Many thanks to Eric Simonoff (for his faith, patience, and support), Jenny Minton (whose insight, guidance, and pep talks were invaluable), Jordan Pavlin (who swooped in, took me under her wing, and did an amazing job), Myra Nissen (my favorite mother/editor/research assistant/publicist in the world), Lee Klein (for raising the bar and cracking the whip), Judy Mitchell (for all her invaluable help, especially The Great Wisconsin Eyes-Like-Papercuts Poll), Peter Orner (to whom I gratefully dedicate the prologue), Lisa Jervis (who is still willing to ask, “What is this story about?” ten years after the workshop that brought us together), Erin Ergenbright (for being there and reading this all the way along), Katie Hubert (for being brilliant!), Allison Amend (for trading monsters with me and for the Pixie Pit Scrabble that sustained us both during trying times), Malena Watrous (for listening to my point-of-view rants over Sunday breakfasts at Lou Henri), Dave Daley (for his support, and for putting “Morey’s Dinghy” in the Hartford Courant), the PWW (Curtis Sittenfeld, Jeremy Mullem, Jeremy Kryt, Trish Walsh, Lewis Robinson and Bridget Garrity), Lucy Roche (for island research and lore), Josh Emmons (for listening to me rant), Sarah Townsend (for listening to me rant and making the best tuna sandwiches on the entire planet), Laurel Snyder (for listening to me rant and ranting back), everyone who got caught in the radii of my ranting, Michelle Forman (for coping with the highway superintendents while I sang Joan Armatrading, prime-rib blood trickling down my arm), Jennie Allen-Cheng (for long-ago baby-sitting lectures on Russian history and Beatles lore), Erik Maziarz and Robert Marshall (for their generous help with the details of fires and fire investigation), Roger Tory Peterson (for his very helpful and inspiring 1969 National Geographic article “The Endangered Osprey”) and John Rutter (for his kind and patient assistance in securing permissions to said article), Michael Foley (for his thoughtful insights regarding issues of draft resistance), Jeff Skinner (future book designer!), Sandy Dyas (who came to my rescue once again), and, last, but hardly least, Gabriel Haman and Mary Schowey (the real Chicken Ladies).


Osprey Island

Thisbe Nissen is a graduate of Oberlin College and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and she is a former James Michener Fellow. A native New Yorker, she now lives, writes, gardens, and collages in Iowa City, Iowa.


The Ex-Boyfriend Cookbook (with Erin Ergenbright)

Out of the Girls’ Room and into the Night

The Good People of New York


Copyright © 2004 by Thisbe Nissen

Anchor Books and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to the National Geographic Society for permission to reprint an excerpt from “The Endangered Osprey” by Roger Tory Peterson (National Geographic, July 1969).

The Library of Congress has cataloged the Knopf edition as follows:

Nissen, Thisbe, [date]

Osprey Island / by Thisbe Nissen. —1st ed.

p. cm.

1. Single mothers—Fiction. 2. Custody of children—Fiction.

3. Accident victims—Fiction. 4.Community life—Fiction.

5. Summer resorts—Fiction. 6. Islands—Fiction. 1. Title.

PS3564.179085 2004

813’.54—dc22 2004040843

eISBN: 978-0-307-42717-5


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