Did Najarian make any connection? He'd given no indication that he had, but he was distracted by the GI bleeder. Is there anything to do?

Anyone to tell? Craig Norrell would have known what to do. He always knew. Why in the hell did he have to screw everything up so badly?

Once again Norma studied the photo. There was, to be sure, a strong likeness to the man who had called himself Phillip Trainer. But from what she remembered, there were differences as well. She was blowing things out of proportion-the way she always did.

Blowing things out of proportion. That was it.

Pure and simple. Still, she decided, until someone had been found to take over Vkrrell's role, she would refuse any further requests from Caduceus.

Her neck and underarms damp with sweat, rrna Cullinet folded the fliers and thrust them into her uniform pocket.

Fourth unit's up and runnl Eric. TWo more are on the way from the blood bank. What do you think?'

Eric watched the steady spatter of blood from their patient's nasogastric tube into the suction bottle on the wall. They had tried medication, fresh clotting factors, and direct examination through a gastroscope, but nothing had slowed the bleeding, which was almost certainly from an ulcer, and possibly from an ulcer within a cancer.

'I think we punt,' he said to the resident. 'Go ahead and get the surgical team that's up for the next case. This guy's reasonably stable right now, and I know they'd rather take over while he is. I'm going to take a break and get some coffee. Call me when the surgeons get here.'

Eric entered the reception area rubbing at a nagging stiffness along the base of his neck. He couldn't remember how many days it had been since he had last worked out. As with almost everything else in his life, there simply wasn't enough time. Perhaps if he got the associate's job, life would begin to normalize.

Absently he fingered the pin on his clinic-coat lapel. This was his first full day in the E.R. since pinning it on. From what he could tell, no one had even taken notice of it.

'You sore?'

Charge nurse Tern Dillard, five foot one if that, looked up at him with concern. She was a crack E.R. nurse who spent her off-hours instructing at a school of holistic healing. Eric had no real feeling for the things she knew and taught, but it was common knowledge around the E.R. that her massage and therapeutic touch often had patients diagnosed or actually cured before a physician had even entered the room.

'Accelerated aging,' he said.

She reached up and dug her thumbs into the muscles at the base of his neck.

'Spasm,' she said. 'Everything's all knotted up.

It's tension.'

'Me? What do I have to be tense about?'

'Well, let's see.' She continued to dig. 'You're waiting to hear if you got a big promotion, you've got an active GI bleeder in Room Four, and a drop-deadgorgeous brunette with an off-season tan just left before you could get her phone number. How's that for starters?'

'Drop-dead-gorgeous? How could I have missed that?'

'You didn't. That's what these muscles are telling you.'

'Are you a witch?'

Tern stopped her massage. 'Maybe,' she said.

'What'd the lady want?'

'She was looking for her brother. She had a bunch of posters with his picture on them, and she wanted us to- Wait a second.' He noticed Norma Cullinet crossing from the waiting room, and motioned her over.

'Hey, Norma,' he said, 'did you put up those posters from that woman, Laura?'

'Laura, hub?' Tern Dillard murmured.

Beneath the rouge on her cheeks, Norma Cullinet paled.

'I I didn't want to post anything without getting Dr. Silver's approval,' she said.

'That rule doesn't apply to the lounges,' Eric countered. 'Do you still have one?'

Norma hesitated and then quickly pulled the folded fliers from her pocket and opened one up.

'See,' Tern said, 'you're in luck. Laura Enders.

There's her phone number. Right there.' She and Eric continued to examine the photograph, — unaware of Norma, anxiously watching their reactions.

'Looks like he's wearing a wet suit,' Tern noted.

'It's possible.-His sister's a diving instructor in the Caribbean,' Eric said.

Tern glanced up at him and smiled. 'I can see that you took no notice whatsoever of how good-looking she was.' 'Witch.' 'So, any bells?' Norma asked.

'it's a lousy photo.'

'Yeah,' said Tern, 'but I've seen that guy. I swear I have.'

'Norma,' Eric asked. 'why don't you stick one up on our bulletin board and one'in the nurses' lounge?

Maybe Tern'll think of where she saw him. Who knows, Ter, maybe you'll get the reward.'

Tern Dillard pointed to the telephone number.

'Maybe you will, too,' she said, 'if you can get your head out of medicine long enough to make a call.'

'Fat chance.'

'no,' Norma said cheerily, 'let me know if you figure out who this fellow is,'

'Sure,' Tern said. 'But why?'

'No reason. I'm just interested. There was something about his sister that… that reminded me of one of my favorite students.'

At that moment the corridor doors flew open, and a large group of surgical residents and medical students entered the E.R. Leading the entourage, erect as a post, was Dr. Sara Teagarden.

'So, where's this bleeder of yours, Dr. Najarian?' she asked.

She was wearing a knee-length clinic coat over her scrubs, and paper booties over her O.R. shoes.

And as usual when she entered a room, the idle chattering and random movement of people lessened dramatically. Although he didn't particularly like her, Eric had to acknowledge that Grendel was a forceone hell of a presence.

'He's in Four, Dr. Teagarden,' he said.

Teagarden motioned her team toward the room with a shake of her head.

'How many units so far?' she asked, nudging her gold-rims back onto the bridge of her nose.

'Probably six by now.'

'We would have preferred being called at three.'

'I understand.'

In spite of himself, Eric felt intimidated by the woman. Five units before a surgical referral was pretty much standard practice, but he made no comment.

'You called the GI fellow down to scope him?'

'We thought he might be able to get at the bleeding point,' Eric responded, already sensing the next volley.

He had, under the stress of a life-threatening emergency, made certain decisions. And now, even though the patient had been skillfully stabilized, those decisions were being challenged by one of the three people in the hospital he least wanted to confront.

'We'd rather scope our own patients,' Teagarden said. 'I thought I'd made that clear at the last residents'meeting.'

'What can I say?'

Teagarden looked at him coolly.

'What you can say, Dr. Najarian, is that when a system is in place with established guidelines, and you have contracted to be part of that system, you are willing to follow those guidelines.' Eric felt himself flush at the surgical chief's rebuke. To either side of him, Tern DiBard and Norma Cullinet were statues. He swallowed the urge to defend his actions and to point out how effective they had been. Teagarden knew as well as he did that he had given the patient good care.

Then, without smiling, the surgical chief reached out a fleshy finger and flicked the pin on Eric's lapel.

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