‘ said Mr. Jagger.

And after further mutual reassurances, the Bishop was sent to inform their host of their decision to remain. He found him peacefully dozing in a hammock under the mango trees.

“You put me in a very difficult position,’

‘ he said when the situation had been explained to him. “I wish that nothing of the sort had occurred at all. I am sure you would all be much more comfortable and equally safe in the town, but since you wish to remain pray consider yourselves my guests for as long as it takes to relieve your apprehensions,’

‘ and feeling that affairs had got completely outside his control, the Envoy relapsed into sleep.

Later that afternoon, when Lady Courteney had contrived to find occupation for all her guests, some at the bagatelle board, others with Pegity, photograph albums, cards or croquet, the party suffered a further and far from welcome addition; a dusty figure in native costume who propped a rifle against the fireplace before coming forward to shake her hand.

“Oh, dear, oh, dear,” she said, “have you come to stay with us too?”

“Only for to-night,” said Basil. “I’ve got to be off first thing tomorrow. Where can I put up my camels?”

“Good gracious, I don’t think we’ve ever had such a thing here before. Have you more than one?”

“Ten. I’m passing as a Sakuyu merchant. They’re outside with the boys. I daresay they’ll find a place for them. They’re vicious beasts though. D’you think I could have some whiskey?”

“Yes, no doubt the butler can find you some, and would you like William to lend you some clothes?”

“No, I’ll stay in these, thanks. Got to get used to moving about in them. It’s the only way I can hope to get through. They had two shots at bumping me off yesterday.”

The company forsook their pastimes and crowded round the newcomer.

“How are things in the city?”

“As bad as can be. The army feel they’ve been sold a pup and won’t leave barracks. Connolly’s gone off with most of his staff to try and find Seth. The Patriarch’s in hiding somewhere in the town. Ngumo’s men have had a big dust up with the po-lice and are pretty well on top at the moment. They’ve got into the liquor saloons which Connolly closed yesterday. As soon as it’s dark they’ll start looting again.”

“There” said Dame Mildred, “and the Minister expected us to leave to-day.”

“Oh, I shouldn’t count on being too safe here. There’s a gang breaking up the American Legation now. Ballon’s ordered an aeroplane from the mainland. I expect you’ll get a raid to-night or to-mor-row. Your sowars don’t look up to much serious work.”

“And where are you going?”

“After Seth and Boaz. We’ve a rendezvous five days’ ride out of town at a farm of Boaz’s on the edge of the Wanda country. There’s just a chance of getting the boy back if he plays his cards properly. But there’s bound to be serious fighting whatever happens.”

Shivers of half-pleasant alarm went through his listeners.

“Mr. Seal,” Lady Courteney benignly interposed at last. “I think it’s very mischievous of you saying all this. I’m sure that things are not nearly as bad as you make out. You’re just talking. Now go and get yourself some whiskey and talk to Prudence and I think you might put that dirty gun outside in the lobby.”

“Oh, Basil, what is going to happen? I can’t bear your going off like this and everything being so messy.”

“Don’t you worry, Prudence, everything’ll be all right. We’ll meet again. I promise you.”

“But you said it was dangerous.”

“I was just piling it on to scare the old women.”

“Basil, I don’t believe you were.”

“I should think they’ll take you off by air from Khormaksar. You’ve got Walsh down at Matodi. He’s a sound enough fellow. As soon as he learns what’s happened he’ll get through to Aden and arrange everything. You’ll be all right, just you see.”

“But it’s you I’m worrying about.”

“Don’t you do that, Prudence. It’s one of the things there’s no sense in at all. People are always doing it and it doesn’t get them anywhere.”

“Anyway, you look lovely in those clothes.”

Basil talked a great deal at dinner; the same large party was assembled but he kept them all silent with tales of Sakuyu savagery, partly invented, partly remembered from the days of Connolly’s confidence. “… shaved all the hair off her head and covered it with butter. White ants ate straight through into her skull… you still find blind old Europeans working with the slaves on some of the farms in the interior; they’re prisoners of war that were conveniently forgotten about when peace was made… the Arab word for Sakuyu means Man-without-mercy… when they get drink in them they go completely insane. They can stay like that for days at a time, utterly unconscious of fatigue. They’d think nothing of the road out here if they thought they’d find alcohol when they got here. May I have another glass of whiskey?…”

When the men were left together at the table, the Minister said, “My boy, I don’t know how much truth there is in all you’ve been saying but I think you might not have talked like that before the ladies. If there is any danger, and I for one don’t for a moment believe there is, the ladies should be kept in ignorance of the fact.”

“Oh, I like to see them scared,” said Basil. “Pass the decanter, will you, Jagger, and now, sir, what arrangements are we making for defence?”

“Arrangements for defence?”

“Yes, of course, you can’t possibly have every one separated in the different bungalows. They could all have

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