through. There is a possibility that once a ship coming through the door is stopped inside the door then the door will collapse and will not be useable again. They will never be able to come here again but you will also be unable to go after them in your quest to destroy them all.”
“My prime responsibility is to protect the life of this universe. I will take that and worry about my quest afterwards,” Matt replied.
“Well, I understand. If you had a powerful enough generator you wouldn’t need the door but we have never found such a device in all of our harvests.”
“How powerful would it have to be?”
“It would have to have enough power to generate a beam strong enough to vaporize a planet the size of my ship.”
Matt looked at Sprig and Destiny saw Matt’s expression, “You already have it, don’t you?”
Matt smiled and said, “You are very observant and wise, my friend.”
“I am glad to be your friend, Matt. I will show you how to build what you need to travel from universe to universe if you do possess such a device.”
Sprig manipulated his device and a shiny object appeared at his feet. He took it and handed it to the spider. “Take this and place it on the floor of your command center in your ship. Stand on it and we will be able to teleport you directly from inside your ship. It won’t work if you wear the green armor but we will teleport you only where there is an atmosphere for your arrival.” He then handed a small device to Destiny and said, “This device will return you to that spot whenever you press the center button. I will teach you how to use it to come to us if you so desire.”
Destiny looked at the small bracelet and placed it on one of his front legs. “Thank you. I have a device that I will begin wearing that will totally destroy me in the event there is a possibility of being captured. I will not allow this technology to fall into the hands of those coming to destroy life.”
Matt looked at the strange being in front of him and said, “You have earned my trust today. My people and I will give our lives willingly to protect you and your family from all harm. I want you to leave your larger ships outside your main ship. We will begin installing the screen to protect them from being seen as soon as you return to your vessel. We will start with your transports first.”
“You might want to consider mounting some of those devices you will use to destroy the main ships. We can help you against the million ships you must allow into your universe.”
Sprig looked at the Spider and asked, “Why are you willing to do this?”
“I can now see my species for what we have been made to become. I look at this planet and feel sorrow for the waste of life here. I look at what we have been compelled to do and I feel extreme shame. My species must be stopped. I can see that now and I must bear some responsibility for what we have done. We are insane and unfortunately, it can’t be cured. My children and I will begin again and try to make up for all the horror we have caused.”
Matt shook his head, “I am sorry for what you have to endure, Destiny. I wish there was another way to save your species but I am thankful for the unique circumstances that brought you to us in our time of need.”
“It is I that am thankful.”
Sprig felt a kindred spirit and he also vowed that he would not allow him to be harmed.
The Supreme Male looked at his communication board and saw the Nest Mother. “Yes, Nest Mother.”
“How long before you leave?”
“Twenty dgzs.”
“I want two ships sent now to see if that main ship was destroyed or is still alive. If it’s alive I want it consumed.”
“Yes, Nest Mother, it will be done.”
“I don’t want them harvesting. Their sole mission is to find that ship. After they consume it, bring them back here for me to eat.”
“It will be as you order.” The communication board went dark. “I wonder what is so important about that ship.” He looked at his Sensor Male and said, “Follow her orders implicitly. Make sure the two ships know their orders.”
The Sensor Male turned to his board and pressed his keys.
Fleet Command heard the klaxon going off and a Searcher ran and looked at the feed coming in, “We have two mother ships entering at the entry point. Get the word out.”
Eyes was watching his board and suddenly started punching his keys, “Destiny, we have two main ships at the entry point.”
“Is our screen up?”
“Yes it is but I have two unscreened ships on the planet.”
There was no way to get the ships off before they would be seen. Destiny hit the bracelet and saw Matt appear on its display, “There are two main ships at the entry point. They will see two of my ships on the ground below. Is there any way you can teleport the crews out and leave the ships empty.”
Matt looked at his com and said, “Sprig, do we have time?”
“Destiny, order your crews outside and have them gather behind one of the transports. Make it fast.”
Eyes began issuing the orders immediately. On the planet the crews began exiting the ships as fast as they could run. “What is your plan?”
“They will see those transports. If we lifted them off the planet they would know that someone is still alive on them even if they were hidden. By leaving them there and moving the crews elsewhere, they will find two abandoned ships and think that everyone was killed. At least that is what I hope. Move the ship away from the planet. I want to watch them come in.” The huge red glowing ship moved out toward the next planet in the system and settled in its shadow.
The Senior Ship’s Male looked at his Sensor Male and asked, “What do you see?”
“I see two ships in a galaxy halfway across this universe but they are too small to be the main ship. They are not moving and appear to be on a planet.
Should we go there now?”
The Ship’s Male thought a moment and then said, “Not before you have scanned this universe for the main ship’s location; that is our main responsibility. Notify the other ship and get their assistance performing the scan.”
Sprig appeared on the planet behind one of the transports and watched as the millions of crew members exited their ship. “Twig, have you found a suitable location?”
“I just have, dearest. You have the coordinates. There is plenty of life to sustain the crew until they can be picked up.”
“I am sending the first group now.” Sprig pointed his device at the huge group of spiders and pressed the key; they all disappeared instantly.
“Destiny, how much longer before they are all outside,” Matt asked.
Destiny looked at Eyes and he said, “Tell him five of his minutes. The two main ships are conducting scans right now. It looks like they are searching for our ship.”
Melanie broke in the conversation and said, “You have five minutes, Sprig. I would suggest that if you can place a screen over the site behind the ships then you should have time.”
Sprig felt stupid, he punched a key on his device and a red screen covered the ground from the transports to where the crews were gathering. “Let me know if they jump to this system.”
“You’ll be the first to know.”
Sprig keyed his com, “Matt, what do you want to do with those main ships?”
Matt thought a moment and then thought, “Melanie, do you have two megaships armed and ready for action?”
“Stand by, Matt.” Melanie looked at Leo and said, “We have two main ships that just entered our universe. Do you have two ships armed to handle their class?”
Leo hit his com, “Sen-Gen, is you ship armed for invader mother ships?”
“We loaded the new penetrators four days ago, Sir.”
Leo looked at Melanie, “My ship and the Rossville are loaded with the right weapon mix.”
“Matt, we have two ships armed and ready.”