'Yes, Gunter?'
'Dr. Wolfe, you make the nice image that we are the hidden warriors who will use deceit as our primary weapon,' Gunter Aben said, his youthful face open and smiling. 'But you do not tell us who this enemy is that we are to deceive.'
'Yes, an excellent question,' Wolfe smiled. 'Our enemies. Who are they?'
He looked around the room as though expecting someone to raise a hand, but no one moved.
'Greenpeace, for one,' he said, answering his own question. 'And Earth First! and any of the other environment activists. No-' he paused, holding up one hand in a theatrical gesture '-let's use a more accurate word for these people. Call them what they really are.
Wolfe let the word flow from his lips as if he savored its very pronouncement. The word itself seemed to echo throughout the quiet room, or at least in the minds of the people who sat there, silent and listening.
'For you see,' he went on, caught up in the dramatic flow of his oration, 'that is exactly what they are. Driven, emotional people who don't hesitate to use fear, uncertainty, and distortion as a weapon to force their will on an entire unsuspecting world.
'Our countries, Japan, Germany, and the United States, have been the most powerful in the world, because our businesses and our industries have been able to compete from a position of strength. But we in the United States are now threatened by an inability to compete. Our businesses and factories are being choked to death by needlessly restrictive rules and regulations put forth by the environmentalists and voted in by a brainwashed public. A public that simply won't understand what they've done until they no longer have their cost-effective cars, and lifesaving air conditioners, and freezers filled with food.
'And what we must all understand here,' Wolfe went on, 'is the fact that the United States is not alone in this. You need only read the newspapers to find that the environmental groups in Japan and Germany are not far behind.
'So what all of this comes to,' Wolfe finished, his voice brought back to its normal pitch, 'is the simple fact that these self-righteous entities, well-meaning as they might be, simply cannot be allowed to bring the industrial might of the free world to its knees.'
For a long moment the silence in the room remained inviolate, until it was finally broken by the familiar, cheerful voice of Gunter Aben, the quiet, deadly one.
'So we are to destroy the Green Movement, is that what you are saying?' Aben asked.
'We will not directly destroy them,' Wolfe corrected. 'That would be counterproductive. What we will do is to divert their resources, disrupt their plans, cause divisions where they are trying to create alliances. In effect, altering their public image and destroying their effectiveness by exposing them for the self-righteous and self- serving bastards that they really are.'
Wolfe looked down at the table for a brief moment and then brought his head back up to stare out at the group.
'A few moments ago I suggested to all of you that these environmental activist groups are, in fact, terrorists. Now, in that same line of thinking, I would further suggest that you look upon yourselves as counterterrorists.'
'But with no official standing,' interrupted a voice, cold and foreboding.
Gerd Maas, the German assault group leader, sat with an imperturbable expression on his white-bearded face.
Wolfe felt his throat constrict. Much as Wolfe hated to admit it, Maas scared him half to death.
'That is true. This is not an official government operation,' Wolfe said, swallowing hard as he felt the uncontrollable numbness spread down his limbs.
'Perhaps I can expand on that answer,' Lisa Abercombie said in a forceful voice from her seated position.
All eyes in the room shifted to the strikingly beautiful woman.
'I believe that Dr. Wolfe would agree when I say that this is an official government operation,' Lisa Abercombie said, acutely aware that Gerd Maas was staring at her with his cold blue eyes. 'It is not, however, officially sanctioned.'
'I do not understand the difference,' Gunter Aben said matter-of-factly.
'The difference is simple,' Abercombie said. 'You are living in a federal government training facility, and you are being directed by Dr. Wolfe, who is a federal government employee. You will also have access to a wide range of federal government equipment and supplies as necessary.
'However,' she went on firmly, 'because of the extremely sensitive nature of this operation, the United States Government cannot and will not acknowledge your existence. I am sure you can understand why this would be necessary.'
'Does the United States Government know what we are doing?' Gerd Maas demanded in his glacial, penetrating voice.
To Lisa Abercombie, it was like having a bucket of ice water suddenly thrown in her face, and it was all that she could do not to flinch.
'Yes,' she answered, forcing herself to remain calm and controlled.
'All the way to the top?'
Like Dr. Reston Wolfe before her, Lisa Abercombie could feel the fearful chill spread down her spinal cord, but to her credit, she hesitated only briefly before answering.
'Who is responsible then? You?'
'Myself, and a coordinating committee, yes.'
'But this coordinating committee will not be involved in direct operations, correct?' Maas pressed.
'Yes, that is correct.'
For perhaps thirty seconds the room remained deathly quiet. Then, once again, Gunter Aben broke the silence.
'Then perhaps you are the one to answer this,' Aben said. 'Is it also correct to say that we must not allow ourselves to be apprehended by the authorities, under any circumstances?'
'We are the authorities,' Lisa Abercombie said after a moment's pause, 'but not everyone in the government would agree with what we are doing.'
'But what does that mean?' Gunter Aben demanded.
'It means that we have to be careful,' Dr. Reston Wolfe interrupted in a quiet voice. 'It is possible that our activities could attract the attention of one or more of our country's law-enforcement agencies. If that happens, we have to be ready to deal with the situation immediately. '
'And how are we to do that?' Dr. Morito Asai asked politely, even though the cold, glittering darkness remained in his eyes.
'First of all,' Wolfe said, his composure returning, 'discounting state and local police agencies, there are only a couple of federal law enforcement agencies likely to cause us any concern.'
'And those are?' Asai pressed.
'The FBI, of course,' Wolfe conceded with some reluctance, 'but we should not come to their attention unless we are careless. If we do our job properly, any FBI investigation will only confirm that our targets have been the cause of their own demise. Mostly because we-which is to say, your team, Dr. Asai-' Wolfe added with a grin, 'will have provided them with physical evidence that will be impossible to ignore.'
'Can you keep the FBI away from us if it becomes necessary?' Asai asked.
'No, we cannot.' Wolfe shook his head. 'But we can affect the direction of their inquiries. And if we take into account the inherent advantages of our position within the government, that should be more than sufficient.'
'You mentioned that there were other federal agencies we should be concerned about,' Asai reminded him, pressing the issue with polite firmness.
'Yes,' Wolfe nodded, 'but I don't want to overstate the nature of that concern, because I don't think it's that significant.'
'I don't understand.'
'Realistically,' Wolfe said, 'the only agencies likely to cause us any trouble would be the Park Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service. Because we are based in Yellowstone, of course, we must be constantly alert to the