'Zack? ' Suzanne stood by the doorway, the X rays in her hand. 'I came down to see if I could be of any help. The nurse said she'd be next door if you need her.'

'How's the boy?'

'Not awake at all, but still reasonably stable. Owen Walsh is trying to arrange a transfer, but I don't think he's been able to find a bed yet.'

'Well, I'm glad you could get down. Have you seen the films?'

It was only then that he noticed the tension in her face. Something was wrong in the X rays. 'Flip em right up there, ' he said, motioning her to the two view boxes on the wall beside the Judge's litter. She illuminated the lateral shoot-through of the Judge's neck. Zack counted to be certain that all seven cervical vertebrae were displayed, and then checked the alignment and spacing of each. 'Normal, ' he said. 'Perfect.

Looks like we're in luck, Judge. We'll get a complete set of films, just to be certain, but I suspect they'll be fine. I don't see any reason not to remove this harness they've rigged up. He reached for the restraint.

'Zack, you may want to wait on that,' Suzanne said, snapping the second film into place. 'There was a load of scrap metal in the pickup. The police wonder if maybe he fell on something.'

'What is that thing? ' the Judge asked. Still constrained by the harness, he was forcing his eyes far to the left in order to see the X ray. 'It's a chunk of metal, Dad, ' Zack said, studying the piece, which was stubby, wedge- shaped, and pointed on all three corners. The longest, sharpest point of the three was directly between two vertebrae, the twelfth dorsal and first lumbar. 'A pretty big chunk, too. I'll need a lateral view to know how deep it is. Are you having any numbness or tingling in your legs at all?'

'I… I don't think so.'

'Well, just the same, I think I'll leave you strapped in for now.'

'If you have to. Am I going to be all right?'

'Of course you are. But I'll feel happier when we know exactly where that metal is and we've gotten someone to take it out.'

'You're not going to do it?'

'Judge, first things first, okay? Suzanne, can you send in the portable unit for a lateral view? Meanwhile, I'll go over the rest of him.'

'… Suction, I need suction! '… 'Doctor, do you want another line?

'' 'His pupil's dilating… Christ, I asked for suction.. The snatches of exchange between Wilton Marshfield and a nurse came from the trauma room… He's vomiting again. Doctor, I think he's seizing… … Get me ten of Valium for an IV push'

'Did you know that Dr. Iverson is in with his father?'

'Sounds like trouble, ' the Judge said. 'Are you going in there?'

'If they need me, they'll come and get me,' Zack said. 'I'm not leaving you alone. Suze, while you're out there can you please check on what's going on? If that's the other driver from the accident, find out who he is.'

Zack was completing a rapid exam when the curtain flew back and Frank entered. 'Oo-ee, what a zoo out there, ' he said. 'Police, reporters, the works. What gives here?'

'He's got a chunk of metal in his back-see? It looks like it shot in there during the crash, but maybe he fell on it or rolled over it. I won't know exactly where it is until I see some more views, but it obviously has to come out.'

'Well, Judge, ' Frank said, 'even if it does, you got the better end of the deal in this one. 'Ole Beau in there is a mess.'

'Beau Robillard? ' Zack and the Judge said the name in unison. 'Yeah, didn't you know? Public nuisance number one is right in the next room.

That was his rust-bucket pickup you hit. If he's operating true to form, that scrap metal in the back of it was probably hot. Hey, Zack, remember how Robillard and his buddies used to follow you home after school and kick the daylights out of you?'

'Frank, that was junior high, for goodness sakes.'

'He hasn't changed, ' the Judge said. 'I see him in my court every other week, it seems. He's as nasty as ever. Nastier. I should have put him away the last time I had the chance. Was there anyone in the truck with him?'

'Nope, ' Frank answered. 'The police say that while they were cutting him out of the cab he kept screaming that you ran the light at the bottom of the Mill Street hill.'

'That's ridiculous.'

At that moment, Suzanne reappeared at the doorway with the X-ray technician. 'Zack, ' she said, 'Wilton asked if you could help him next door. The guy from the truck has a bad head injury. He's started seizing. His name's Robillard.'

'Beau Robillard. We know. He used to beat me up in junior high.'

'He's trash, ' the Judge said. 'Petty theft, assault, disturbing the peace. Zachary, I don't want you going in there.'


'You heard me. Tell Marshfield you're tied up in here and you can't help him.'

'Judge, I can't do that. Zack paused, waiting for support for his position from Frank and Suzanne. There was none. 'Listen, ' he said finally, 'I've got to go in and at least honor his request for help.

Besides, you need more X rays and maybe a CT scan, and… and the O. R. team's got to be mobilized. By the time all those studies are completed, I should be done in there, okay?'

'I already told you how I felt, ' the Judge said. 'Why are you asking if it's okay?'

'Zack, ' Frank said, 'let me talk to you outside for a minute.'

'Okay, in just a second…' Zack felt shaken. 'Please go ahead with a lateral of his thoraco-lumbar region and a shot of his wrist, ' he said to the X-ray technician. 'On second thought, why don't you forget the portable. Take him over and get a really good set of films. Suze, can you go with him?'

'Sure. Owen Walsh'il call me if anything develops in the unit.'

'You might want to go over him for pre-op clearance. I don't think they've had time yet to get a full EKG.'

'I'll take care of that.'

'Also, find out who's on for orthopedics, if you can.'

'Zachary, I meant what I said about Robillard, ' the Judge said as Suzanne and the technician wheeled him from the room.

'I never meant anything more.' Zack could only shake his head. 'Hey, listen, ' Frank said when the two of them were alone. 'Just go in there and see Robillard, and do whatever you have to do. Leave the Judge to me.'

'I know he's hurt and angry, Frank, but all the same, I can't believe he would talk like that. I just can't believe it.'

'You've been away from here-away from the man-for a long time. Remember, buddy, we're not the only ones he keeps passing judgment on. Years and years of sentencing the same stiffs over and over again has done something to him. Listen, don't worry about him. I can handle things.

Just go on in there and play doctor.'

'Did you call Mom? '

'I have one of the state troopers going to get her.'

'Okay. I'll be next door. Frank, thanks for your help. I hope things with Lisette get straightened out.'

'Not to worry. Just get on in there and do whatever you have to.'

The two of them left room 8. Zack entered the trauma room and Frank crossed the E. R. to the X-ray department. The Judge had been moved, on the transfer board, to the X-ray table. 'I need a minute alone with him,

' Frank said, motioning Suzande and the technician away. 'Judge, listen,

' he whispered, when the others were out of earshot. 'I tried to reason with Zack about not seeing Robillard, but he just won't listen. I'm on your side on this one. One hundred percent. Just relax and let them take your pictures. I'll keep trying to make Zack see what's right.'

The rescue team, nurses, and emergency physician cleared a path as Zack entered the trauma room. His programming in the evaluation of nervous system damage was in reflex operation before he reached the

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