sawn off, or maybe both.’

‘I know, John, but I don’t see any other way. Ashapola weeps for all of his children, but the most important thing is to stop Mago Verde from taking this ninth sacrifice through to Brother Albrecht’s dream. Once that happens it’s going to be “Chaos and Old Night”. You’ve seen that circus for yourself, first hand, and you’ve seen how much it excites people, how it gets them baying for blood. It’s frightening.

‘We have to stop Brother Albrecht from bringing it back to the waking world. If we allow that to happen, it’s going to trail pandemonium behind it, wherever it goes.’

‘OK,’ said John. ‘The Griffin House it is.’ He went to his bedroom door and opened it.

Springer blinked at him. ‘You’re not going to put on your shoes?’

John gave him a long, sober look. If the situation hadn’t been so desperate, he probably would have laughed.

Rhodajane had just stepped out of the shower when they knocked at Room 309. She opened the door with a pink towel wrapped around her head like a turban and a pink toweling robe with Griffin House Hotel embroidered on it. Without her false lashes and her make-up, John thought she looked surprisingly young, although her eyes were a little puffy.

‘Well, good morning, boys!’ she greeted them. ‘I was just about to order some breakfast on room service. Want some?’

‘Coffee and pancakes would be good,’ said John. ‘And tell them not to be tight-assed with the maple syrup.’

Springer said, soberly, ‘You did a very brave thing last night, Rhodajane. You saved all of your fellow Night Warriors.’

Rhodajane walked over to her dressing table and sat down in front of the triple mirrors. She pouted at herself and then she said, ‘I did what Xyrena is supposed to do. Xyrena’s the super slut, right? It wasn’t difficult. That poor clown didn’t know whether he was coming or going, and in the end he did both.’

‘It may not have been difficult, Rhodajane, but it took great nerve. Ashapola is aware how courageous you were, and Ashapola is deeply appreciative.’

‘We didn’t manage to take out El Grando Freako, though, did we? Are we going to have another crack at him tonight?’

‘Actually, we’re considering a different approach,’ said Springer.

‘I sure hope so. I’m still sore from the last approach.’

John shook his head in amusement, but Springer stayed deadly serious. ‘For whatever reason, Dom Magator’s Absence Gun had no effect on Brother Albrecht, so we’re going to go for Mago Verde instead, to see if we can stop him from taking Brother Albrecht his ninth and last sacrifice.’

Three Rhodajanes looked at Springer out of her triple mirrors. ‘OK — you take out Mago Verde. But won’t Brother Albrecht simply find somebody else to bring him victim number nine? Another one of those — what do you call them — Dreads?’

‘I don’t know,’ Springer admitted. ‘I can’t tell for sure if Mago Verde is Brother Albrecht’s only contact with the waking world, but so far I haven’t sensed the presence of any other Dreads in this vicinity, not for hundreds of miles, and so I’m assuming that he is.

‘If Brother Albrecht doesn’t receive his ninth sacrifice, he’ll have to stay in the world of dreams for ever — or at least until he recruits some other Dread to do his dirty work for him. Which may be hundreds of years. Or never, let us pray to Ashapola.’

John said, ‘The thing is, sweetheart, we don’t know where Mago Verde is going to find his next victim, which is why we’ve come here, to the Griffin House. Sooner or later, no matter where he first attacks them, he stays here and dreams them into the walls of this hotel. We don’t know why. But from this hotel he passes them on to Brother Albrecht’s circus.’

‘It’s my guess that he mutilates them as a way of preparing them for Brother Albrecht’s dream,’ said Springer. ‘He makes it physically impossible for them to think of returning to their normal life. Then — once they arrive at the circus — Brother Albrecht decides what kind of freaks he wants them to be turned into, and his surgeons get to work on them and finish what you might call the finer details. The dogs’ faces, the goats’ legs. All of the other abominations.

‘Throughout history, in all religions, from the Aztecs to the Norsemen, a sacrifice is only considered to be spiritually meaningful if the victim is willing to accept their fate — happy, even. Whenever a Viking chieftain died and was burned on his boat, one of his female slaves would volunteer to die with him. By the time Brother Albrecht has finished with them, I very much doubt if any of his victims aren’t willing to stay in his circus. They can never return to the waking world, can they, and pick up their lives where they left off? Not if they have no legs, or snakes instead of arms, or a face like a llama.’

Rhodajane was pouting at herself as she applied bright red lip gloss. ‘What if I tried?’

John frowned at her three reflections. ‘What? What if you tried what?’

‘What if I tried to take out Brother Albrecht, the same way I took out that clown?’

‘I don’t know,’ said Springer. ‘Brother Albrecht is no ordinary man, and I don’t think he ever was. What goes on inside of his mind, nobody knows.’

‘I have no intention of appealing to his mind, Springer! I’m going to appeal to his… Kercheval. He might not have arms or legs but he’s not lacking in that department.’

‘Too darn dangerous,’ said John, dismissively.

‘Then why the hell was I invited along last night?’

‘You were chosen for this mission so that you would distract Brother Albrecht’s attention,’ Springer explained. ‘We know that he has a fatal weakness for women. That’s what got him mutilated in the first place.’

‘I took out that harlequin, didn’t I — and that harlequin was dreamed up by Brother Albrecht. If the harlequin went for me, so will he.’

‘But this time, sweetheart, he’s going to be ready for us, and he’s going to know all about your needles, and how you could make his blood boil.’

‘I still think I ought to try.’

‘And what happens if he takes you out, instead? Where does that leave the rest of us? If the Absence Gun doesn’t have any effect on him, I doubt if any of the rest of our weapons are going to be much good.’

Springer said, ‘Listen — all of this is academic until we find Mago Verde. Maybe, when we do, we can persuade him to tell us if the good Brother Albrecht has any other weaknesses, apart from women.’

‘Oh, you mean we could torture him?’

‘No, I don’t. There are other ways of extracting information from people without torturing them.’

‘Like bribing him?’

‘In a way, yes. Remember that Mago Verde is a Dread, who can shift at will from the waking world to the dream world, and back again. But in the human sense, Dreads are not alive. They are something between ghosts and zombies. And if there is one thing that all Dreads crave more than anything else, it is to have their humanity back.’

‘But how can we offer him that? I don’t know about you, but I’m fresh out of humanity.’

Springer closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, his pupils were a very pale agate color, and luminous. ‘Ashapola is the greatest power in the universe, John. Ashapola can turn the night into day. Ashapola can heal the sick and make the dead dance.’

‘OK,’ said John. ‘I’ll take your word for it. But what we need to do now is set up some kind of surveillance, right? One of us needs to keep an eye on the hotel lobby in case Gordon Veitch tries to register, and the rest of us should patrol the corridors. Whatever happens, we mustn’t let him slip into the hotel unnoticed. Otherwise we’re screwed.’

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