'So an attack by the Spanish soldiers against the Brush Vipers helps whoever killed the bishop,' Hood said.

'This is all very speculative, but yes,' Herbert said. 'For all we know, the Spanish could have done it. Or the assassins could have been sent by Gaborone. Maybe they were looking for a reason to shut down Dhamballa.'

'Excuse me, but aren't we obligated to support the legal government?' Coffey asked.

'Is a government that murders an innocent American citizen lawful?' Rodgers asked.

'That's assuming Botswana had a part in his death,' Hood said.

'I said legal not lawful,' Coffey pointed out. 'We all know that legal governments sometimes do unlawful things.'

'I'm shocked,' Herbert said.

'Look, that's not a minefield I want to cross if we don't have to,' Hood said. 'Right now, I want to focus on our people.'

'Hear, hear,' McCaskey said.

'Do we let them go ahead on their own, do we abort this thing, or do we allow them to lead the Spanish soldiers to the target?' Hood asked.

'If the Spanish are killing Botswana citizens, we don't want to be a part of that,' Coffey said.

'Why not?' Herbert asked. 'The president might view that as a viable coalition.' • ''*



'Spain and the U.S. ganging up on Botswana?' Rodgers said.

'No,' Herbert replied. 'Two nations surgically striking against the rebels, who are holding a Catholic priest as a hostage. Botswana wiil thank us for not having to move against their own people.'

'I'm not so sure of that,' Rodgers said. 'None of us has been given permission by the 'lawful' government to stage any action.'

'We'll get that authority after the fact, assuming it all works out,' Herbert said. 'They'll be happy to give it to us.'

'Mike, I'm inclined to agree with Bob, but not for the reasons stated,' Hood said. He was looking at the photograph. 'A third party, as yet unknown, killed Bishop Max. Maybe Spain, maybe Gaborone, but maybe someone else. The someone else is the one that scares me. Especially with Beaudin on the perimeter. It would suggest that there is something larger going on. The sooner the Brush Vipers and the Vatican are removed from the equation, the sooner we can find out who is behind the killing.'

'You're assuming the Brush Vipers can be removed from the equation,' Rodgers said.

'They haven't fought for years,' Herbert said.

'True. But there are dozens, possibly hundreds of them,' Rodgers said. 'And they will be fighting on terrain they know well.'

'Yes, but we have an advantage they do not,' Herbert said.

'Which is?' Rodgers asked.

'We have someone on the inside,' Herbert said. 'Someone of whom they are unaware.'

'Someone who isn't going to be risking her life to stop what smells like a revolution we have no business in,' McCaskey said.

'Darrell, she has no instructions to intervene,' Hood said. 'We'll monitor this closely, I promise.'

McCaskey's arms were folded tightly across his chest. He leaned back in the chair and was rocking. Hood considered ordering him home. He would see how things developed.



'You know, I'm missing something here,' Coffey said. 'How does having Maria on site help us? We can't contact her directly.'

'Aideen and Battat will be able to do that,' Herbert said. 'And we'll make sure they are fully briefed via voice mail. They'll check for instructions and fresh intel before they do anything.'

'Gotcha,' Coffey said.

'We'll let them know the Spaniards are going to move in,' Rodgers said. 'Their job will be to get to Father Bradbury, if possible. Get him out if they can. That accomplishes our original goal, and it gives us the moral high ground.'

'In other words, our people get in and out before the shooting starts,' Coffey clarified.

'Either that or they lay very, very low,' Herbert said.

Rodgers's hands were folded on the conference table. He was staring at them intently. 'I do want to make this observation,' he said. 'This started as an intelligence-gathering operation. It now has a potential political objective with a military component. The military end will be undertaken by soldiers who will not have the time nor inclination to check passports before they open fire. The people we have sent are not qualified to participate in that kind of operation. I don't want them involved in any way.'

'Maria speaks Spanish, doesn't she?' Coffey asked.

'Yes,' McCaskey said. 'But Mike is right. They should not be interfacing with the Spanish soldiers.'

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