“Around nineteen or twenty.”

Scotty shook his head, “Nathan is probably right. Most young people are very idealistic at that age. She probably doesn’t know and her father must have deliberately deceived her.”

“How could she not know, Scotty!?! I watched the newscasts and saw thousands of slaves working in the background.”

“Did you see any women or children in those broadcasts?”

Anglo was silent and Scotty figured he was replaying what he had seen. “No. It appears the tapes were edited.”

“What do you think now?”

“Have the Zord take a look at her. I just can’t see her not knowing. She is not that stupid.”

Scotty looked at Julie, “Can you take responsibility for her?”

“Yes, I suppose so.”

Nathan said, “I would suggest assigning her to June to assist her in her tasks.”

Julie looked at Scotty and said, “Where did you come up with that idea?”

“June’s father betrayed her; perhaps the two are kindred spirits. She might see that deception is an art that evil knows and uses well.”

“I’ll do that, Nathan. Thank you. Send her down when you’re ready, Anglo.”

“Nathan’s gone to get her and explain what we’re going to do. She’ll arrive momentarily.”

“I need you to go back and check on New Ulmerton while we’re at the Stars Realm Defense Facility. I’m sure they’ll come looking for us now if they weren’t already.”

“I’ll leave as soon as I teleport you and BC beyond the jump limit. However, I don’t believe he will be using his most advanced ships to find us. He’s certainly afraid now and that will slow him down.”

“Thank you, Anglo.”

Nathan opened the door and found the Princess had fallen asleep. He saw her eyes were puffy and it appeared she had cried herself to sleep. He saw she was quite pretty, even with puffy eyes. Her long brown hair hung halfway down her back and made her appear regal. She wasn’t tall, only a couple of inches over five feet, but she appeared taller. Her open expression and bright eyes told him that she was not dumb. Something was done to deceive her just like June had been fooled by her father. He entered the room and touched her on her shoulder and said, “Your Highness, I need you to come with me.”

Mallory’s eyes flew open and she jerked away from Nathan.

“You are not going to be harmed but we are sending you away from our ship. Please come with me.”

“Where are you sending me?”

“Down to a planet. You will work with one of the residents until we decide what to do with you. You will perform the tasks given you or we will put you in prison. I think the tasks will be better than staring at four walls all day and I encourage you to choose that path. That’s all I’m going to say.” Nathan held out his hand and she took it as he helped her stand. She followed him to the small bridge and looked out the viewport at the planet below.

“That’s the planet of the Zord, isn’t it?”

Anglo and Nathan were both shocked. Anglo said, “How do you know that!?!”

“That mountain chain to the west and dense forests give it away. I’ve had dreams about this planet since I was a very young child. I searched our computers for years before I finally found it.” She turned suddenly and looked at Nathan with an expression that showed shock, “You were in some of my dreams. I remember your face now.”

Anglo sent a recording of what just happened to Julie. “You will arrive momentarily. I hope your dreams weren’t nightmares.”

Mallory slowly shook her head, “No, they weren’t. I’ve not had the dreams for years and it’s hard to remember them.” She looked at Nathan and said, “I do remember your face.” And then she was gone.

Nathan thought about what she said and wondered what it meant. Anglo thought about what she said and wondered if this was a possible psychic event. If it was, he had been given no choice in bringing her to Bristone. He started seeing that something was happening and the Princess was going to play an important role. Perhaps he was hasty in his perceptions. He replayed her reactions again and began to wonder.

“Nathan, we’re going back to New Ulmerton as soon as Emperor Robbins leaves. If you need anything from the planet, better go now.”

“Thanks, Anglo. Send me to wherever Timmy is located at this moment.” Nathan disappeared from the bridge. Anglo thought about the Princess. He tried to think about what made him want to kidnap her and couldn’t come up with a reason. As soon as he heard the newscast about her, he made the decision. All other possibilities were dismissed. That wasn’t how he normally functioned. This had to be a psychic event and something big was going to happen that involved the Princess. These events always happened for an important reason. He worried about it until he left for New Ulmerton. Psychic Events didn’t always have good results.

Julie was walking across the clearing with Mallory in tow. She had introduced her to Scotty just before he teleported out to BC. Mallory had bowed to Scotty but hadn’t said anything since. She remained silent as they walked toward the human community. Julie noticed she kept looking up in the sky and she said, “You’re looking for a Zord aren’t you?” Mallory was startled by the observation but nodded. “Would you like to see one?” Mallory stopped walking and stared at her. Julie could tell she was frightened at the prospect. “You’re afraid of them.”

Mallory looked up at the sky and said, “They’re huge, their jaws are terrible, and they are incredible predators. I’ve studied them since I was very young and the information about the ones on El Prado says they are incredibly quick for a carnivore their size.”

Julie said where Mallory could hear her, “Zreeg, are you close by?”

“Yes, I’m about two minutes away.” Mallory heard the thought and looked at Julie in amazement. “I have someone here that is really frightened at the prospect of meeting a Zord. Do you have time to come and say hello?”

“I’m on my way. I’ll turn my color shifting off.”

“That would be a good idea. We’re in the clearing.”

“I know.”

Mallory looked at Julie and said, “Those creatures are able to communicate telepathically?”

Julie smiled, “Yes. They are telepathic and are very gentle creatures. Relax. If it would make you feel better, stand behind me.”

Mallory saw a giant form moving through the sky and she jumped behind Julie. She looked at the giant Zord as it flew in and her eyes were huge. Zreeg flared his wings and came in for a soft landing in front of Julie and Mallory. Julie smiled and said, “Zreeg, this is Mallory Jongo.”

Zreeg looked at Mallory and said, “She’s the evil King’s Daughter.”

Mallory yelled, “He’s not evil!”

Zreeg stared at Mallory and then looked at Julie, “She doesn’t know what’s happening.”

Julie looked at Zreeg and turned to Mallory as she said to Zreeg, “Has she been prevented from seeing the truth by her father?”

“Yes, it appears so, however, she has all the evidence she needs to know the truth of what we’ve shown her.”

Mallory squinted her eyes and asked, “What do you mean?”

“You think those recordings you saw were fabricated by us to deceive you. You missed seeing part of one recording that would have proven it to you.”

Julie tilted her head, “What are you saying, Zreeg?”

“This one has been promised to an officer in the King’s military. I can see from her thoughts that the King, that officer, and she are the only ones that know about the bethroval.”

“Is he right?”

Mallory nodded.

“How does that prove anything, Zreeg?”

“If no one knows about their relationship, then how could anyone fabricate photos about the one she is supposed to marry?”

Julie looked at Mallory and then up at Zreeg, “I’m not sure what you mean; show us what you’ve seen.”

Mallory saw the video of the women and children slaves being brutalized by guards. The vision moved in

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