Shay had thought she had it tough. At least the people who lied to her thought they were helping. Maybe that was why she felt such a bond with Bree. She understood the heartache of betrayal.
“What are you going to do about Cody and Jamie?” Bree asked.
“I don’t know, but I have to sort it out before they kill each other.”
“Are you in love with one of them? Or both?” she added quietly.
She did love them both, but not in the same way. “I don’t know what I feel, beyond wanting to wring both their necks.”
“I know that feeling well,” Bree said, smiling. “Living with a man from the nineteenth century, I guess I got my piece of history. I swear he’s driving me crazy with all this hovering. I’d climb out the window and run away, if it weren’t for the baby—”
Bree pressed her lips together, staring at the door. She leaned closer and whispered, “I’m pregnant.”
“Pregnant?” Shay grabbed Bree’s hand. “The baby, it’s all right?”
“It’s fine.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes. Stop worrying.”
“How far along are you?”
“Not far. I wasn’t even sure until a couple days ago. You can’t say anything to Faelan. He doesn’t know.”
“If I tell him, he’ll worry about me and the baby and won’t focus on this battle. I can’t take that chance.”
“Ronan knows, doesn’t he? That’s the reason for all the secret looks between you, why he’s trying to make you rest and eat healthy.”
Bree nodded.
“That’s a relief. I was afraid you were having an affair with him.”
Bree laughed. “Ronan? I do adore him, but as a friend. I hope Faelan hasn’t noticed. He’d kill Ronan if he thought… Maybe I’d better tell him… No. I can’t risk it.”
They heard Faelan’s raised voice out in the hall, fussing at Ronan. “You wouldn’t know it to listen to them fight, but he and Ronan are like brothers. I think he reminds Faelan of the ones he lost. He had two, Tavis and Ian, and a sister. She was only thirteen.” Bree sighed. “Here I am going on about betrayal, when he lost everything the second that time vault was locked. His family, his world, his time. He would never have been captured if he hadn’t been trying to save the warriors who were with him… and his brothers. He didn’t want them around when he destroyed Druan. If one of them had accidentally aimed his talisman at Druan while trying to destroy one of Druan’s lesser demons, the warrior would’ve been killed.”
“No wonder they call him the Mighty Faelan,” Shay said.
Bree started sorting through things on the nightstand. “Cody’s a lot like him. He would do anything to protect someone he cares about. Have you seen how he looks at you?”
Shay had, but she didn’t know what to do about it.
Bree lifted a pillow and looked underneath.
“What are you looking for?”
“I can’t find my necklace. I hope I didn’t leave it in the emergency room. It belonged to my father.”
“Maybe Faelan has it. Did you tell the doctor you’re pregnant?”
“Yes, but I asked him not to tell Faelan.”
“He’ll be excited that he’s going to be a father.”
“He will.” Bree touched her stomach. “This baby will give Faelan something of his own flesh and blood, after all he’s lost. That’s why I can’t risk distracting him.”
Cody came in, glancing from Shay to Bree. His gaze dropped to Bree’s stomach. Had he overheard about the baby? “We have trouble,” he said, but he wore a pleased expression.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nina and Matilda are coming up the driveway.”
“Pretend everything is normal,” Shay said as she and Cody hurried across to Nina’s house. Lachlan and Marcas had gone ahead to run interference while Shay exchanged her large bandage for a less noticeable one.
“Normal?” Cody pulled Shay into the shadow of the back porch. “Is it normal that all I can think about is kissing you?” His head lowered. “And more than kissing. Do you know how often I think about more than kissing?”
There was a hiss from the back porch. Marcas appeared above them, frowning. Shay’s face burned. “Do that later,” Marcas said. “Nina’s ready to mount a search party. If she finds out you have a stalker, they’ll never leave. And God forbid Matilda sees Faelan in his kilt.”
Shay let Cody pull her up the steps. They had to get Nina and Matilda away from there. Shay might be willing to take her chances with a stalker, but she wasn’t willing to risk her aunt and Matilda.
Both ladies were sitting at the table drinking iced tea. Lachlan sat next to them, looking like a caged bear.