There was no place for them to live but in the caves or as nomads migrating with the animals. And if they migrated to the equator each year they would have to leave behind them all the books and tools and everything that might someday have given them a civilized way of life and might someday have shown them how to escape from their prison. He looked again to the south where the halo should be, thinking: They should have made their decision in there by now. I’m their leader—but I can’t force them to stay here against their will. I could only ask them to consider what it would mean if we left here. Snow creaked underfoot as he moved restlessly. He saw something lying under the blanket of frost and went to it. It was an arrow that someone had dropped. He picked it up, carefully, because the intense cold had made the shaft as brittle as glass. It would regain its normal strength when taken into the caves—

There was the sound of steps and Fred Schroeder came out of the tunnel, dressed as he was dressed in bulky furs. Schroeder looked to the south and said, “It seems to be starting to get a little lighter there.”

He saw that it was; a small, faint paling of the black sky.

“They talked over what you and I told them,” Schroeder said. “And about how we’ve struggled to stay here this long and how, even if the sun should stop drifting south this year, it will be years of ice and cold at the caves before Big Spring comes.”

“If we leave here the glacier will cover the caves and fill them with ice,” he said. “All we ever had will be buried back in there and all we’ll have left will be our bows and arrows and animal skins. We’ll be taking a one-way road back into the stone age, for ourselves and our children and their children.”

“They know that,” Schroeder said. “We both told them.”

He paused. They watched the sky to the south turn lighter. The northern lights flamed unnoticed behind them as the pale halo of the invisible sun slowly brightened to its maximum. Their faces were white with near-freezing then and they turned to go back into the caves.

“They had made their decision,” Schroeder went on. “I guess you and I did them an injustice when we thought they had lost their determination, when we thought they might want to hand their children a flint axe and say, ‘Here—take this and let it be the symbol of all you are or all you will ever be.’

“Their decision was unanimous—we’ll stay for as long as it’s possible for us to survive here.”




Howard Lake listened to Teacher Morgan West read from the diary of Walter Humbolt, written during the terrible winter of thirty-five years before:

“Each morning the light to the south was brighter. On the seventh morning we saw the sun—and it was not due until the eighth morning!

It will be years before we can stop fighting the enclosure of the glacier but we have reached and passed the dead of Big Winter. We have reached the bottom and the only direction we can go in the future is up.”

“And so,” West said, closing the book, “we are here in the caves tonight because of the stubbornness of Humbolt and Schroeder and all the others. Had they thought only of their own welfare, had they conceded defeat and gone into the migratory way of life, we would be sitting beside grass campfires somewhere to the south tonight, our way of life containing no plans or aspirations greater than to follow the game back and forth through the years.

“Now, let’s go outside to finish tonight’s lesson.”

Teacher West led the way into the starlit night just outside the caves, Howard Lake and the other children following him. West pointed to the sky where the star group they called the Athena Constellation blazed like a huge arrowhead high in the east.

“There,” he said, “beyond the top of the arrowhead, is where we were going when the Gerns stopped us a hundred and twenty years ago and left us to die on Ragnarok. It’s so far that Athena’s sun can’t be seen from here, so far that it will be another hundred and fifteen years before our first signal gets there. Why is it, then, that you and all the other groups of children have to learn such things as history, physics, the Gern language, and the way to fire a Gern blaster?”

The hand of every child went up. West selected eight-year-old Clifton Humbolt. “Tell us, Clifton,” he said.

“Because,” Clifton answered, “a Gern cruiser might pass by a few light-years out at any time and pick up our signals. So we have to know all we can about them and how to fight them because there aren’t very many of us yet.”

“The Gerns will come to kill us,” little Marie Chiara said, her dark eyes large and earnest.

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