This book is dedicated to the voyeurs, the exhibitionists, and the grown and sexy. Indulge your sexuality and sensuality respectfully. Enjoy the sexual revolution responsibly!

Dear Reader:
It is once again my pleasure to present a novel by Cairo, one of the latest and hottest editions to the Strebor Books family. His first book,
Bianca Rivers is sexually liberated, to say the least. Some might even call her a sex addict. Others might call her “that chick.” I call her “the other side of most women on the planet.” There are truly two sides to every woman; the side acceptable by society and the side that hides behind a veil of fear. Bianca has no fear. She explores life with reckless abandonment and men adore her.
Hopefully, after you read this book, you will walk away analyzing your own sexual behavior, the decisions that you make in the name of love and lust, and how everything has its consequences. Cairo has once again penned a wonderful novel and we are all highly anticipating his future works.
Thanks for supporting the authors in the Strebor family and for the continuous love and support that you have shown me over the past decade. I love and appreciate each and every one of you. To find me on the web, please go to or my social networking site at You can find me on Twitter as PlanetZane, on Facebook as Zane Strebor and on Myspace as Zaneland
I am still a work in progress. Still evolving, still growing, still learning how to be better than the day before. All praises continue to go to the Almighty for continuing to guide my steps.
To all those who continue to believe in me, thank you for the never-ending love, support and encouragement.
To the growing fans, thank you, thank you, thank you!
To the sexually liberated and the open-minded, I hope you get pleasure from reading
Is it me, or is there something primitively erotic, sexually enticing, about the scent of lust and musk that lingers beneath a man’s balls and clings to every strand of his dick hairs? Mmmm. I want to rub my face all up in it, then inhale deeply, savoring the sweet, sweaty aroma. Mmmmmmmm. The smell causes my nipples to harden, my clit to swell and pop out from under its hood, and my pussy lips to part in anticipation… waiting, wanting, needing to be pierced by the hot spear of a dark, delicious man.
Oh, how I love the feel and the taste of a stiff, thick dick. Mmmm. I’m salivating thinking about all the nasty, freaky things I can do with one right now. Suck it, slurp it, lick it, kiss it… Mmmmmmm…gulp it down one inch at a time nice, slow, and very wet. Humph.
Umm, hold up. Before we go any further, let me officially introduce myself. My name is Bianca Rivers. And I
Now, just so we’re clear. I have no intentions of bashing men, or having a pity party. ’Cause I’ll be the first to tell you that I hate women who sit around like a bunch of hens, cackling and cawing about the woes of their lives, relentlessly complaining about their men, or men in general. So, no, I’m not going to spend my time dissing men. However, I will share my own personal experiences with them, and that will include the good, the bad and the ugly, as well as my thoughts, feelings, and views on women, which definitely won’t always be nice. So if anyone can’t handle that, then you might want to close up shop now and excuse yourself.
Anyway, I’m not in a relationship (by choice). No children and never been pregnant. I’ve never contracted any STDs (thankfully!). I live in Jersey, and again, I
Basically, if you really want me to break it down, I’m what you might call a certified freakologist. A term I use for peeps like me who specialize in freaking a man any way the wind blows until he slumps over. I’m also a skilled dicktologist who’s dedicated to the fucking, sucking, and licking of fat, black dick. Yep, that’s me. Okay, all right already. I’ll say it for you…I’m a dick-loving ho. You already know. And? But don’t get it twisted. I’m a responsible one. Hell, my motto is: If you’re gonna fuck, be responsible. Wrap up and enjoy the damn ride!
And when it comes to fucking men, I have very few rules and restrictions. Don’t be fat, nasty, and crusty. And in case someone is confused about what’s fat to me: if you need a bumper jack or a two-by-four to lift up your gut, then dammit, you fat. If you look down and you can’t see your dick or your toes, then, duh, fat. If you have more belly than dick, duh, fat! So buy a vowel, get a clue, and get your sloppy ass on a diet before trying to get at