sparked the roof and walls of Spunky's Dodge 'Em, the carousel

spun wildly to the rise and fall of horses and lions, and the steady

beat of its repeating tune echoed throughout the park. A man

balancing his screaming son in one hand, ice cream cones in the

other, little kids with cotton candy racing to see who's first to get

on Sandee's Spinning Sombrero, and in the midst of all the

peaceful confusion, Randy Stayner performing a one-time solo

swan dive 100 feet into the solid steel tracks of the SkyCoaster.

For a while, I wasn't all too sure the people around me weren't

thinking it was just an act - a Saturday afternoon performance by a

skilled diver. When blood and bone hit, however, it was clear the

act was over. And then, as if to clear the whole thing up with a

final attempt to achieve his original goal, he rolled lazily over the

bottom rails of the SkyCoaster into the brown murky water of

Skybar Pond, swirls of red and grey following him.

The SkyCoaster was shut down the day of Randy's dive, and

despite weeks of dragging the pond's bottom, his body was never

found. Authorities concluded that his remains had drifted under a

sandbar or some unmarked passageway, and all search ceased after

four weeks.

Skybar lost a lot of customers after that. Most people were afraid

to go there, and other businesses in the town began to boom

because of it. In fact, Starboard Cinema, which showed horror

movies to an audience of four or five during the parks better days

now showed repeats of 'I was a Teen Age Werewolf' to sell-out

crowds. More and more, people drifted away from Skybar until it

was shut down for good.

It was during those last few weeks that the worst accidents started

happening. A morning worker, reaching under a car on the Whip

for a paper cup, caught his arm on the supporting bar between two

clamps just as a faulty circuit started the machine. He was crushed

between two cars. Another worker was fixing a bottom rail on the

Ferris wheel when a 500 pound car dropped off the top and

smeared him onto the asphalt below. These and several other rides

were shut down, and when the only thing left open was Pop

Dupree's .22 gallery and the Adults Only freak tent, the spark ran

out of Skybar's amusement, and it was forced to shut down after its

third year in operation.

It had only been closed for two months when Brant Callahan came

up with his plan that night. We were in a group of five camping in

back of John Wilkenson's dad's workshop, in a single five-man

Sportsman pup tent illuminated by four flashlights shining on back

issues of Famous Detective Stories, when he stood up (or rather

scufffled on his knees, due to the height of the tent) and proposed

we all do something to separate the pussies from the men.

I tossed aside my Mystery of the Haunted Hearse, leaned teach in

the glow of Dewey Howardson's light, and squinted halfway at the

hulking shadow crouching by the double-flap zipper door. No one

else appeared to pay any attention to him.

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