'He's been a busy bastard,' Odette said.

'I can read that in a man.'

'The chances are he won't open the door to the hotel staff,' Orlov went on.

'And if you pretend to be a housekeeper or security officer, that will only put him on guard.'

'I agree,' she said.

'I'll find a way to get in and take him by surprise.'

'I spoke to our profiler,' Orlov said.

'If you do get to him, he'll probably be cool and even pleasant and will appear to cooperate. He might attempt to bribe you or get you to be overconfident. Try to get your guard down so he can attack. Don't even listen. Make your assessment and do your job. I wouldn't be surprised if he also has several traps at the ready. A gas canister in an air duct, an explosive device, or maybe just a magnesium flash to blind you. He might have rigged it to a light switch or a remote control in his heel, something he can activate when he ties his shoe. We just don't know enough about him to say for certain how he secures a room.'

'It's all right,' Odette assured him.

'I'll make the ID and neutralize him.'

'I wish I could tell you to go in with a squad of police,' Orlov said apologetically.

'But that isn't advisable.

A shout, rerouted traffic, anything out of the ordinary can alert him. Or the Harpooner may sense their presence. If he does, he may get away before you can even get to him. I'm sure he has carefully planned his escape routes. Or he may try to take hostages.'

'I understand,' Odette said.

'All right. Where is the Harpooner registered?'

'Before I tell you that, how is your guest?' Orlov asked.

'He's sleeping,' Odette replied. She looked down at the man on the bed. He was lying on his back, his arms at his side. His breathing was slow and heavy.

'Whatever he's suffering from was probably artificially induced,' she said.

'Possibly by injection.'

'How is his fever?'

'Down a bit, I think,' she said.

'He'll be okay.'

'Good,' Orlov said.

'Wake him.'

'Sir?' The order took her completely by surprise.

'I want you to wake him,' Orlov told her.

'You're bringing him with you.'

'But that's not possible!' Odette protested.

'I don't even know if the American can stand.'

'He'll stand,' Orlov said.

'He has to.'

'Sir, this is not going to help me--'

'I'm not going to have you face the Harpooner without experienced backup,' Orlov said.

'Now, you know the drill. Do it.' Odetted shook her head. She knew the drill. Viktor had taught it to her. Lit matches were applied to the soles of the feet. It not only woke up the ill or people who had been tortured into unconsciousness, but the pain kept them awake and alert as they walked. Odette shook her head. By definition, field work was a solo pursuit. What had happened to Viktor underscored the danger of working with someone even briefly. Even if the American were well, she was not sure she wanted a partner. I'll, he would be more of a burden than an asset.

'All right,' Odette said. She turned her back on the American and walked toward the kitchenette.

'Where is he?'

'We believe the Harpooner is in the Hyatt,' Orlov told her.

'We're trying to have a look at their computer records now. I'll let you know if we learn anything from the files.'

'I'll be there in ten minutes,' Odette promised.

'Is there anything else. General?'

'Just this,' Orlov said.

'I have grave reservations about sending you after this man. I want you both to be careful.'

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