No more questions. Max turned away and began the long run down, hoping the boy would do as he said, or he would still have to avoid the warriors on the ground.
Riga followed the turbulent water that channeled down toward the compound. Max Gordon had his wits about him. He had got this far. Did the kid know anything about this place? Cazamind wanted Riga dead because he had disobeyed him and entered this forbidden killing ground. His secret was here somewhere. Did Max Gordon know what it was?
He saw children and an old man being herded away by warriors. They had been spooked by what they’d seen on the sacrificial site. Riga could have shot a dozen of the men before they knew what hit them, but they were unimportant, and he did not have time-a shadow lengthened down the side of the pyramid. It was Max heading for the building where the water hurtled in a torrent of power through a narrow sluice. What was there? He wasn’t going to get down in time before the English boy reached the building’s entrance.
Riga flung himself into the water chute.
Max could see Flint’s feathered hat jostling amid the crowd of children. He knew Xavier would still be with him, but there was nothing he could do to help them now. The tendons and muscles in his legs screamed for rest. This was worse than any sports training he had ever done, but there was something else driving him now- something that felt like revenge. He had doubted his father. How
He hit the ground running. Sprinting through the shadowed alleyway between the pyramid and the Razor House, he felt a low rumbling in the ground beneath his feet. Another earth tremor? He braced himself against a wall, but there was no surge of power rolling through the ground. This was coming from below the building. Running to the end of the passageway, he could see that the ball court was being cleared of the prisoners, and the guards moved in the opposite direction. The Mayan boy had given him a chance. He turned the corner quickly and stepped into the gaping cold shadow of the doorway. Dust sprinkled from the ceiling; the walls trembled with a slow, grinding vibration. He moved farther into the chilled interior. The light from the entrance was too far back to penetrate this deeply. He closed his eyes, wanting the sunlight from seconds ago to seep away so he could see into the gloom. Something moved. It whispered. The air brushed his face. He stopped.
Stale air wafted past his face.
He waited, caution reining in his urgency. The Razor House? Blades?
Like a fan.
He took a step back, opened his eyes and concentrated on the darkness.
Wooden poles, like fallen sticks, crisscrossed the narrow passage that led through the building. It was an ancient but intricate design to obscure and obstruct any further movement. The sour taste of nausea caught his throat. It was no fan that cut the air-it was hundreds of flint blades attached to wooden arms bound to those turning poles. Razor-sharp. They were like a meat grinder. With more angles than the face of a diamond, any one of those flints would snag clothing or flesh and churn their victim into its shredding jaws-like a boa constrictor’s teeth.
Max backed away, lest the mesmerizing machinery draw him in. One more step forward and it would snare him, then slice and hack him in a terrifying and painfully slow death.
If he wanted to get through, he had to find what drove the stone-wheeled machinery and destroy it. He turned. A shadow stretched in front of him. A man, water dripping from his clothes, stood silhouetted in the entrance. His leg was tied with a sweat rag, a rifle gripped casually in one hand, his backlit face in shadow.
Max knew without a doubt that if he saw this man’s eyes, they would have the same cold, penetrating gaze of the man who had nearly killed him in the British Museum.
“Hello, Max,” he said. “My name is Riga.”
Charlie Morgan and her convoy of ex-British Army jungle fighters had pursued the men from the City of Lost Souls. The old man who drove a battered supply truck in and out of the jungle stronghold had scraped the route map into the dirt, showing there was only one entrance, which lay between rugged boulders.
She had been relegated to the back of the convoy, because the men knew the action would be ferocious. As much violence as the ex-soldiers could muster would be inflicted on the mercenary
The enemy’s heavy machine gun, mounted on the back of a pickup truck, laid down wicked fire, shattering tree trunks and flailing branches and leaves. It was slowing her men’s flanking attack. Within moments they would be forced to find dead ground beneath the killing fire, and their momentum would grind to a halt. A failed attack meant a failed result for her. And she wanted success more than anything.
She got behind the wheel of the old Land Rover, slammed it into gear and floored the accelerator pedal. The 4?4 bit into the mud and chewed undergrowth as she wrestled the wheel left and right, avoiding other vehicles, tree stumps and gullies. She was going for the gap, and the machine gun turned its attention to her speeding approach.
As the gun swung and opened fire, her men on the ground took advantage of the brief respite and moved forward. She had created a diversion that allowed the attack to regain momentum, but Charlie was now staring down the barrel of the machine gun and saw the spent cartridge cases spinning away as the line of fire tracked her approach on the red dirt road.
The last thing she remembered was throwing herself down as the windscreen shattered. The careering Land Rover plowed off into the undergrowth and immediately became ensnared like an animal in a trap.
Max stood, unable to react for a moment, his thoughts shattering against the wall like water splashing on a rock. How had this man got to him? All this way? After all this time? Had he been the one pursuing him downriver in that helicopter? It was like a dark angel standing in the entrance. And yet he made no move to raise the rifle. Clearly it had been he who’d killed the shaman. What did he want?
Even now Riga had little to say. He reached out to the wall with his free hand and hauled down a wooden lever. There was a sudden gush of water as if a small waterfall had been blocked.
“Water powers a wheel that spins all those blades. We’re both looking for answers now, Max. You’re a hard boy to kill. You’ve earned the right to live awhile longer.”
The poles creaked in the waterwheel and finally stopped. Water dripped somewhere; each drop like a small, echoing threat that the power could be unleashed again.
Max had not moved. He knew that, even with the poles unmoving behind him, he would not be able to make a quick escape. Trying to get past those blades would be like edging through razor wire. “Who sent you? Did you kill Danny Maguire? Why are you after me? Tell me!” The questions came quickly. He wanted to buy time as well as get answers.
Riga did not move from the entrance. He was not going to give Max, with his speed and agility, a chance to escape. He shrugged. “Why not? It makes no difference now. There’s a man called Cazamind, and he runs this project-whatever it is. This is his secret. Danny Maguire caught some stinking disease that chewed up his body and sucked out his brain. Blood poured out of every pore, even his eyes. When he fell on the high-voltage rail, it fried everything and stopped it spreading, but Cazamind had him cremated, just in case. And this place is connected with it. That’s why Cazamind didn’t want you getting close. In case you found things out.”
Max’s stomach lurched as he thought of his mother. Had her beauty drowned in blood? But Riga, why was he here now? Why had he not killed Max already?
Riga looked at him, sensing the question flitting through the boy’s mind. “I came here to kill you-but Cazamind tried to kill me. He didn’t want me to find out his secret either.”
Max’s mind raced. He was on the brink with Riga. In a second he could kill Max. Why hadn’t he? He knew the