the worse for his rudeness, and shall ever be without a cure. This poisoned iron pains me like the bite of a gad-fly. Cursed be the smith who forged it, and the anvil on which it was wrought! So sharp is it!
That night also they took up their abode in the house of the herdsman. The next day, with the dawn, they arrayed themselves and proceeded to the castle, and entered the hall; and they said, 'Yspadaden Penkawr, give us thy daughter in consideration of her dower and her maiden fee, which we will pay to thee, and to her two kinswomen likewise.' Then he said, 'Her four great-grandmothers, and her four great-grandsires are yet alive; it is needful that I take counsel of them.' 'Be it so,' they answered; 'we will go to meat.' As they rose up, he took the second dart that was beside him, and cast it after them. And Meneu, the son of Gawedd, caught it, and flung it back at him, and wounded him in the centre of the breast. 'A cursed ungentle son-in-law, truly!' said he; 'the hard iron pains me like the bite of a horse-leech. Cursed be the hearth whereon it was heated, and the smith who formed it! So sharp is it! Henceforth, whenever I go up hill, I shall have a scant in my breath, and a pain in my chest, and I shall often loathe my food.' And they went to meat.
And the third day they returned to the palace. And Yspadaden Penkawr said to them, 'Shoot not at me again, unless you desire death. Where are my attendants? Lift up the forks of my eyebrows, which have fallen over my eyeballs, that I may see the fashion of my son-in-law.' Then they arose, and, as they did so, Yspadaden Penkawr took the third poisoned dart and cast it at them. And Kilwich caught it, and threw it vigorously, and wounded him through the eyeball. 'A cursed ungentle son-in-law, truly! As long as I remain alive, my eyesight will be the worse. Whenever I go against the wind, my eyes will water; and peradventure my head will burn, and I shall have a giddiness every new moon. Like the bite of a mad dog is the stroke of this poisoned iron. Cursed be the fire in which it was forged!' And they went to meat.
And the next day they came again to the palace, and they said, 'Shoot not at us any more, unless thou desirest such hurt and harm and torture as thou now hast, and even more.' Said Kilwich, 'Give me thy daughter; and if thou wilt not give her, thou shalt receive thy death because of her.' 'Where is he that seeks my daughter? Come hither, where I may see thee.' And they placed him a chair face to face with him.
Said Yspadaden Penkawr, 'Is it thou that seekest my daughter?'
'It is I,' answered Kilwich.
'I must have thy pledge that thou wilt not do toward me otherwise than is just; and when I have gotten that which I shall name, my daughter thou shalt have.'
'I promise thee that, willingly,' said Kilwich; 'name what thou wilt.'
'I will do so,' said he. 'Seest thou yonder red tilled ground?'
'I see it.'
'When first I met the mother of this maiden, nine bushels of flax were sown therein, and none has yet sprung up, white or black. I require to have the flax to sow in the new land yonder, that when it grows up it may make a white wimple for my daughter's head on the day of thy wedding.'
'It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think it will not be easy.'
'Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get,- the harp of Teirtu, to play to us that night. When a man desires that it should play, it does so of itself; and when he desires that it should cease, it ceases. And this he will not give of his own free will, and thou wilt not be able to compel him.'
'It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think that it will not be easy.'
'Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get. I require thee to get me for my huntsman Mabon, the son of Modron. He was taken from his mother when three nights old, and it is not known where he now is, nor whether he is living or dead.'
'It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think it will not be easy.'
'Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get,- the two cubs of the wolf Gast Rhymhi; no leash in the world will hold them, but a leash made from the beard of Dillus Varwawc, the robber. And the leash will be of no avail unless it be plucked from his beard while he is alive. While he lives, he will not suffer this to be done to him, and the leash will be of no use should he be dead, because it will be brittle.'
'It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think it will not be easy.'
'Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get,- the sword of Gwernach the Giant; of his own free will he will not give it, and thou wilt never be able to compel him.'
'It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think it will not be easy.'
'Though thou get this, there is yet that which thou wilt not get. Difficulties shalt thou meet with, and nights without sleep, in seeking this, and if thou obtain it not, neither shalt thou obtain my daughter.'
'Horses shall I have, and chivalry; and my lord and kinsman, Arthur, will obtain for me all these things. And I shall gain thy daughter, and thou shalt lose thy life.'
'Go forward. And thou shalt not be chargeable for food or raiment for my daughter while thou art seeking these things; and when thou hast compassed all these marvels, thou shalt have my daughter for thy wife.'
ALL that day they journeyed until the evening, and then they beheld a vast castle, which was the largest in the world. And lo! a black man, larger than three of the men of this world, came out from the castle. And they spoke unto him, and said, 'O man, whose castle is that?' 'Stupid are ye, truly, O men! There is no one in the world that does not know that this is the castle of Gwernach the Giant.' 'What treatment is there for guests and strangers that alight in that castle?' 'O chieftain, Heaven protect thee! No guest ever returned thence alive, and no one may enter therein unless he brings with him his craft.'
Then they proceeded towards the gate. Said Gurhyr Gwalstat, 'Is there a porter!' 'There is; wherefore dost thou call?' 'Open the gate.' 'I will not open it.' 'Wherefore wilt thou not?' 'The knife is in the meat, and the drink is in the horn, and there is revelry in the hall of Gwernach the Giant; and except for a craftsman who brings his craft, the gate will not be opened to-night.' 'Verily, porter,' then said Kay, 'my craft bring I with me.' 'What is thy craft?' 'The best burnisher of swords am I in the world.' 'I will go and tell this unto Gwernach the Giant, and I will bring thee an answer.'
So the porter went in, and Gwernach said to him, 'Hast thou news from the gate?' 'I have. There is a party at the door of the gate who desire to come in.' 'Didst thou inquire of them if they possessed any art?' 'I did inquire,' said he, 'and one told me that he was well skilled in the burnishing of swords.' 'We have need of him then. For some time have I sought for some one to polish my sword, and could find no one. Let this man enter, since he brings with him his craft.'
The porter thereupon returned and opened the gate. And Kay went in by himself, and he saluted Gwernach the Giant. And a chair was placed for him opposite to Gwernach. And Gwernach said to him, 'O man, is it true that is reported of thee, that thou knowest how to burnish swords?' 'I know full well how to do so,' answered Kay. Then was the sword of Gwernach brought to him. And Kay took a blue whet-stone from under his arm, and asked whether he would have it burnished white or blue. 'Do with it as it seems good to thee, or as thou wouldst if it were thine own.' Then Kay polished one half of the blade, and put it in his band. 'Will this please you?' asked he. 'I would rather than all that is in my dominions that the whole of it were like this. It is a marvel to me that such a man as thou should be without a companion.' 'O noble sir, I have a companion, albeit he is not skilled in this art.' 'Who may he be?' 'Let the porter go forth, and I will tell him whereby he may know him. The head of his lance will leave its shaft, and draw blood from the wind, and will descend upon its shaft again.' Then the gate was opened, and Bedwyr entered. And Kay said, 'Bedwyr is very skilful, though he knows not this art.'
And there was much discourse among those who were without, because that Kay and Bedwyr had gone in. And a young man who was with them, the only son of the herdsman, got in also; and he contrived to admit all the rest, but they kept themselves concealed.
The sword was now polished, and Kay gave it unto the hand of Gwernach the Giant, to see if he were pleased with his work. And the Giant said, 'The work is good; I am content therewith.' Said Kay, 'It is thy scabbard that hath rusted thy sword; give it to me, that I may take out the wooden sides of it, and put in new ones.' And he took the scabbard from him, and the sword in the other hand. And he came and stood over against the giant, as if he would