
And the misty sea he walked on

To the boat, as over dry land.

And a gathering of the poor in a hovel,

And the descent into the dark cellar,

Where the candle died of fright

When the raised man stood up …




At nightfall my demon’s right here

In payment for my past.

Memories of depravity

Come and suck at my heart,

Of when, a slave of men’s fancies,

I was a bedeviled fool,

And the street was my only shelter.

A few minutes remain,

And then comes sepulchral silence.

But, before they pass,

Having reached the brink, I take

My life and smash it before you

Like an alabaster vessel.

Oh, where would I be now,

My teacher and my Savior,

If eternity had not been waiting

By night at the table for me,

Like a new client, lured

Into the nets of my profession?

But explain to me what sin means,

Death, hell, and flaming brimstone,

When, before the eyes of all,

I’ve grown into you like a graft on a tree

In my immeasurable anguish.

When I rest your feet, Jesus,

Upon my knees, it may be

That I am learning to embrace

The four-square beam of the cross

And, feeling faint, strain towards your body,

Preparing you for burial.




People are tidying up before the feast.

Away from all that fuss,

I wash your most pure feet

With myrrh from a little flask.

I feel for and do not find your sandals.

I can see nothing for my tears.

Loosened strands of hair

Fall over my eyes like a veil.

I rested your feet on my skirt

And poured tears over them, Jesus,

I wound them in a necklace of beads,

Buried them in the burnous of my hair.

I see the future in such detail

As if you had made it stop.

I am now able to predict

With a sybil’s prophetic clairvoyance.

Tomorrow the veil in the temple

Will fall, we will huddle in a circle

To one side, and the earth will sway underfoot,

Perhaps out of pity for me.

The ranks of the convoy will reform,

The cavalry will begin their departure.

Like a whirlwind in a storm, this cross

Will tear into the sky overhead.

I’ll throw myself at the foot of the crucifix,

Go numb and bite my lip.

For the embrace of all too many

You have spread your arms wide on the cross.

For whom on earth is there so much breadth,

So much torment and such power?

Are there so many souls and lives in the world?

So many villages, rivers, and groves?

But three such days will go by

And push me down into such emptiness,

That in this terrible interval

I’ll grow up to the Resurrection.


The Garden of Gethsemane

The bend of the road was lighted up

By the indifferent glitter of distant stars.

The road went around the Mount of Olives,

Down below it flowed the Kedron.

The little meadow broke off halfway,

Beyond it the Milky Way began.

The gray, silvery olive trees tried

To step on air into the distance.

At the end was someone’s garden plot.

Leaving his disciples outside the wall,

He said, “My soul is sorrowful unto death,

Tarry here and watch with me.”

He renounced without a struggle,

As things merely borrowed for a time,

His miracle-working and omnipotence,

And was now like mortals, like us all.

Now night’s distance seemed the verge

Of annihilation and nonbeing.

The expanse of the universe was uninhabited,

And the garden only was the place for life.

And, peering into those dark gulfs,

Empty, without beginning or end,

And sweating blood, he prayed to his Father

That this cup of death might pass.

Having eased his mortal anguish with prayer,

He went back out. There, on the ground,

His disciples, overcome with sleep,

Lay about among the roadside weeds.

He woke them: “The Lord has granted you

To live in my days, but you lie sprawling.

The hour of the Son of Man has struck.

He will give himself into the hands of sinners.”

He had barely said it when, who knows from where,

A crowd of slaves and vagabonds appeared,

Torches, swords, and at their head—Judas,

With a treacherous kiss upon his lips.

Peter rushed the cutthroats with his sword

And lopped off the ear of one. He hears:

“Disputes can never be resolved with iron.

Put your sword

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