castle, and took the keys from the porter, and hastily opened the prison door and let out all the prisoners. There was Sir Kay, Sir Brandeles, and Sir Galynde, Sir Bryan and Sir Alyduke, Sir Hector de Marys and Sir Lionel, and many more. And when they saw Sir Gaheris, they all thanked him, for they thought, because he was wounded, that he had slain Sir Turquine. 'Not so,' said Sir Gaheris; 'it was Sir Launcelot that slew him, right worshipfully; I saw it with mine eyes.'
Sir Launcelot rode till at nightfall he came to a fair castle, and therein he found an old gentlewoman, who lodged him with goodwill, and there he had good cheer for him and his horse. And when time was, his host brought him to a fair chamber over the gate to his bed. Then Sir Launcelot unarmed him, and set his harness by him, and went to bed, and anon he fell asleep. And soon after, there came one on horseback and knocked at the gate in great haste; and when Sir Launcelot heard this, he arose and looked out of the window, and saw by the moonlight three knights riding after that one man, and all three lashed on him with their swords, and that one knight turned on them knightly again and defended himself. 'Truly,' said Sir Launcelot, 'yonder one knight will I help, for it is shame to see three knights on one.' Then he took his harness and went out at the window by a sheet down to the four knights; and he said aloud, 'Turn you knights unto me, and leave your fighting with that knight.' Then the knights left Sir Kay, for it was he they were upon, and turned unto Sir Launcelot, and struck many great strokes at Sir Launcelot, and assailed him on every side. Then Sir Kay addressed him to help Sir Launcelot, but he said, 'Nay, sir, I will none of your help; let me alone with them.' So Sir Kay suffered him to do his will, and stood one side. And within six strokes, Sir Launcelot had stricken them down.
Then they all cried, 'Sir knight, we yield us unto you.' 'As to that,' said Sir Launcelot, 'I will not take your yielding unto me. If so be ye will yield you unto Sir Kay the seneschal, I will save your lives, but else not.' 'Fair knight,' then they said, 'we will do as thou commandest us.' 'Then shall ye,' said Sir Launcelot, 'on Whitsunday next, go unto the court of King Arthur, and there shall ye yield you unto Queen Guenever, and say that Sir Kay sent you thither to be her prisoners.' 'Sir,' they said, 'It shall be done, by the faith of our bodies;' and then they swore, every knight upon his sword. And so Sir Launcelot suffered them to depart.
On the morn Sir Launcelot rose early and left Sir Kay sleeping; and Sir Launcelot took Sir Kay's armor and his shield, and armed him, and went to the stable and took his horse, and so he departed. Then soon after arose Sir Kay and missed Sir Launcelot. And then be espied that he had taken his armor and his horse. 'Now, by my faith, I know well,' said Sir Kay, 'that he will grieve some of King Arthur's knights, for they will deem that it is I, and will be bold to meet him. But by cause of his armor I am sure I shall ride in peace.' Then Sir Kay thanked his host and departed.
Sir Launcelot rode in a deep forest, and there he saw four knights under an oak, and they were of Arthur's court. There was Sir Sagramour le Desirus and Hector de Marys, and Sir Gawain and Sir Uwaine. As they spied Sir Launcelot, they judged by his arms it had been Sir Kay. 'Now, by my faith,' said Sir Sagramour, 'I will prove Sir Kay's might;' and got his spear in his hand, and came toward Sir Launcelot. Therewith Sir Launcelot couched his spear against him, and smote Sir Sagramour so sore that horse and man fell both to the earth. Then said Sir Hector, 'Now shall ye see what I may do with him.' But he fared worse than Sir Sagramour, for Sir Launcelot's spear went through his shoulder and bare him from his horse to the ground, 'By my faith,' said Sir Uwaine, 'yonder is a strong knight, and I fear he hath slain Sir Kay, and taken his armor.' And therewith Sir Uwaine took his spear in hand, and rode toward Sir Launcelot; and Sir Launcelot met him on the plain and gave him such a buffet that he was staggered, and wist not where he was. 'Now see I well,' said Sir Gawain, 'that I must encounter with that knight.' Then he adjusted his shield, and took a good spear in his hand, and Sir Launcelot knew him well. Then they let run their horses with all their mights, and each knight smote the other in the middle of his shield. But Sir Gawain's spear broke, and Sir Launcelot charged so sore upon him that his horse fell over backward. Then Sir Launcelot rode away smiling with himself, and he said 'Good luck be with him that made this spear, for never came a better into my hand.' Then the four knights went each to the other and comforted one another. 'What say ye to this adventure,' said Sir Gawain, 'that one spear hath felled us all four?' 'I dare lay my head it is Sir Launcelot,' said Sir Hector; 'I know it by his riding.'
And Sir Launcelot rode through many strange countries, till, by fortune, he came to a fair castle; and as he passed beyond the castle, he thought he heard two bells ring. And then he perceived how a falcon came flying over his head toward a high elm; and she had long lunys* about her feet, and she flew unto the elm to take her perch, and the lunys got entangled in a bough; and when she would have taken her flight, she hung by the legs fast, and Sir Launcelot saw how she hung and beheld the fair falcon entangled, and he was sorry for her. Then came a lady out of the castle and cried aloud, 'O Launcelot, Launcelot, as thou art the flower of all knights, help me to get my hawk; for if my hawk be lost, my lord will slay me, he is so hasty.' 'What is your lord's name?' said Sir Launcelot. 'His name is Sir Phelot, a knight that belongeth to the king of North Wales.' 'Well, fair lady, since ye know my name, and require me of knighthood to help you, I will do what I may to get your hawk; and yet, in truth, I am an ill climber and the tree is passing high and few boughs to help me.' And therewith Sir Launcelot alighted and tied his horse to a tree, and prayed the lady to unarm him. And when he was unarmed, he put off his jerkin, and with might and force he clomb up to the falcon, and tied the lunys to a rotten bough, and threw the hawk down with it; and the lady got the hawk in her hand. Then suddenly there came out of the castle her husband all armed, and with his naked sword in his hand, and said, 'O Knight Launcelot, now have I got thee as I would;' and stood at the boll of the tree to slay him. 'Ah, lady!' said Sir Launcelot, 'why have ye betrayed me?' 'She hath done,' said Sir Phelot, 'but as I commanded her; and therefore there is none other way but thine hour is come, and thou must die.' 'That were shame unto thee,' said Sir Launcelot; 'thou an armed knight to slay a naked man by treason.' 'Thou gettest none other grace,' said Sir Phelot, 'and therefore help thyself if thou canst.' 'Alas!' said Sir Launcelot, 'that ever a knight should die weaponless!' And therewith he turned his eyes upward and downward; and over his head he saw a big bough leafless, and he brake it off from the trunk. And then he came lower, and watched how his own horse stood; and suddenly he leapt on the further side of his horse from the knight. Then Sir Phelot lashed at him eagerly, meaning to have slain him. But Sir Launcelot put away the stroke with the big bough, and smote Sir Phelot therewith on the side of the head, so that he fell down in a swoon to the ground. Then Sir Launcelot took his sword out of his hand and struck his head from the body. Then said the lady, 'Alas! why hast thou slain my husband?' 'I am not the cause,' said Sir Launcelot, 'for with falsehood ye would have slain me, and now it is fallen on yourselves.' Thereupon Sir Launcelot got all his armor and put it upon him hastily for fear of more resort, for the knight's castle was so nigh. And as soon as he might, he took his horse and departed; and thanked God he had escaped that adventure.
Lunys, the string with which the falcon is held.
And two days before the feast of Pentecost, Sir Launcelot came home; and the king and all the court were passing glad of his coming. And when Sir Gawain, Sir Uwaine, Sir Sagramour, and Sir Hector de Marys saw Sir Launcelot in Sir Kay's armor, then they wist well it was he that smote them down, all with one spear. Then there was laughing and merriment among them; and from time to time came all the knights that Sir Turquine had prisoners, and they all honored and worshipped Sir Launcelot. Then Sir Gaheris said, 'I saw all the battle from the beginning to the end,' and he told King Arthur all how it was. Then Sir Kay told the king how Sir Launcelot had rescued him, and how he 'made the knights yield to me, and not to him.' And there they were, all three, and confirmed it all. 'And by my faith,' said Sir Kay, 'because Sir Launcelot took my harness and left me his, I rode in peace, and no man would have to do with me.'
And so at that time Sir Launcelot had the greatest name of any knight of the world, and most was he honored of high and low.
SO it befell in the month of May, Queen Guenever called unto her knights of the Table Round, and she gave them warning that early upon the morrow she would ride on maying into the woods and fields beside Westminster. 'And I warn you that there be none of you but that he be well horsed, and that ye be all clothed in green, either in silk, either in cloth, and I shall bring with me ten ladies, and every knight shall have a lady behind him, and every