Suddenly Matt understood. “You traced the children that came from those beginnings and have been measuring the psychic power of each generation. You have also prevented as much as possible any of the two branches marrying and having children.”

“Right again. It wasn’t always easy especially as the numbers grew. We sometimes had to use the realm’s help in transferring families to prevent members from coming into contact with members from the other branch. Sometimes we failed but it appeared that when members from the two branches actually managed to get together and ultimately married, their children actually lost most of their psychic power. We theorized that until the seed of psychic power was fully developed, it would fail if those two branches came together.”

Angel said, “It really wasn’t that hard to keep them apart was it?”

“Yes, it was extremely difficult; that’s why the seed developed from generation to generation. If you put five thousand people in a room with two latent psychics among them, the psychics would find each other faster than you could imagine. Their latent power actually pushed them to find a good match. They wouldn’t know it was happening but they would find the most comfort in the presence of another latent psychic.”

Matt said, “You’ve already tried to produce the super psychic, haven’t you?”

“Yes we have.”


“The child of the parents from each bloodline was born with remarkable abilities; but not abilities superior the original Gardners possessed.”

Matt looked down at the ground and Sprig said, “You know him.”

“Who,” Angel asked?

“Anglo Gardner,” Matt answered.

Sprig’s leaves turned bright green again showing his amazement at Matt’s insight. “Anglo Gardner is quite talented and is a tremendous addition to the Royal Family.”

“But he is not a child of the King and Queen,” Angel observed.

“It’s not who your parents are that make you a member of the Royal Family; it’s who you are.”

“So I am like Anglo. My parents also came from the two branches.”

“Yes and no.”

Matt looked up, “What do you mean?”

“Yes your parents came from the two branches but no you are not like Anglo. We worked hard to prevent your parents from coming together and failed miserably.”

“So you’re saying I’m an accident; something that wasn’t supposed to happen.”

“Just like black holes finding their way into a Coronado Power Cell, wonderful things happened as a result of the event.”

Matt just shook his head not knowing what to think. Sprig placed a branch on his shoulder and thought softly, “Your parents met at a space port on Cross. They were going to different locations to take new jobs. While waiting for someone to join them before they teleported out, they left where they were waiting and went to the port’s lounge and found each other. They only talked for a half hour before their protectors found them but that was enough. By the time the two protectors discovered where they were, it was too late even though the protectors grabbed them and whisked them away.”

“What are protectors,” Angel asked?

“The most powerful children of the two branches were assigned a team of psychics to insure their safety. It was the team’s responsibility to make sure they did not come into contact with anyone from the other branch but to also make sure they were not harmed in an accident or any other unplanned event. Latent psychics would not sense danger coming. The two teams dropped the ball.”

Matt asked, “What happened?”

Your parents gave each other their com codes. They continued to communicate and finally they decided to meet again. Your father was arrested before he could teleport to your mother’s location but while he was waiting for an official to come take him to a holding facility, a janitor entered the room he was in from a back entrance and he escaped and then used the teleport system to go and meet your mother. They then teleported to another location and the teams lost contact with them; they were lost.”

Matt was wishing he had known his parents; he knew their love must have been instant and strong. Then Sprig said something that jerked him back, “Matt, your father was a direct male descendent of Thomas Gardner. Every generation produced a male child that carried the psychic power forward. Your mother was a direct female descendent from Cassandra Dodd’s sister. Your parents possessed the most powerful psychic readings our scanner had ever measured. Both of them literally pegged the meter at its highest setting.”

Angel and Matt just stared at Sprig speechless.

“We have been able to piece together how your parent died.” Matt felt an instant sorrow consume his soul. He let Sprig tell what happened but he could see it in his mind. He was only a baby but suddenly he remembered. They were so happy and in love. As sprig told Angel he relived what happened. His parents were returning to Cross to celebrate their first meeting with their new child. Their happiness was incredible, he could feel it. They took a ship instead of teleporting in because they didn’t want to be identified. There was still that arrest that had never been resolved and his father was taking no chances. Just before the unscheduled ship came out of jump and rammed their ship, Matt remembered crying. He sensed danger even as a baby but just couldn’t communicate it to his parents. Everyone on both ships died in the crash, except for Matt. He had pushed the flames and blast away as it came toward him. Somehow the atmosphere didn’t escape and he continued to breathe until the rescuers teleported in and found him crying in the rubble. When they traced his parent’s identities, they found names that were false. The child was taken to a state institution and was given the name he had on the ships registry that was also assumed to be false; it wasn’t. He missed them and he could feel their love for him. It was Sprig’s discussion that allowed him to remember. He came back to the present and heard Sprig say, “We don’t know why they had assumed fake identities but..”

“It was because you tried to arrest my father to prevent them meeting,” Matt interjected. “They took a ship instead of teleporting and used those names out of fear for that unresolved arrest.”

Sprig was silent. Then he said, “We caused their death because of our actions. I cannot express my sorrow for you because of our incompetence.”

Matt sighed heavily as Angel took his hand, “If you had been successful and kept them apart then they would have missed the happiest time of their lives. They loved to a level that amazes me, Sprig. Even if they knew it was going to end the way it did they would have still made the same choices.”

The three sat silent and then Angel asked, “What did you mean he is not like Anglo?”

They saw blooms appear on Sprig’s branches which indicated the happiest an Algean can be, “Because our scanner actually broke when we scanned Matt’s psychic power level after you released him. It was too high for the machine to handle.”

Matt and Angel sat there stunned. “What does that mean, Sprig?”

“It suggests that you are the one predicted by Cassandra, and if you are, we may have a chance of survival against the coming horde.”

“I don’t feel very powerful. Are you sure?”

“I remember Cassandra Dodd. I liked her and respected her more than any other human except for a young man named Wes McAnn. Once she was released, just as you were released by Angel, her power grew each time she found herself in a stressful situation. She did not posses her abilities immediately; they evolved with her. You have opened a hundred and seventy advanced systems on your ship. No other Searcher has ever opened more than seventy. Only two remain and once you open those you will be moved to a new vessel that we are currently constructing.”

“What kind of vessel, Sprig?”

“One that operates only on psychic energy; it will become the most powerful instrument to ever exist. We don’t know if you will evolve enough in time to use it in the coming war but we are hoping you do. You are our last hope; there are no other descendents that have anywhere near the psychic reading you possess.” Sprig paused and thought, “Even when we tried to prevent you, the universe trumped all our efforts and brought you into existence. Like Queen Danielle said, “Love will find a way.”“

“Sprig, the stress of remembering the death of my parents has opened a skill.”

Sprig stared at Matt, “The Eight Legs will be here in three years and eight days.”

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