The Pashtians of Hamilcar's guard and the Volgans had a history of cutting each others' throats. Carrera glanced from singing paratroopers to glaring riflemen and decided,
Noting Carrera interest in the passing company, Samsonov asked, 'You like singing,
Carrera nodded, 'Yes, Ivan, for its own sake and as a weapon of war both.'
'Yes, well, they not that good. Someday you come, hear Regiment's chorus. They are good.'
'I'll do that,' Carrera agreed, while thinking,
'Excellent idea,' Samsonov agreed, smiling broadly. He said something to his adjutant in their own tongue, causing the adjutant to nod briskly, then turn on his heels and enter the building behind.
He didn't have to say anything to Irena; she understood the English her husband and Carrera shared well enough. She floated off the steps with a grace and fluidity surprising in a woman of her solidity.
As Irena took Lourdes by the arm and began to lead her off, Hamilcar cast a glance at his chief of guards.
Carrera watched only for a moment, to make sure Lourdes was comfortable, before turning his attention back to Samsonov and asking, 'By the way, what does the song mean?'
Samsonov stopped and thought for a moment. 'It means . . . 'The march before us with you is long . . . soldier take livelier look . . . regimental banner whips and twists . . . commanders are up front. Soldiers on march'—that chorus—'And for you your own field mail is waiting but . . . Listen? . . . no, Hark!', maybe Hark . . . 'trumpet calls . . . and soldiers march on.' '
'Have one of your people send a copy to Professor Ruiz, would you. Along with some trooper with a good voice to sing it for him.'
Carrera walked with head cocked, hands clasped behind his back. 'Tell me about your regiment's capabilities, please. And with no fluff; if you can't do something, I need to know.'
Samsonov shrugged, 'As you wish. We were one of better parachute infantry regiments of former Tsarist Army. You know this. Possibly we are best. Towards end, with your help, we could pay and feed men when rest of division going to scrap heap. Many good men transfer over to us from other regiments in 117th Guards Airborne Division before we leave
Carrera nodded. 'Pay?' he asked.
'Very good, by Volgan standards. My privates' five hundred and twenty-five Federated States Drachma a month is five or six times as much as mid level manager in Volga now. This part of reason morale is high. Plenty to send home, plenty to have good time here when not on duty.'
'Still we have no Orthodox chaplain. Many men do not care. More do.'
'I am looking into that. Kuralski has some prospects. He's had a hard time finding one to suit. Thought he had one, but that priest wanted to be made a captain.'
Samsonov did not understand. 'So make captain.'
'No,' Carrera shook his head emphatically. 'I don't generally commission lawyers, doctors, pilots . . . specialists like those can be, should be, warrant officers or enlisted. Only leaders of men get commissioned. No commissioned chaplains unless they go through the same route as other officer candidates. I don't suppose your regiment had a combat experienced Orthodox priest?'