calling Marianne Scott,' he continued.
'That's right,' the operator said. 'Do you have information about her?'
Amit swallowed, then licked his lips.
'Yes,' he said softly, 'she's my wife.'
Pamela tiptoed around the tall policeman from Glasgow, trying to catch his eye. He was speaking into the telephone right now and didn't look as though he would want to be interrupted. But it was part of the girl's remit to brief this man on what was happening elsewhere in the studios, and really, he would want to know about this call in particular, wouldn't he?
The hit man picked up the passport and flicked the pages until he came to a reasonable likeness of himself. Stern and unsmiling, Michael Stevens, aged forty-two, glared back at him from the square of plastic. It was a name he rarely used when he was working but sometimes it became necessary to be himself again for overseas business where the pickings were richer. Here in the UK he could make plenty though. If the punters hiring him paid up, he reminded himself sourly, remembering Billy Brogan.
But for now he was Max Whittaker to the woman and Smith to his Asian paymasters. Only someone like Brogan himself would be able to tell the real story about Mick Stevens, the sniper who had made such a name for himself in the Iraq conflict.
He laughed silently. The army had taught him plenty, hadn't it?
How to kill being one of its main lessons.
Stevens listened to the rush of water from the bathroom next door. Marianne was taking a shower, washing away their night of pleasure. The hit man grinned to himself. She had been so easy to beguile, he could hardly believe it. Ripe for picking. In a way he could almost imagine someone pitying the woman for setting her cap at him. But pity was not an emotion that a man like Stevens ever allowed himself to feel. He slipped the passport into the duffle bag beside the items he would need for the journey back down south. Being ready to leave at a moment's notice was some thing else he had learned in the forces.
Sitting back on the bed he fondled the gun, its familiar shape fitting snugly in his hand. His eyes moved from the Glock to the bathroom door, anticipating the look on her face when she emerged, naked and utterly vulnerable.
Marianne hummed as she twisted the bath towel over her hair, tucking in the ends. Max hadn't mentioned what they would do today, but she was already thinking of suggesting another journey away from the city, maybe to St Andrews where they could walk along the sands at Tentsmuir, a quiet estuary out of the town. She imagined the smell of the pine trees and how they might run along the beach together, hand in hand, listening to the North Sea surf rolling in.
The picture of the water's edge and the copse of sweet scented trees was switched off abruptly as her brain commanded Marianne to take in what she was really seeing.
The man lying back on the bed had a large pistol in his hand and it was pointing straight at her.
'Max?' she hesitated, drawing the thick bath towel more closely around her. 'What are you doing?' Marianne shook her head. 'Is this some sort of joke?' She made to move towards the bed but then stopped, frozen by the expression on her lover's face.
'No joke, darling. No joke at all,' the hit man drawled. 'Now just you step over there nice and slowly,' he added, motioning with the gun. 'And do keep quiet like a good girl, won't you? This little beauty is loaded,' he told her, smiling. 'All ready to use if you don't do exactly as I tell you.'
Am it sat twisting his hands together below the surface of the table, feeling the dampness on his palms. He had been spoken to politely by the officers who had met him at the front of the police station, had even been called `sir'. One of them had led him into a corridor with a row of chairs that were fixed to the wall and there Amit had sat, waiting, watching the clock as it ticked through almost twenty-five interminable minutes.
Had it really been necessary to make him wait all that time to see the senior officer, Lorimer? Wasn't it all part of a strategy to unnerve him? When at last he had been ushered into this small square den of a room, Amit had felt like one of the criminals he had seen on that programme.
'Mr Shafiq? DCI Lorimer.'
Amit stood up suddenly, the scrape of his chair on the floor sounding unnaturally loud.
The tall man who entered the room made the Pakistani feel very small as he shook his damp hand and motioned him to sit back down again. He was not what Amit had expected. There was nothing harsh about this man's face, though the lines showed signs of worry and fatigue that Amit supposed must be inevitable given his choice of profession. As he flicked a lock of dark hair back from his brow, Amit saw a keen intelligence in the policeman's blue eyes and something else, something that reassured him. A trace of what would he call it… sympathy, perhaps? 'It's good of you to come in, sir,' Lorimer began. 'We really appreciate it.'
Amit's eyes flicked to the other man who had sat beside Lorimer. He was very dark, a Nubian Egyptian by the look of his beautifully sculpted face, Amit thought. And a policeman, here in Scotland? 'Detective Constable Fathy,' Lorimer said and the younger man leaned across the table to shake Annit's hand, the stiff little nod of his head serving as a bow.
Amit breathed a long sigh of relief. It was going to be all right.
These people were on his side, surely? They wanted to find Marianne as much as he did. And hadn't she often told him that the British police were a different breed altogether from the kind of men who had taken his father's life away? Besides, these men wore no intimidating uniform. Lorimer's shirt was a little rumpled and the knot on his tie had been loosened a little as though he had been hard at work and needed to be comfortable at his desk, somewhere else in this building.
'I will have to ask you rather a lot of questions, sir,' Lorimer told him, 'so please bear with me.' He looked at Amit and smiled encouragingly. 'I know this must be very hard for you.'
Amit nodded, taking a deep breath. He felt calmer now that this process had begun and was mildly surprised at his feeling of relief that some larger authority was taking over the burden he had been carrying around for those long days since Marianne had disappeared.
'It might seem like a strange question, sir, but can you give us any proof that this woman is indeed your wife?'
Amit tried a tremulous smile as he passed the folded paper across the table.
The policeman took it and frowned as he read the marriage cer tificate.
'You were married in Las Vegas?'
Amit's smile faltered. 'Yes, sir.'
'But why? I mean, why go there?'
The Asian shrugged. 'It was her wish. And one does not deny a bride-to-be her heart's desires.'
Lorimer gave a short laugh. 'And what did you make of Vegas?'
Not a very nice place, sir. It was..' he broke off as though the memories were ones he would prefer to forget. Not what I had expected for my own nuptials, sir,' he sighed at last. 'It was over so quickly. But then, perhaps my bride had reasons for wishing to be married somewhere like that. Somewhere anonymous..
Amit bit his lip as though he was finding it hard to speak.
'When did you last see your wife?'
Amit cleared his throat and told them about finding that deserted room. Then, without warning, he put his head in his hands and began to weep.
'Forgive me,' he mumbled. 'It has been a bad time. I did not know what to think..
'Perhaps it would be better to start at the beginning,' Lorimer suggested, 'then we can build up a clearer picture, hm?'
Amit nodded, unable to speak. Then, taking a freshly laundered handkerchief from his pocket, he blew his nose.
Lorimer had listened patiently, never once interrupting as Amit Shafiq had told his story. It had begun in far- off Lahore with the murder of his father by political opponents and Amit's flight to freedom in Scotland. The tale