“Three are close to atmosphere. The others are between two and six hours out from the planets.”
“Then those three cannot be saved, however, if we act quickly, we can possibly save the others.”
“Why would we try to save the others, Destiny?”
“Matt, the Supreme Male and all the Ship’s Males have been killed. The compulsions placed in the crews of those small ships will fade if they are given enough time.”
Matt looked at Cassandra and they saw it at the same time. Sprig looked at his device and said, “I need the coordinates of those planets that are being invaded immediately.”
“Sprig, I just downloaded them to your com.”
“Thank you, Al. I’ll get them screened as quickly as possible.”
“What do you think we can do, Destiny,” Cassandra asked?”
“Only the Kosiev can save them, Cassandra. All of the Searchers weapons have the iron balls included. We can’t take them out in the time remaining. If we hit them without the balls, then the crews will just float around inside. Can the Kosiev launch without the iron ball box in the mix?”
Cassandra thought for a moment, “I don’t know. It will be like trying to make a fighter only throw soft punches instead of knock out blows. I can only try, Destiny.”
“You are the only hope they have, Cassandra. In the meantime, I need you to call off the attacks planned by the Searchers on those fleets of incoming small ships, Matt.”
Matt thought, “Melanie, where are you?”
“I’m with Admiral Kosiev at the entry point.”
“I need you here right now.”
Melanie closed her eyes and saw Matt on destiny’s bridge. “Fly Girl, he’s on Destiny’s bridge.”
“On your way.”
Admiral Kosiev was talking with Melanie about the success of the action when she suddenly disappeared. “I wonder what caused that,” Leo thought.”
Melanie appeared on the bridge and Matt moved forward and took her in his arms and felt the psychic field build instantly, then he thought, “Attention all Searchers; this is a Red Star Order. You will not fire on the incoming invader small ships unless you are give a direct order from me. I am super ceding Fleet Command and you will take your orders directly from me.”
Life had a transport lined up to hit when Matt’s thoughts came through. He turned his ship away from the transport and barely stopped from pressing his firing button, “I wonder what’s happening?” Searchers in the two hundred systems being invaded backed off their firing solutions. Some had already fired and killed some ships but refrained from hitting any more.
“Sprig, how many are shielded?”
“We’ve teleported devices to the ones that have the closest invading fleets. We should be able to reach the others in time. Three planets have invaders almost on the ground, Matt.”
“Sprig, I need to know if you are unable to screen a system in time. I will need that system’s coordinates sent to me with enough time to get all of our searchers there.”
“I understand; my adolescents are moving as fast as they can.”
Matt looked at Destiny, “We will stop a lot of them. What are we going to do with them after we stop them?”
“Why teach them how to fish.”
Matt and Melanie looked at Destiny and started laughing out loud. Destiny smiled and said, “I know a planet that has a great seafood buffet.” Even Eyes had to laugh at that.
Matt was still holding Melanie and he saw her look into his eyes with a curious expression. He released her and turned away to talk with Destiny. His heart was beating fast and he didn’t want to think about what was causing it.
Melanie looked at Matt and felt his heart. She thought about Angel and shook her head, “He’s been thru so much. I wish I could help him.
Brez teleported into the government center of the planet he was assigned and turned off his invisibility mode. Two armored soldiers opened fire on him and had no affect on his armor. Brez walked forward and took their blast rifles and bent the barrels. “I don’t have time for this nonsense. I need to speak with your leaders immediately.” The two soldiers looked at the small armored warrior in front of them with three huge armored warriors behind him. “If you want to live you better get moving. That invading fleet will be here in moments.”
An officer walked forward and said, “Come with me.”
Brez followed him into the building and took an elevator up to the top floor and entered a room with thirty beings standing and watching display panels. The officer shouted, “This being has requested to speak with you. My weapons are ineffective against his armor but he says he’s here to talk about the fleet moving toward our planet.”
A tall being with black fur covering his head approached and said, “I am the leader of my world; what is it that you want? Are you a member of the fleet approaching?”
“No, I am not. I am a representative of a government that has more than twelve million planets associated with it. We are currently fighting the creatures that are coming to invade your planet and I have brought my warriors to try and defend your population from being eaten by them. Your weapons will not harm them and they have killed millions of worlds just like yours. I need you to get your population off the streets and into buildings. That includes your armed forces. They can defend themselves if faced with these invaders but they will get in our way if they are out in the open. We will not fire around them once the fighting starts.”
“Who are these creatures?”
“They are universe killers. They consume all intelligent life.”
“We know about them; are they green in color?”
Brez was surprised, “Yes they are. How do you know them?”
“We found ancient drawings in a cave that showed them killing every being. We dated those drawings to more than six million cycles ago.”
“It was more like eight million cycles ago but they come to harvest this universe and they have been here four times.”
The leader looked around the room and then said, “Issue the orders as this being has requested. He is not green in color and we don’t have time to argue this out among us.”
Brez looked at the leader and said, “My team will be responsible for the defense of this building. Do not go outside once the invaders land.”
“We will comply with your instructions.” The leader along with everyone else in the room flinched as Brez disappeared.”
Brez ported to the front of the building and said, “Are the teams in place?”
“Yes General, our fire teams are teleporting to the sites the transports are landing and setting up their penetrator arms.”
“The invaders will be targeting the largest cities. I see there are forty of them. Get the right mix of weapons sent to each.”
“Already on it, Sir.”
“Then get ready, we won’t have to wait long.”
“Sir, Fleet Command just notified me that another division is available. It appears that some of the planets will not be invaded as we thought.”
“Get their commanding officer on my com.”
A Spjek appeared on his display, “General, I understand that you are available.”
“Yes, we are, Sir.”
I’m giving you twenty of the cities to defend. We only have forty five minutes until they hit ground. I am also downloading the weapon mix I’ve planned for each. Please get your warriors moving and get in place as quickly as you can.”
“I’ve already sent four regiments to half of those cities. The others will arrive in less than five minutes.”
“I’ve also given you the transport landing sites. Get your penetrator teams set up first.”