dependant on him to win all of our conflicts that he would ultimately become our ruler and stunt our development; he does not desire to do that.”

“What Tag is saying is true, Admiral. I will attempt to prevent Tag’s death if I can do it without revealing my existence but I will not take part in the decisions that your races make regarding what you choose to do. I am not going to be responsible for possibly making a bad decision leading to your destruction. I have not completely reconciled myself to the role I’m to play in this universe.”

Dorg leaned forward and said, “You still haven’t told me why.

“Because I’m going to need you to help me explain how I escaped Retribution’s destruction without revealing Atlas’ existence,” Tag answered.

“Oh, that should be easy,” Dorg said.

Tag raised his eyebrows and Dorg said, “Everyone in the Stars Realm knows you possess high psychic ability. Just tell them that you and Ron-Dar jumped into an escape pod that had a jump drive in it and you masked it with you mind.”

Dorg leaned back and chuckled until Ron-Dar said, “That’s exactly what happened.”

“Ok, I can use that, but how do we explain how I managed to escape the system so close to the star and surrounded by thousands of ships?”

“Simple, you used a null drive from inside the screen of a plant ship which caused the ship to explode wiping away the trace of your null drive. You contacted me and I came and rescued you.”

“Would that actually happen if a null drive was used inside the screen of a ship?”

“McAllister told me that he thought it would when he was developing it; we will just order him not to experiment to find out either way. We’ll just tell him you confirmed it.”

“That’s the story we will use,” Tag said, “However, I need the two of you to swear secrecy about Atlas’ existence. No one can know and I need your solemn oaths to never reveal what you know to anyone; and I do mean anyone.”

Dorg remembered Tgon-Gee saying that he had better be happy that he was on Tag’s side of the Alliance conflict; otherwise he would have been destroyed. This was not an issue he was going to have between them. “Prince Gardner, I swear on my Clan and my family that I will never reveal its existence.”

“I also swear to keep the secret,” Ron-Dar said.

“Ok, Admiral, if it’s not too much trouble, could you jump me to Ross so I can calm my family down. Would you also contact Planet Leader Sten and have him prepare me a new ship. I am also ordering Ron-Dar promoted to Admiral to replace Chen. I will also need a new ship commander which I will leave to you. Plan to meet with me in two days at Castle Gardner to discuss our next plan.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, it will be done as you say.” Dorg then turned and flew the shuttle back out to the jump limit and engaged the Star Drive. The ship disappeared and on board the Dublin, Bridget O’Donald noticed that the Admiral never went to the surface of the moon. That’s odd; she wrote a report and sent it to Misty Nicole’s attention describing what happened.

Dorg came out into normal space at the jump limit in Ross’s system. He started the flight to Ross and had moved an hour in system when his com beeped with Earth’s Director Misty Nicole on his screen. Dorg pushed his com and said, “Madam Director, what a pleasure to see you.”

Misty looked at him and said, “One of our ships has notified me that you came to our system to visit Callisto but then never went down to the surface. I was wondering if there was a problem that I could help you with.”

Dorg was stumped on what to say but then Tag stepped in front of his com and said, “Good day, Director. I interrupted his trip to come and pick me up. It seems my ship was shot out from under me during the battle at the harvesting planet and my ship’s commander and I were barely able to escape in a pod. I had Admiral Dorg’s com frequency on the pods control board and he came to pick us up.”

Misty looked shocked at Tag and said, “What were the results of the battle? Are you ok?”

“Yes, Director, I’m fine but we lost more than 18,000 ships and Admiral Chen was killed when his ship was hit. According to Admiral Dorg, we destroyed more than two million Plant ships so we have to look at this as a victory, but they can afford to lose massive numbers and we can’t. The next battle will probably determine the final outcome of our war; I expect the Algeans to use the bulk of their fleets to attack the Dremels’ planet.”

“Please keep me updated on what you plan.”

“Director, I expect you and your staff to attend the next planning session.”

“I look forward to seeing you again Prince Gardner.” Tag could see her smiling as she broke the connection.

Dorg looked at Tag and said, “Thanks for stepping in on that conversation; I was at a loss on how to explain what happened.”

“Glad to do it Admiral.”

Dorg stood up and looked out the viewport and said, “I’m somewhat angry at the Ship’s Captain that jumped me when I jumped into the Human’s system. She also passed information along that she would have only had by keeping an eye on my actions. She must stay alert all the time. She also jumped in on me within three seconds of my breaking into normal space and that tells me that her crew must be well trained to respond so quickly.”

Tag looked at him and said, “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting.”

Dorg grinned and said, “Yes I am, if it meets with your approval.”

Tag shrugged and laughed, “You’re going to scare the living groad out of her, aren’t you?”

“Absolutely,” then Dorg keyed his com and said, “Earth Command Center, please respond.”

“Go ahead Admiral.”

“Please detach the Dublin from your system defense and have it report to Castle Gardner in forty eight hours.”

“How long will they be detached, Sir?”

“Indefinitely, have them report to me upon their arrival.”

“Yes Sir, I will notify the Dublin and Command immediately.”

Dorg looked at Tag and Ron-Dar and said, “Who says I don’t have a sense of humor?”

A voice came over the speaker that said, “You are making progress, Admiral.”

All three of them laughed out loud and continued their flight to Ross.

Tag walked into Castle Gardner from the roof to find Danielle and Rose waiting for him. They both ran up and wrapped their arms around him and held on tightly. “I was so worried, Tag,” Danielle said as tears started down her cheeks.

“Danielle, you know I’m protected.”

Rose chimed in with, “Yes you are, but what if the Plants found you floating in space and began nudging you toward the sun. If you were forced into that furnace, I believe we don’t have a ship that could rescue you.”

Tag thought, “Atlas, is there any truth in what she’s saying?”

“I’m afraid she’s right, Tag; oh excuse me, Your Majesty. I would not be able to go to the core of a star.”

“Forget the Your Majesty, we’re among friends here. Then if they had tried that, I would have determined just how effective your hand weapon is.” “If you used it they would pinpoint your location and then use their primary beams to push you toward the sun. Rose is right, we could have lost you.”

“But you didn’t; so let’s be thankful and try not to let it happen again.”

Danielle held on to Tag and continued to cry. Rose kissed her father’s cheek and left the room. “Danielle, I’m here and I’m ok. You know there are risks in what we are doing and you have to come to terms with them.”

She looked up into his eyes and then turned and took his hand and pulled them toward their private quarters. “I’ll show you some terms,” and then she closed the door behind them.

Rose commed Leila and said, “I believe Mom will be busy for a while. Will you hold her calls?”

“Already doing it, kiddo.”

Rose smiled and then she went to the map room to take a look at the Algeans.

Bridget O’Donald was sitting on her bridge preparing for departure to Ross. She sat there knowing that she was in big trouble and was hoping she kept her command. “I thought I was doing the right thing but now it looks like I messed up keeping an eye on my Commanding Officer. Oh, this is not going to be good,” she thought.

“Sir, the ship is ready for departure.”

She looked out of her viewport at Earth and then said, “Jump in five seconds.” She sat and waited nervously

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