and made breathing almost impossible. “Nothing against Skynet…if…gets more TV channels…all for it, you metal…ass… hole.”

Niko came out of the semidarkness and threw himself on top of the metal mass of claws that held me down. “Gate us out of here,” he said fiercely. “Goddamn it, Cal, if there was ever a time to break the rules, it’s now. Gate!

But I couldn’t.

“Run.” I pushed at him with more strength than I should’ve had, impaled and pinned. “Nik, run. Can’t gate.” Or I would’ve gated that windup tin toy from hell far from here. I’d tried. My brain wouldn’t cooperate, but it didn’t mean I hadn’t tried, wasn’t still trying. I could feel the blood pouring from my nose, the headache even more crushing than the one I had from hitting the street. The sacrifices of making a second gate so soon from the first were bad, but I’d done it before. Not this time—I pulled all of myself into the effort and nothing happened.

“Nik, run,” I repeated desperately.

He looked at me with a battlefield, hitching-a-ride-to-Valhalla flash of teeth, unmoving as the head rushed down, jaws gaping, aimed at him. “You’re such a fucking idiot, little brother.”

It was only Nik who could make me laugh, tasting the salt of blood for the single breath before we died. Nik whose father hadn’t saved him and now neither could I.

Fuck, why couldn’t I do it? If not for me, then for him. Just one goddamn gate.


And it was gone. Every molecule of metal except the claws still pinning me to the street and an inch or two of metal arm above Niko’s back. The gray pulse and black swirl of the gate had appeared, gobbled up the murder machine, and then disappeared before I was sure I’d seen it…or done it.

Niko sat up. I could see the smoke wisping up from his back where drops of the lava or whatever the hell it was had dripped onto him and were eating through his shirt and skin next. “Take off…shirt.” I managed to smack his arm. “You suicidial…moron.”

He did, but at the same time he used his cell to call Goodfellow for help. “Where’d you send it?” Niko asked. He wasn’t talking to Robin any longer. He was talking to me. I blinked at the question and the time lost—a slice of missing reality. He was now off the phone, shirtless, and running a careful hand over my side and down to the

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