She wanted him to be faithful because he wanted no one but her. Ach, she was foolish to want the impossible from Alexander Ban MacDonald. If he loved her, she might throw her fate to the four winds and hope for the best. But Alex only wished to wed her for the sake of his daughter.

“Please, Glynis,” he said, his voice like a caress across her skin. “Say ye will marry me and come to bed.”


Alex was flirting shamelessly with Catherine, though his heart was not in it. He’d spent half his life trying to avoid jealous women, and here he was doing his best to make one jealous. And it wasn’t working, damn her.

Last night, he was certain Glynis was going to give in—but she had not. If she continued to refuse him, he would have to choose another. His daughter needed a mother.

Alex caught sight of his daughter and Bessie going through the doorway that led to the upper floors. Glynis was not with them. When he glanced about the hall, he did not see her.

D’Arcy was missing as well.

Under the table, Catherine’s hand was moving up his leg—and heaven knew his cock was suffering from lack of attention. But he did not have time for this now.

“Come to my chamber tonight,” she said close to his ear.

Alex was used to avoiding promises, and he did not make one now.

“I am meeting with your brothers soon, and I must look in on my daughter first,” he said, as he eased Catherine’s hand off his leg. He did intend to see Sorcha—as soon as he found out where Glynis was.

“Your daughter?” Catherine leaned toward him until her breast pressed against his arm. “Surely her nursemaid can look after her?”

“Sorcha is not accustomed to having so many strangers about,” Alex said. “She’s had a difficult time, and she becomes anxious if she does not see me for long.”

“Poor child,” Catherine said, pursing her full, red lips. “She’s lucky to have such an attentive father.”

Alex smiled, pleased by the compliment and by Catherine’s concern for his daughter. “I’m glad ye understand.”

If he could not persuade Glynis to see sense, perhaps he should consider wedding Catherine.

*  *  *

Glynis felt so unsettled that she had asked Bessie to take Sorcha up for a nap while she went for a walk along the shore of the loch. She was staring off at the mountains, wishing she was home, when she felt someone beside her and turned.

“Ye startled me, Lord d’Arcy,” she said, putting her hand to her chest.

“Please call me Antoine,” he said in his lovely accent. “May I walk with you?”

“Of course,” she said. “Ye have a remarkable gift for languages, Lord—Antoine. Your Gaelic improves by the day.”

“I have a good teacher,” he said, taking her arm. “I hope you will continue to practice with me.”

“I will be here at Inveraray only a short while longer.” She hoped. “But I am happy to help ye until I leave.”

After they walked for a time, D’Arcy came to a halt and turned to face her.

“I have an important question to ask you.” He took her hand and kissed it, as if she were a princess. “Albany has appointed me castellan of Dunbar Castle, a great fortress on the sea to the east. Would you consider joining me there and being the queen of my castle?”

A marriage proposal was the last thing she had expected.

Glynis knew she should shout aye and throw her arms around his neck. D’Arcy was perfect in every possible way: handsome, serious, principled, and a renowned warrior. Most important, he was closely connected to the regent and therefore in a position to protect her clan.

D’Arcy was so far above her father’s expectations for her that she was tempted to agree to be his wife just for spite. And he would be a most considerate husband.

So why did she stand here saying nothing?

Because Alex MacDonald’s face, full of laughter, flooded her vision. Alex was wrong for her in so many ways, and yet the devil tempted her to choose the sinfully charming man.

“Thank ye for your kind offer,” she said. “Please give me a day to consider.”

“Of course.”

D’Arcy kissed her hand again. It was a romantic gesture that should have made her sigh. But, as handsome and gallant as D’Arcy was, she felt no spark.

It was a grave disappointment. She did not, however, need to ask him if he would honor his vows—a man like D’Arcy would always be honorable.

*  *  *

Alex winked at Catherine and left her to find Glynis. On the steps of the keep, he met D’Arcy.

“I’ve just been speaking with your lovely friend Glynis.” D’Arcy gave Alex a smile like a cat that has gotten its paw into the cream. “I fear you must make the rest of the journey without her. She is going to leave with me.”


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