'Exactly,' Kline agreed. 'We take digital pictures of events like these and load them into a master file. We like to know whether they originate at a grassroots level or elsewhere. Real religious movements tend to peak at a certain point and return to the underground. Sects concealing a political agenda tend to be well financed, often from abroad. They don't usually fade away.'

'Making them more of a threat,' Herbert pointed out.

'Yes, but not just to the Church's goals,' Kline said. 'They're a danger to the political stability of the continent. We take a very real interest in the lives, health, and well-being of the people to whom we minister. This is not just about the state of their immortal souls.'

'I understand,' Herbert assured him.

'After we ID'ed Seronga, we went back and checked photographs from previous Dhamballa rallies,' Kline went on.



'Were these large rallies or small ones?' Herbert interrupted.

'Small at first, just about a dozen people at the mine,' Kline said. 'Then they began to grow as family members attended. He began holding them in village squares and in fields.'

'Talking about?'

'The same things he discussed in the mines,' Kline said.

'Gotcha,' Herbert told him. 'Sorry to interrupt. You were saying about Leon Seronga-?'

'That he was not the only member of the former Brush Vipers to have been present,' Kline said.

'I see,' Herbert said. 'Which is really why you came to Washington. If this is the start of a new political action in southern Africa, you want Americans to help contain it.'

'Let's just say I'd like you to participate in the process of containment,' Kline said. 'That can take many forms, though right now I need intelligence.'

Kline seemed somewhat embarrassed by that. He should not have been. Herbert welcomed honesty. Everyone wanted America to become involved in international scuffles. The United States gave backbone to friends and took the heat from enemies.

'Edgar, do you have any idea why Father Bradbury was targeted?' Herbert asked.

'Not really,' Kline said. 'As I said, we lack information.'

'Was there something special about his ministry?' Herbert asked.

'Father Bradbury presided over-forgive me. I mean, he presides over the largest number of deacon missionaries in the nation,' Kline said. He shook his head and tightened his lips. 'I can't believe I said that.'

'It's a natural mistake,' Herbert said. 'I've probably done it a million times without being smart enough to catch it.' He paused. 'Unless you know something you're not saying.'

'No,' Kline said. 'If we thought something else had happened, I would tell you.'

'Sure,' Herbert said. 'Okay, then. Back to the stift-presiding



Father Bradbury. Who has the next-largest number of deacon missionaries?'

'There are ten other parish priests, each with three or four deacon missionaries,' Kline said. 'They are all being watched.'


'Local Botswana constables and by undercover elements of the Botswana military,' Kline said.

'Good,' Herbert said. 'And I assume no one at the Vatican has received a ransom demand?'

Kline shook his head.

'That means the kidnappers need him,' Herbert said. 'If kidnappers don't want money, they want the victim to do something for them. To sign a document, make a radio or TV broadcast, renounce a policy or idea. They may even want his dead body to scare converts or other priests. Do you have any idea where they've taken Father Bradbury?'

'No,' Kline said. 'And it wasn't for lack of trying. Within one hour, the Moremi Wildlife rangers were looking for the militia on the ground. The military was up in two hours doing an aerial search. They didn't find anything. Unfortunately, there's a lot of ground to cover. The kidnappers could have dispersed, hidden, or disguised themselves as a safari group. There are hundreds of those in the area at any given time.'

'Did anyone talk to truck drivers, check with amateur radio operators?' Herbert asked.

'Both,' Kline said. 'The police are still talking to CB operators. It was silent running all the way. This was a wellplanned operation, but we have no idea to what end.' The VSO officer stopped pacing and regarded Herbert. 'That's everything I know.'

'Pretty much in line with other neopolitical grab-and-runs I've encountered,' Herbert said.

'I agree,' Kline said. 'This is more like the act of rebels than religious acolytes.'

'One thing I don't see is Botswana complicity with this militia,' Herbert said. 'The economy is strong, and the government is stable. They would have nothing to gain by this.'

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