accustomed to working in small groups as well as independently.'

'Something just occurred to me,' Maria said. 'What if the Spaniards are going in first?'

Seronga looked at her. So did Aideen.

'Explain yourself,' Seronga said.

'We have to assume the Spanish soldiers were also given this information,' Maria said. 'In that case, they may not be coming here. They might have been picked up at the Maun airfield.'

'You're right. The Spaniards could have leapfrogged over us,' Aideen said. 'By now they might have reached the camp, infiltrated it, and rescued Father Bradbury.'

'Wouldn't Mike have told us if something like that were going on?' Battat asked.



'Probably, if he knew,' Aideen said.

'The Spanish are not very open about the conducting of military maneuvers,' Maria told him. 'In Spain, separatist factions could use that information to plan acts of terror.'

Seronga came toward Maria with the gun. 'Get in the Jeep, all of you,' he said urgently.

'Why?' Battat asked.

'We are going to join my group,' Seronga said.

'Like hell-' Battat said.

'Now!' Seronga yelled. 'I don't care whether you three are here officially or not. You are now my hostages. Your government will be informed. That will buy us time.'

'I have a better idea,' Aideen said.

'I don't have time to debate!' Seronga said.

'You're doing all the talking,' Aideen yelled back. 'Mr. Seronga, I need my phone.'

'What are you going to do?' the Brush Viper asked.

'I'm going to call my people and ask them to put out fake Intel,' Aideen replied. 'Something that will stall the Botswanans.'

'What kind of information?' Seronga asked.

'I don't know,' Aideen told him. 'I'll figure it out. Look, you're wasting time. Whatever I do cannot be worse than what's already happening,' the woman pointed out.

Seronga hesitated, but only for a moment. He handed her the phone. 'Make your call from the Jeep. I'm returning to the truck. I want to be with my people as soon as possible.'

Aideen looked at Battat. She could not see him well. But she could see him shifting his weight slightly from foot to foot. She could not decide if he were going to go along with this or try to disarm Seronga.

But there was one decision Aideen could make. She turned and strode toward the Jeep. 'I'm going to join the Vodunists,' she announced.

Battat hesitated.

So did Maria, but only for a moment. She followed Aideen. She stopped as she passed Battat.

'Aideen is right,' Maria said. 'If Op-Center c3h delay the



attack, we might find a way to stop this. If we leave, many will die.' She cocked her head toward the sniper on the truck. 'Including us, perhaps.'

Maria continued toward the Jeep. She grabbed the roll bar, hopped over the door, and sat in the backseat. 'Are you corning?' she asked Battat.

Battat glared at the truck.

Aideen had already reached the Jeep. She punched in the number of the embassy in Gaborone and was looking back. She saw Seronga lower his pistol and walk toward the truck. It was a gesture, nothing more, since the man in the truck still probably had his rifle trained on them. But it was a smart move.

Battat finally turned and walked toward the Jeep. Maria sat on the back passenger's-side seat, her head on the roll bar support. Her eyes were shut. Aideen was holding the phone to her ear. The night operator at the embassy had answered. Aideen had asked to be put through to Terminal 82401. While the woman waited to be connected, Battat climbed behind the wheel.

'It needed to be said,' Battat told her defensively.

'You needed to say it,' Aideen replied.

'All right. I needed it,' Battat said in a harsh whisper. 'I don't know if I agree with what you're doing. If we do stay with Seronga, we cannot afford to be identified. You understand that.'

'I do,' Aideen told him.

'Then why don't you stay out here?' Maria asked. 'We'll send someone to get you.'

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