23 Ferd Janklow
24 Jack Names the Planets
25 Jack and Wolf Go to Hell
26 Wolf in the Box
27 Jack Lights Out Again
28 Jack’s Dream
29 Richard at Thayer
30 Thayer Gets Weird
31 Thayer Goes to Hell
32 “Send Out Your Passenger!”
33 Richard in the Dark
INTERLUDE Sloat in This World/ Orris in the Territories (III)
34 Anders
INTERLUDE Sloat in This World (IV)
35 The Blasted Lands
36 Jack and Richard Go to War
37 Richard Remembers
38 The End of the Road
39 Point Venuti
40 Speedy on the Beach
INTERLUDE Sloat in This World (V)
41 The Black Hotel
42 Jack and the Talisman
43 News From Everywhere
44 The Earthquake
45 In Which Many Things are Resolved on the Beach
46 Another Journey
47 Journey’s End