The war was over nearly two years, the Nazi occupation history. Postwar

Paris in the spring was a much nicer place than a military surplus

store in any season.

Henri, the waiter, approached.  He had in his hand a small paper

tablet.  He gave Jay a nod that was both servile and arrogant and

offered him the tablet.  '

'Ere iz ze list you wanted.  Monsieur Greedlee.'

'Merci.'  Jay took the tablet and waved Henri away.  He looked at the

list, scanned down the row of names-no ... no ... no ... wait!

Jay sat upright, bumped the table, and sloshed espresso from the cup.

Yes!  There it was!

He snapped his fingers loudly, caught Henri's attention.

'Garcon!  Voulez-vous bien m'indiquer ou se trou ve Ie telephone?  Je

desire appelez faire!'

Henri rewarded Jay with a sneer.

'Bettair you should work on ze pronunciation and ze grammar first,


The arrogant prick knew he wanted to make a call, but he had to correct

his French first.

'Montrez du doigt, asshole!'

Henri shrugged off the insult and did as Jay requested-he pointed

toward the cafe.

Jay stood and hurried to find the phone.

Wednesday, June 15th Woodland Hills, California

Michaels had supper at the hotel, and when room service brought him the

chicken sandwich, it had bean sprouts on it.  Well, of course.  This

was L.A.

He ate the sandwich mechanically, not really tasting it.

He was screwed, there was nowhere to go from here.  Toni had been

right, he wasn't a field agent.  He couldn't just -hop on a plane, fly

to a crime scene, and expect to spot some crucial clue that the local

police and FBI forensics team had somehow missed.  He knew better.  But

he had needed to see the place for himself, hoping it would somehow jog

something in him.

Well, it hadn't.  And here he was in a hotel in La-La Land, eating a

chicken sandwich with bean sprouts, without a clue as to what he should

do next.

On the bedside table, his virgil lit, telling him it was bad to the

bone.  That was probably Toni, calling to tell him what an idiot he

was.  At the moment, he was inclined to agree with her.

The tiny screen on the multipurpose toy didn't show Toni's face,

however.  It was Jay Gridley.

'What's up.  Jay?'

'I think I got him.  Boss.'

Michaels stared at the virgil.

'What?  How?  Where?'

'I crunched all the commercial airline flights leaving SoCal in the

last twelve hours.  Burbank, LAX, John Wayne, in Orange County.'

'And you found Ventura?'

'No.  But I did find a Mr.  B. W. Corona.'

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