“She'll get over it.”

“You wouldn't expect her, or me for that matter, to make you change who you are to make our lives less complicated.”

“You're different,” Zach said darkly. “And you know it.”

“Enough!” She sat up and glared first at Caleb before turning to Zach. “You did not get a tame puppy for a mate. Get over it.”

She took a deep breath and forced herself to wait a few seconds before she said something she'd regret later. “Caleb is right. I wouldn't ask you to change. I need you to accept me as I am.” That he didn't want her as she was hurt as much as thinking Caleb didn't want her because she couldn't shift.

“Oh, kitten, that's not it,” he whispered, pulling her down and wrapping his arms around her. “You're perfect the way you are. I couldn't stand to lose you.”

“And you don't trust me to take care of myself.”

“I trust you,” he said grudgingly. “It's everyone else I don't trust.” She sighed. “I really can take care of myself, you know.” He waited so long she didn't expect him to reply. “I know. But if you ever again hesitate like you did today, I swear I'll spank your pretty ass and you won't be able to sit for two weeks.” His hands slid down her back to grip and knead her butt. She laughed. The threat didn't have the effect he was going for. It sounded more like a promise to her. His responding growl was low and not at all menacing.

He rolled over and pressed her into the mattress, holding her hips still when she wiggled to get free. His erection nudged her sex, and she held her breath, waiting for him to enter her.

“The question is…how much do you trust us, sweetheart?” Caleb drawled.

Oh gods. She knew that tone. She turned her head to meet his gaze and her heart started to race. “What did you have in mind?”

He wasn't smiling anymore, wasn't teasing anymore or badgering Zach to accept her as she was. There was pure male demand in his eyes, a refusal to be denied, and every cell in her body came alive seeing it.

Without a word, he left the bed and went to the dresser drawer that held her toy collection.

Worried about what he'd come back with—some of that stuff was not for the faint of heart—she bit her bottom lip. She had to. If she didn't, she'd demand answers and they were playing by his rules now. He returned and dropped several items on the bedside table.

“Up,” he ordered.

With a reluctant sigh, Zach moved and helped her sit up, but cocked an eyebrow in interest when he looked at the nightstand. “Kinky it is,” he said softly.

Caleb gave him a considering look. “You know, you're the one with the bigger trust issues here.”

Zach laughed. “Forget it, babe. I'll do a lot for you. Submission isn't one of them.”

“He gets to choose and I don't? That's hardly fair.” It wasn't really a complaint, and Caleb knew it. He snorted and returned to the drawer. She took the chance to look over at what he'd already got out. Vibrator, cuffs, one—no, two—floggers. He returned with nipple clamps.

“Zach doesn't have a submissive bone in his body, but you my dear…” He didn't have to finish the sentence, and they both knew it. Still, she didn't want anyone to get the impression this was normal for her. “Only with you.” He smiled, unscrewing the clamp and kneeling down before her. “I know.” Then there was that rushing bite of pain as he retightened the clamp. His tongue stroked over her, soothing, before he moved to her other breast and repeated the process. He stood and pulled her to her feet.

“Zach, go grab a stool from the kitchen.”

While Zach hurried out, Caleb picked up an anal plug and tube of lubricant. He smiled when he turned back to her, and Zach walked in with the stool. He set it in the middle of the room, and she wondered if he knew what Caleb was up to. Had they done this together before?

With whom? She repressed a surge of jealousy. It was before me. It doesn't matter. If she didn't know better, she'd think Caleb could read her mind though.

“Wondering if we've done this before?”

She shrugged. “It doesn't matter. You're mine now.”

He gave her a cocky grin while sliding a hand up the inside of her leg. From her knee to thigh, he left of trail of awareness. He rotated his wrist and his fingers brushed over the tiny curls covering her pussy, then returned to spread the lips. She groaned and shifted closer, but he denied her with a chuckle that was heavy with satisfaction.

“Not yet, baby.”

She heard the squirting of the tube, but still jumped when his slick fingers rimmed her.

“Widen your stance.”

She shivered and complied. How could she not? One at a time, he pushed two fingers inside working them back and forth before withdrawing and reaching for the plug. Once it was lubed, he put it in place quick, not allowing her body time to protest the invasion. She felt full and expectant. The chain connecting the clamps was heavy and tugging on her nipples. She wasn't sure how much of it she could take.

Caleb looked her over, nodded, and stepped out of the way. Zach brought the stool with him when he approached. He set it in front of her, a couple feet from the side of the bed, and helped her get on it. One of them turned on the anal plug. Then Caleb picked up the flogger.

He flicked his wrist and the soft leather straps grazed her stomach. Soft as butterfly wings.

Teasing. Promising. She tried to bite back a moan of anticipation, but was unsuccessful and he grinned at her.

The different between tonight and the last time he'd used a flogger on her five years ago was so vast that she

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