number of crates sat beside a line of wagons next to the doctor's tent, and as Diana walked up, the doctor emerged carrying another crate, which she set down carefully beside the rest. The doctor looked up.

'Hello, Diana. I trust you had a sufficiently restless night.'

Diana smiled.

'It seems a shame to have to disturb your rest like this. Where is your husband?'

'I don't know.'

'Ah,' said the doctor, reading something from Diana's expression. She stood up. 'Here. Come with me.'

Diana followed her to a knot of people standing beyond the wagons. Yomi was there, but she made good- byes and started walking away, then stopped as she caught sight of Diana. 'There you are, Diana. I need you now. Will you be loading your new tent in with our wagons? Also-' She paused, seeing the doctor lift a hand.

'I'll send her in a moment,' said Dr. Hierakis. 'If I may.'

'Certainly.' Yomi strode away.

Marco was there. He had half turned to look at her, and Diana flushed and bit her lip and kept walking without missing a beat, sticking close to Dr. Hierakis. The others-Soerensen, Tess, Bakhtiian, and the silver-haired jaran man called Niko-all smiled at the same instant, seeing her.

'Ah,' said Bakhtiian. He looked embarrassed. 'I do apologize for taking Anatoly away like that. But I needed to send him on ahead to his uncle. He should be back soon.'

'Oh,' replied Diana, feeling stupid, and wondering if they all knew in what condition she and Anatoly had been interrupted this morning. 'This afternoon? Or this evening, that's not so bad.'

'He means a few days, Diana,' said Tess softly. 'I'm sorry. Ten, twenty at the most, I should think.'

'Twenty days!' To her horror, Diana burst into tears. Abandoned, just like that. Not that Anatoly had had any choice, which almost made it worse. Yet she could not believe that Bakhtiian had sent him off for any ulterior motive-to get him away from her, to get her away from him. She had just begun to feel easy with him, to find a way to talk. Goddess, they would have to start all over again, after twenty days apart. She sniffed hard, trying to stop her tears. Her nose was running.

'Here, Diana.' Surprisingly, it was Marco who offered her the handkerchief. She glanced up at him, grateful. He was red in the face, and he would not look at her.

'Well, then,' said Soerensen, neatly throwing focus away from her, 'it's settled, although I don't like it much.'

'I'm sorry, Charles,' said Tess. 'But I know you understand why I have to travel with the army right now.''

Diana looked up, hearing a peculiar note in Tess's voice, something being communicated in the tone, not in the words. Tess was pale, and her husband frowned, resting a hand possessively on her lower back.

Charles looked past her to Dr. Hierakis. 'Cara, I'd like Ursula to accompany you. I'll send a messenger if I need anything from you.'

'Here is my niece,' said Bakhtiian as a contingent of riders came up. 'As soon as your wagons are ready, she will escort you north to the shrine of Morava.'

Soerensen smiled enigmatically. 'You honor me with your choice of escort.'

Bakhtiian did not smile. 'She is my closest relative. For you, I would do no less.'

Like a trade, Diana thought, distracted for a moment from her own pain by the curious dealings going on here. Soerensen took the niece, Bakhtiian took Tess.

'Damn,' muttered Marco under his breath, in Anglais, 'but they're playing a delicate game, indeed. I can't believe Tess isn't coming with us.'

'Do you think he's stopping her somehow?' Diana whispered.

Marco shook his head. 'If Charles thought that was true, then he wouldn't stand for it. No, it's been agreed between them. That's what puzzles me.' He hesitated. 'Diana.'

'Are you going, too?' she asked. She hadn't been this close to him since the night Anatoly marked her, since the night Marco had said such awful things to her-and she felt shy, suddenly, wondering if he still thought well of her.

'Yes, with Charles. Diana.' He made a movement toward her but checked it. 'I'm sorry. I'm sorry he had to leave so suddenly. I know it must be difficult. It's obvious you care for him. I'm sorry I-expressed myself so poorly, before.'

'Stop it,' she said under her breath. She stared at her feet. She did not want to think kindly of Marco; that was too dangerous. His booted feet rested on the ground near hers. She saw how they shifted. He murmured something unintelligible-not angry but perhaps despairing, and then he moved away. She forced herself not to look up after him. An instant later, she realized she still clutched his handkerchief.

'Tess, I leave you in the best of hands,' said Soerensen. 'Cara.' Diana looked up to see Soerensen nod at the doctor, and the doctor nod, coolly, back. 'Bakhtiian.' This farewell was cooler still, reserved, almost disapproving.

Bakhtiian acknowledged Soerensen with an equally reticent nod. Diana would have thought that Bakhtiian would have looked overjoyed that Tess had chosen to go with him rather than with her brother, but he only looked troubled and perplexed. And why was Dr. Hierakis going with the army, not with Soerensen? But Diana knew well enough that she was not in the confidence of any of these people, and so as they parted, she trailed away alone, back toward her tent.

Quinn came jogging to meet her. 'Di! Yomi sent me over to help you with your tent and your things. So? Well? What was he like?'

Diana stopped outside the tent. She could not help but smile. 'He was sweet.'

'But-how else? Come on, Di. The jaran men are so shy, so reserved. Are they that way in bed, too?'

'I'm hardly an expert. You'd have to talk to Hyacinth about that.''

'Oh, Hyacinth. You know as well as I do that you can't trust anything he says.'

'Then find out for yourself.'

'Not if I have to marry one! Begging your pardon.'

Diana flushed. 'I don't think-Tess Soerensen said that you don't. Have to marry one, that is.' She brightened suddenly. 'That's one thing I can do, though.'

'What? Find out what the rules are for sleeping around? I thought all barbarians were prudes. That's what you say, anyway.' Then Quinn laughed. 'Oh-ho, Diana. You're blushing.''

Diana flung the tent flap back hastily, distracting Quinn's attention. Light streamed into the interior of the tent, dappling the scattered pillows, the blankets and fur in disarray, some clothing thrown down to one side and left in a heap.

'Well!' Quinn sounded gratified by this revealing sight.

The pounding of horses startled Diana, coming from close by. She started around. Perhaps it was Anatoly… But the troop cantered past and went on, oblivious to her. She felt helpless. Never in her life had she felt as superfluous as she did now. The jaran were off to war-War! She could not imagine it, except the glimpse she had received that one day, salving the wounded, the day she had met Anatoly. Was this the true measure of the barbarity of the jaran culture? That the men-the soldiers-rode off, leaving their women and children, their families, behind? Did the women always follow in their wake? Was there no true comradeship? She could not imagine her parents, her uncles and aunts-the little clan of a family she had grown up in-separating for such an arbitrary reason, or if they did have to separate, separating on this rigid, artificial line of sex.

'I hate it here,' said Diana.

'What?' Quinn had already gone into the tent without asking permission, which offended Diana even more, as if her intimacy with Anatoly had been violated. 'Oh, Di, you don't want to lose this.' She lifted up the gold necklace. 'And look here.' She giggled, crouching. 'I see he must have taken off those beautifully decorated boots rather quickly.'' She held up a gold braided tassel, one of the braids that had rimmed Anatoly's black boots.

Diana grabbed the tassel out of Quinn's hand and pressed it against her heart. 'Stop it, Quinn. You can collect my things if you want, but I'll pack his. Do you understand?'

Quinn arched an expressive eyebrow. ' 'What? Do you love him that much already?''

'Would that be so strange?' murmured Diana, but Quinn had lapsed into an obscene song by whose rhythm she folded up the blankets, and she did not reply.

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