Matt flinched and looked more closely at her, “Searcher, do you command an Alpha?”
“Yes, I do.”
“And you were part of the plan to attack the Eight Leg Mother ship?”
“I’ve already attacked it ten times, Your Grace, for all the good it’s done.”
Matt looked at Melanie for a long moment and then said, “I apologize for questioning your loyalty and commitment to the Stars Realm. I understand your anger and would feel the same if mine was questioned by someone in higher authority. I don’t think I would have said quite what you did because I do like serving in the Navy, however, Al is right; I found myself about to take some of my frustrations out on you and that would not be appropriate. Having said that, Searcher, the next time you show up out of uniform I will drum you right out of that Alpha and have you clean latrines on some of our defender class ships. Is that clear?”
Melanie bowed and said, Yes, Your Grace, but may I humbly request one thing.”
“What is that?”
“I will wear the uniform and follow the protocols set forth for a searcher’s appearance; I only ask that I be allowed to wear my hat.”
Matt looked at the floppy hat with the Ross symbol on it and asked, “What’s so special about that hat?”
“My family’s Grand Father that was killed on Ross by the Cainth was wearing it when he died. We have passed it down from generation to generation and now it is my turn to carry it into the future.”
Matt looked at the young woman in front of him and suddenly knew the strength of her commitment. He felt shame at having questioned it, “Searcher, by Royal Decree, you may wear that hat whenever you choose. Al, send that order to Fleet Command and get a copy printed that Searcher Grace may keep with her in the event that someone is stupid enough to question her right to wear it.”
“Done and done. Can you see now young lady that you should listen to me in the future?”
Melanie looked at Matt and asked, “Is he really your computer? And is he always like this?”
“What do you mean like this? You better be glad I saved you from the wrath of the Prince. It was my intervention that saved you.”
Melanie looked at Matt with wonder on her face. “Yes, Searcher, he is always like this but he is right. I caught him communicating with you and he showed me how I was going to take some of my frustrations out on you. So you do owe him.”
“Thank you, Your Grace. It’s about time I was appreciated for my good deeds.”
The four other visitors listened to the two go back and forth and started to relax. Melanie even thought she might get out alive. Melanie then said, “May I ask a question?”
Matt looked at her and said, “Go ahead.”
“How is it possible for a computer to be telepathic?”
Matt looked at her and said, “You are actually more curious about that than saving your hide.”
Melanie thought a minute and said, “I think I am. He doesn’t sound mechanical at all.”
“You got that right, Lady,” Al quipped.
“Now you back off, Al,” Matt thought. Matt looked at Sprig and said, “I cannot work with anyone at this point in my life and I certainly cannot open my mind to anyone else. I am just not up to the task. Give me one good reason why I should agree to work closely with her.”
“She is the occupant of the second chair.”
Matt froze. Even Al was speechless. Melanie tilted her head and said, “I’m what?”
Anglo moved forward and looked Matt in the eye, “I know it’s too soon since Angel died but you must start working with her and open your mind to her.”
Matt hung his head and said, “I can’t.”
Twig said, “You must.”
Matt looked at them and said firmly, “I can’t.”
Melanie had heard about the death of Angel Dodd and she knew that the Prince was her lover. She could see his anguish and pain. “He should not be forced to accept this,” she said.
Matt looked up at her.
Sprig thought, “Searcher Grace, he must agree.”
“Then I will not agree. I cannot be forced into this.”
Durk said, “You will if you intend to remain in the Realm’s Navy.”
Matt looked at Durk and said, “I believe that I am the one who will make that decision, General.”
Durk bowed and said, “Yes, Your Grace.”
Twig thought to Matt, “You must find a way to do it.”
“Why is it so important to do it now?”
Melanie asked, “Do what? What are you talking about?”
Anglo Gardner looked at Melanie and said, “All will be explained at the right time. Hold your questions for now.”
Melanie looked at the Baron and said, “Yes, Your Grace.”
Twig thought, “We have traced the links in the ship and have determined that the two chairs are linked with huge connections. We believe that to wait until you take your places in them to form a mental link could be disastrous for both of you.”
Matt was shaking his head, “I’m sorry, I just can’t do it.”
Melanie looked at Matt and said, “It would be a betrayal, wouldn’t it?”
Matt looked up sharply at her, stared for a long moment, and then said, “Yes.”
“May I suggest something, Your Grace?”
“What if roles were reversed? What if you died and left Angel behind. Will you consider just writing her a letter saying what you would want her to know if that had happened; I think it might help you.”
“Why is that?”
Melanie cocked her head to the right and said, “Because you have forgotten how much she loved you and it would help you remember.”
Matt hung his head and stood there saying nothing. “Alright, everyone, the Prince needs some time. We will contact you soon and let you know what his decision will be,” Al announced.
Melanie looked over at the control panel and then turned to Durk and said, “I for one wish to respect his privacy. Will you please take me back to my ship?”
Anglo looked at her and said, “He will take you back to your ship, however, you will not participate in any attacks from this moment on without my direct consent.” Melanie tried hard not to show her disappointment at missing the next attack.
Sprig looked at Twig and thought, “General, if you don’t mind, I would like to take the Searcher to another ship first. I will then take her to her ship.”
“As you wish, Elder,” General Durk responded and he then disappeared from the bridge.
Sprig and Twig moved to each side of Melanie and they disappeared. Anglo walked to Matt and placed his hand on Matt’s shoulder, “Write the letter, Cousin. Angel see’s your suffering.” Anglo stepped back and pushed his wrist unit and disappeared.
Matt was left alone on the bridge and could not get his lost love’s face out of his mind. “Magic, write the letter,” Al said.
Matt moved to his chair and sat down and thought about all that had happened. He remained still for more than four hours and Al remained silent while he meditated.
Matt activated his display on the chair arm and cleared the screen. He thought;
“Dear Angel,
I am so sorry I’ve left you alone. I know how much you hurt and I am hurt even more for causing you to suffer so much. I have loved you for so long and now I’m not going to be there to hold you and care for you at the times you most need me. Seeing you in such pain hurts my soul so deeply. I didn’t plan for this to happen and if I knew it was coming I would have told you every day how much you meant to me and would have shown you the depth of my love in every remaining moment.”
Matt felt his tears falling but the next lines seemed to write themselves: