Outside the map room Twig’s psychic reader exploded into small parts. Danielle jumped for joy and hugged Melanie and the baby. They ran in the map room and began hugging the couple who refused to let go of each other’s hand. Anglo jumped and slid across the table and embraced Jenny. She held him tightly and thought, “So this is how love feels.”
She heard in her mind, “It only gets better every day, my love.”
She closed her eyes and held on to her new-found love. She was in his mind and she could see what a wonderful man she had chosen and that his love for her was genuine and true. Anglo looked at Jenny then said to Danielle, “We want to be married as soon as possible.” Jenny smiled and nodded.
“It would be stupid to ask if you’re certain; I’ll start the arrangements.”
Sprig entered the room and everyone bowed, “Please relax, we’re among family here. I just felt a huge psychic wave.” He walked over and used his device to scan Anglo and Jenny, “Matt, his reading is identical to yours. It looks like our processes were successful and he just needed his initiator to be released.”
Sprig looked at Anglo and said, “Please kneel.” Anglo kneeled.
Sprig said, “Baron Anglo Gardner, you are now give the title of Duke and you and Jennifer will be included in the succession hierarchy for the Crown.”
Jenny looked at Anglo and tilted her head and Anglo said, “It means that you are going to be married to one of the two strongest psychics in the Royal Family and after we marry you will be a Duchess. It looks like your touch released my abilities.”
Jenny smiled at him and said, “I hope to release a lot more.”
Anglo laughed out loud and lifted her and hugged her tightly.
Danielle remembered when she touched Tag so many centuries ago and knew the joy this young couple was going to have.
Chapter 10
The red being jumped from his seat and adjusted his display. “Are you busy?”
“We’re all busy.”
“I have been monitoring some kind of recording device that was in the last tool’s universe. It just exploded.”
“Do you think it was programmed to self destruct?”
“I examined the device closely and there was a destruct circuit in it but it was not active. For it to explode, something had to activate it.”
“What did the device record?”
“The second tool’s arrival and destruction.”
“Show me what you recorded.”
It touched a key and waited.
“There is no evidence of anything triggering the destruct circuit but the explosion is a result of that circuit.”
“It had to be activated.”
“Yes it did but we detected nothing.”
“Is there any kind of force that we can’t detect?”
“Only the original creative force.”
“Now I’m starting to be afraid.”
“The Elders should know about this.”
“Are you telling them?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Me either.”
“I fear their wrath more than a possible brush with the Creative Force. They are quite impulsive when they get angry.”
“I do not choose to be the bearer of bad news the way they are acting.”
“Once more you show your wisdom.”
“By the way, what color is the creative force?”
“Bright blue; why do you ask?”
“No reason. I just wanted to know in the event I encounter it in my searches.” The first Demon left and the second remembered the bright blue ship that had destroyed the old tool’s ship. He also remembered that his ship was knocked off line after being hit by the edge of the beam that destroyed the giant green vessel. He was more frightened than he could show.
Life and Grena jumped into the Gurlocke system and found a fleet of ten thousand war ships advancing toward the fourth planet. “What’s going on here, Life?”
“These two civilizations were friends before they entered the Realm. It appears the Gurlockes have raised the price of a mineral that the Klunds need for their food purifiers five times. A type of mold that came from a meteorite makes most of the food grown on Klund poisonous unless it is processed with a beam fired through the mineral grown on Gurlocke. The higher price has led to a fall in the Klund’s economy and recession has hit them hard.”
“Why are they attacking?”
“Because they want to survive; let’s see if we can prevent this attack.” Life and Grena appeared in front of the advancing fleet and Life thought, “This is as far as you go in system. You will turn your ships around and go home.”
“You are going to have to destroy us. We are starting to have our people die because of the scarcity of Amexra and it’s going to quickly get much worse.”
“Stay where you are. I am going to talk with the Leader of Gurlocke.”
The invading fleet knew they were no match for the Star Realm’s Searchers but they were desperate. “You have two hours. We are willing to die here to save our people, which will be better than the death caused by the mold.”
Grena hit her com, “Twig, have you a moment for me.”
“What is it Grena?”
“Life and I are in the Gurlocke system attempting to stop an invading Klund Fleet from attacking.”
Twig thought a moment and then said, “It’s over Amexra isn’t it?”
“Yes it is.”
“It’s our fault, Grena; the Klunds have appealed for help six months ago but there were too many other issues to remedy. What are they saying?”
The Klund Admiral says his people are dying from a lack of the mineral. The increased price has also devastated their economy.”
“We just can’t keep up with the thousands of issues that pour in every hour. How are you planning to resolve this problem?”
“Life is going to talk with the Gurlocke Ruler, Vazid.”
“Tell him he has complete authority to handle this issue for the Realm.”
“I will, Your Majesty.”
Life was speaking with the Ruler of Gurlocke and not making any progress.
“I don’t care if their life depends on our mineral or not. We are entitled to make a profit. We plan to raise the price again next cycle.”
“That goes against all the principles the Realm was founded on and it has caused loss of life on Klund.”
“That’s their problem. We must take care of our own people.”
“Your standard of living is one of the highest in your sector. You make great profits without raising the price.”
“Even so, we can do better.”
Grena listened to the conversation and broke in, “Life, the Crown has given you complete authority to handle