possible vision but a real view of the future, then his family was going to be present when the events happened. If that event was far in the future, then every day was going to be spent being frightened and worried about the fate of the Realm.
Cassandra said, “I am not going to spend centuries waiting for this to happen. The thousand years I waited for Matt to come was almost more than I could bear. This feels like it is going to be longer than a thousand years.”
Tommy shook his head and said, “I feel the same way.”
Tag took a deep breath and said, “You have no choice.”
Everyone turned to him and Danielle said, “Why do you say that?”
“Because we are there! Do you think this is a choice we can make? This is a destiny that cannot be avoided. You know the power of these visions, and we are swept up in what is going to happen.”
The Gardners looked at each other and they saw that Tag was right. Cassandra said, “This isn’t fair. We’ve done our duty. Why must we suffer so long?”
Tag looked at Rose and said, “I didn’t see you in the vision. Do you know what that means?”
Rose gave a small frown and said, “Yes.”
Danielle said, “Rose, you can’t do that!”
Rose shook her head and said, “Mom, I’m aging. As soon as the war with the Demons ended, it began. My life expectancy was just long enough to take part in the battle. Chris and I agree that we want to live a full life and grow old together. I’m pretty certain there is a reason why I’m not there, and you are going to see that it’s important I live a normal life.”
Tag walked to Rose and took her in his arms, “I love you so much, Rose. I don’t want a life without you in it.”
Rose began crying, “I’m not going anywhere this time, Dad. Just make each moment that we have together count.”
Matt looked at Melanie and said, “I know what we’re going to do.”
Everyone looked at him and he thought so everyone could hear, “Alexander, have you been listening in on this?”
“Yes, I have, Matt. Fly Girl and Al are also here.”
Matt smiled, “Still nosey, aren’t you?”
Al laughed, “Nothing ever changes. What are you thinking, Matt?”
“Alex, if we enter your outer skin, how much time would pass for us while we are in there?”
The Alexander Kosiev pondered the question for a moment, “Basically, none.”
Tag thought about what Matt was saying, then he understood, “So, if all of us enter your skin, no time will pass for us no matter how long we are in there.”
“Tag, time does not exist in my outer layer.”
Danielle looked around and said, “Everyone sit down and let’s think about this.”
AG walked into the Gardner’s room and said, “I think I should be here.”
Melanie looked at her daughter and said, “You’ve been listening in again?”
“Of course, Mother. I’ve seen their visions and I know why I’m in it.”
That statement stunned everyone. Matt said, “Tell us why.”
“No, I’m won’t. It has no bearing on what you’re planning, and I’m not certain about what I sense. I’ll tell you when we emerge from the Kosiev.”
Danielle said, “So you’ve seen us?”
“Yes, I have, and you are going to enter the Kosievs’ skin in eleven years.”
Cassandra shook her head, “Why eleven years?”
“You saw what I look like in your visions. I’m nineteen in those visions and that’s eleven years from now. Besides, there is some work to do before we all disappear from the Realm. We must make sure the leadership is working and that the Realm is at peace.”
Melanie shook her head and Danielle said, “I felt the same way about Rose when she was eight. She was old for her age. Just like AG.”
“We’re going with you.”
Matt said, “How can you and Fly Girl leave? Are you taking Junior with you?”
“No, he has an education ahead of him and the Algeans and Atlas are going to have him for quite a long time. It won’t be much fun if all of you are gone. Alex, would you do one thing for us?”
“What is that, Al?”
“If Junior sends a distress signal, will you find him and make sure he’s all right?”
The Kosiev laughed in their minds and said, “Absolutely, and I’ll bump you out to check on him with me.”
Tag said, “What are you going to be doing, Alex?”
“Why, find a cozy little star and settle in for a nap.”
“How will you know when to awaken to bump us out?”
“Tommy, the vision shows you taking part in future events. Something will happen at the right time to make that happen. I could try to stay asleep through the visions and fail. You will be released at the right moment. It will happen just as you’ve seen, and nothing will prevent them from occurring. Do you doubt it?”
Tommy looked at Cassandra, remembering her vision about Matt, and shook his head, “No; we cannot escape our destiny.”
Matt looked around the room and said, “Tag, you will lead us in this venture.”
Tag began protesting, but Danielle put her hand over his mouth and said, “Shhhhh My Love. You are the Ultimate Warrior, and there is no one that can match your powers in that arena. This is another war, and you are the one best qualified to handle this.”
Tag looked around the room and saw that everyone agreed with Danielle. He looked at AG and said, “What do you think? You’re the strongest psychic here.”
“It’s a no brainer. You have to lead us.”
Tag took a deep breath and said, “Let’s plan how we’re going to leave the Stars Realm.”
AG said, “We’re not telling them anything. Just as we cannot bear waiting for this weight to fall, the Realm should be spared the foreknowledge of what’s coming.”
Matt said, “What are you suggesting?”
“Alexander will leave first, then we will just slide away from our assignments and disappear from the Realm. Do you see it happening any other way?”
Tag asked, “Should we tell Sprig?”
AG said, “We tell no one. The Realm will have to stand on its own. There will be a period of peace and we shouldn’t be needed until that new enemy appears.”
Matt thought a moment and said, “We have been given a thousand years to rule our provinces. Are we going to forget that responsibility?”
Tag looked at AG and she shrugged, “We don’t all need to go at the same moment. It would probably work better if we left when our duties are fulfilled.”
Danielle said, “Then this war is going to be further than a thousand years in the future?”
AG nodded.
“How much longer?”
“Danielle, I’m not certain, but I must go eleven years from now and the rest of you will join me as soon as your duties allow.”
Danielle looked at Cassandra and asked, “Are you ok with this plan?”
Cassandra looked at Tommy and said, “Yes; sharing this with all of you will make it bearable. We have quite a few problems to solve in our province before we can slip away. I’m sure that is true for all of us.”
Melanie looked at AG and said, “I’m not certain I want to be away from you for a thousand years.”
“Then don’t, Mom. Find a replacement and join me. I’m sure that I’ll step into the skin and less than a moment later you’ll join me, no matter how long you wait to go.”
Matt smiled and said, “Remember, love. She’s going to live as long as we are. We have to look at this in the long view. We’ll have more than a million years with her, so you won’t be giving anything away.”