Willow’s eyeing me up and down in a disbelieving, supercilious sort of way that nettles me.

“Why not me?” I say robustly. “Why shouldn’t he be with me?”

Willow says nothing for a moment, just blinks very fast. “So that’s it. He’s two-timing me,” she murmurs at last, her voice throbbing with intensity. “The truth finally comes out. I should have known it. It explains … a lot.” She exhales sharply, her fingers raking through her hair. “So where do we go now?” She addresses some unknown audience. “Where the fuck do we go now?”

She’s a total fruit loop. I want to burst out laughing. Where does she think she is, acting in her own private stage play? Who does she think is impressed by her performance?

And she’s missed a crucial fact. How can Sam be two-timing her if she’s not his girlfriend?

On the other hand, as much as I’m enjoying winding her up, I don’t want to spread false rumors.

“I didn’t say I was with him,” I clarify. “I said, ‘Why shouldn’t he be with me?’ Are you Sam’s girlfriend, then?”

Willow flinches but doesn’t answer, I notice.

“Who the hell are you?” She rounds on me again. “You appear in my life, I have no idea who you are or where you came from … ”

She’s playing to the gallery again. I wonder if she went to drama school and got chucked out for being too melodramatic.84

“It’s … complicated.”

The word complicated seems to inflame Willow even more.

“Oh, ‘complicated.’ ” She makes little jabby quote gestures. “ ‘Complicated.’ Wait a minute.” Her eyes suddenly narrow to disbelieving slits as she surveys my outfit. “Is that Sam’s shirt?”

Ah. A-ha-ha. She’s really not going to like that. Maybe I won’t answer.

“Is that Sam’s shirt? Tell me right now!” Her voice is so hectoring and abrasive, I flinch. “Are you wearing Sam’s shirt? Tell me! Is that his shirt? Answer me!”

“Mind your own Brazilian!” The words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them. Oops.

OK. The trick when you’ve said something embarrassing by mistake is not to overreact. Instead, keep your chin up and pretend nothing happened. Maybe Willow didn’t even notice what I said. I’m sure she didn’t notice. Of course she didn’t.

I dart a surreptitious look at her, and her eyes have widened so much, I think her eyeballs might pop out. All right, so she did notice. And from David’s gleeful expression, it’s clear he did too.

“I mean … business,” I amend, clearing my throat. “Business.”

Over David’s shoulder I suddenly see Vicks. She’s striding through the clusters of White Globe Consulting employees, and her grim expression makes my stomach turn over. I glance at my watch. Quarter to ten.

“Vicks!” Willow has noticed her too. She blocks Vicks’s way, her arms folded imperiously. “Where’s Sam? Someone said he was with you.”

“Excuse me, Willow.” Vicks tries to get past.

“Just tell me where Sam is!”

“I have no idea, Willow!” Vicks snaps. “Can you get out of my way? I need to speak to Poppy.”

Poppy? You need to speak to Poppy?” Willow looks as if she’s going to explode with frustration. “Who is this fucking Poppy?”

I almost feel sorry for Willow. Completely ignoring her, Vicks comes round to my seat, bends down low, and mutters, “Do you know where Sam is?”

“No.” I look at her in alarm. “What’s happened?”

“Has he texted you? Anything?”

“No!” I double-check my phone. “Nothing. I thought he was with you.”

“He was.” Vicks does her eye-rubbing thing with the heels of her hands, and I resist the temptation to grab her wrists.

“What happened?”’ I lower my voice further. “Please, Vicks. I’ll be discreet. I swear.”

There’s a beat of silence, then Vicks nods. “OK. We ran out of time. I guess you could say Sam lost.”

I feel a plunge of disappointment. After all that.

“What did Sam say?”

“Not a lot. He stormed out.”

“What will happen to Sir Nicholas?” I speak as quietly as I can.

Vicks doesn’t reply, but her head turns away as though she wants to escape that particular thought.

“I have to go,” she says abruptly. “Let me know if you hear from Sam. Please.”


I wait as Vicks walks away, then casually raise my head. Sure enough, Willow is fixated on me, like a cobra.

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