enter a golden age. The peers were unanimous in their desire to make her our ruler and I pressured her to become our queen. She reluctantly accepted. Incidentally, it was she that saved the Cainth from destruction by the Humans and found a common ground where they could exist as allies instead of enemies. I tell you this today because I want you to understand that she will not tell a falsehood to you tomorrow and sometimes the truth hurts to hear. If you can’t bear to hear the truth, don’t listen to her. I also want to make sure that everyone knows that three fleets will be escorting her here. You’ve seen the Humans, but the Glod and the Cainth will protect their selected ruler.” Tgon-Gee looked out at the assembly and everyone in the room knew what he was leaving unsaid. Contrary to what he thought, it only made the assembly more excited about the next day’s event. They had already built her up in their imagination; this only made her larger than they already thought she was.

Sten looked out at the Assembly and could see the excitement. He knew nothing was going to get done so he said, “We will close this meeting today. We will meet again to chart the future course of our Alliance the rotation after tomorrow. This meeting is ended.”

The crowd at the arena was standing room only. It was designed for 300,000 but 420,000 had squeezed in. There was an additional 500,000 standing outside the stadium hoping to simply see the Human Queen so that one day they could tell their children about their good fortune. The event was scheduled at mid day but the crowd had started arriving four rotations early. No one knew what she looked like, only that her name was Danielle. Finally the crowd saw an earth warship come and hover over the stadium. It was brilliant white in the bright sunlight and its smooth lines declared deadly beauty. A large shuttle left the ships side and dropped toward the Center of the arena. Suddenly the ship stopped and flew to the outside of the stadium and landed in an area that the Alliance troops cleared for the landing. The door opened in the side of the shuttle and an honor guard of 140 Glod in full ceremonial dress including their swords marched out and formed two lines. Richard Wiseman marched 80 of the veterans from the battle at Rossville to form up outside the Glod. They had their full space armor on and their screens were active. After the Humans had formed on the Glod lines, 14 °Cainth Warriors marched out holding the 4 short swords in their hands and formed a point in front of the formation. Once they were in place Danielle walked out of the ship and stepped into the center of their formation. She wore a bright green one piece outfit that was form fitting. Her blond hair looked like it was pure light in the bright sun. She smiled at the crowds and waved to the people around her. The crowd went crazy. She was small for a Human. They wondered who the Human male was walking at her side as she turned toward the stadium. As she moved thru the mass of races that had gathered at the arena, everyone started pointing at her and it seemed everyone had a recorder to get a picture of her. She continued to smile and wave as she entered the arena and climbed to the platform where Sten waited for her. As she moved closer, Sten noticed how relaxed and at ease she was. Then he recognized the Human Male walking beside her; it was the Human that had been on his display during the battle with the Hargon fleet. The Human Queen arrived at the top of the platform and Sten said over the public communicator, “All the various races and worlds of the Alliance would like to welcome you and thank you for coming to address us. We all have a lot of questions and hope that you can help us understand some of the events that brought you to your current position. Members of the Alliance, I give you Queen Danielle.” The roar from the Arena could be heard more than twenty trigs away and continued for 10 dregs.

Danielle stood there and listened to the cheering and thought, “I’ve come a long way from that medical floater.” It seemed like a lifetime ago but here she was. She had not planned what she was going to say. She just didn’t know what needed to be said to these people. As the cheering continued she looked at Tag and saw his pride of her. She saw Terl and Tgon-Gee looking out at the crowd fearful for her safety. She could have told them they had nothing to fear. Tag would sense it long before they could and Tag was at peace. Then it came to her what she had to say.

“Thank you for your welcome,” she said into the communicator. She waited a moment as the crowd grew silent not wanting to miss her words. “I’m sorry about the delay but I was informed that the citizens standing outside the arena have been there hoping to see me and I didn’t want to disappoint them.” There was a huge roar from the crowd outside the arena and then they quieted down and watched the huge monitors to hear her words. Danielle looked out at the crowd and said, “I’m quite amazed at the number of you that have come to hear me. To be quite honest, I don’t fully understand why the Glod and Cainth wanted me but I’m proud to serve them. I want you to understand that they call me their ruler but in my mind, I am their servant. They have asked me to show them the path to a golden age of peace and prosperity. What they have failed to realize is that they already had all they needed to achieve that age within them. All they had to do was to fully understand that before anyone can find the best that is in them they must first find the best that is in others. Too often we look at other races suspiciously thinking that we have to watch out for ourselves. Nothing is further from the truth. If you look out for the others around you, they will look out for you. My race has a long history of wars that eventually killed 80 percent of all the Humans on my world. We learned from that experience the evil that we are capable of inflicting upon our fellow Humans. It took more than 900 years to recover from the last of those wars and we would still be at peace today but we came into contact with the Alliance. We have been nearly annihilated so many times now that I’ve no longer bothered counting. My brothers of the Cainth Empire were afraid of us even though they didn’t know us. The atmosphere of fear has been a common meal for most worlds in the Alliance and the usual first thought is kill or be killed. So we relearned how to defend ourselves and fortunately for us, we learned quickly; but we did not forget the lessons learned from the wars where we killed each other. Eventually we were face to face with the Cainth Empire with the opportunity to eliminate the source of so much death for Humans. At that moment it could have gone one of two ways, total destruction of the Cainth Empire, or,” Danielle paused at this point and looked over the crowd and everyone there thought she was looking at them individually. Then she continued, “we could try to understand why they feared us. My belief is that life is precious. Every one of us can make a big difference in making our universe a better place to live and raise our families. It cannot happen in a spirit of vengeance. The Cainth killed Human colonists on one of our worlds during their invasion. However, I believe that every one of those colonists would have gladly given their lives to bring peace between our races. I know I would. At the critical moment we simply asked the Cainth, “What do we do now?” And then we listened to them and tried to understand them in their terms. We found common ground and now I know both our races would die to protect the other. I look out at all of you and I see what you could become and how great you could be. I wish you could see the vision where all eight hundred and twenty races would give their lives to protect the others. The knowledge that others value you as much or more than you do yourself is a very liberating experience. The urge to attack each other, take advantage of each other, or exploit each other only makes you smaller than you are. The vision I see for you is something that I would be willing to die for to bring into existence. What greater purpose could there possibly be for anyone except to make the future safe and secure for their children. My people and I agree that all of you are precious and we will do all we can to prevent any harm to you and help you where we can without interfering with your lives. We chose our destiny together. I am here today to simply ask you, what is the destiny you are going to choose?” She then stepped back from the communicator and turned to walk out of the stadium.

The crowd was silent. Sten could feel the electricity in the air. All of the various races were looking at each other and thinking. Danielle had made it all the way to the ground level when she heard a young Vgrig child yell at the top of his voice, “Danielle, I choose one destiny for all of us.” Danielle reached up and extended her hand to the young Vgrig who took it in his talons and shook it. As she turned and continued her walk she could hear the crowd gathered around the young Vgrig start chanting, “One destiny, one destiny, one destiny, one destiny,” until the chant had been taken up by all on one side of the arena. Then the crowds outside the arena took up the chant followed by the remainder of the crowds in the arena. It became a roar and for all the various races that had watched the event over their communication devices on all the worlds of the Alliance, they too began chanting with the crowds at the arena. Across the Alliance billions come out of their homes and gathered to chant in the streets. They could finally see their future and now they could feel it. As the broadcast from the worlds of the Alliance was shown, they could see that they were not alone. They had other worlds and other races to be their brothers and sisters. The billions of the Alliance demanded “One Destiny” for them all.”

Sten sat on the speaker’s platform and watched his console that showed world after world where the chant was taken to the street and yelled. The crowd at the arena had begun shaking hands like Danielle demonstrated with the young Vgrig. Sten thought to himself, “You were right Dgzh. I have never talked with her. Now I have. I don’t think that I or anyone else in the Alliance will ever look at the universe the same way after this moment. I guess now I must answer the question that the Humans asked the Cainth, “Well, what do we do now?” Then he had an inspiration and began smiling. He watched the Human ship lift and move skyward and thought, “We’ll be seeing you again, soon.”

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