of the only tree on the street. Dee and Alexander watched as the man got out of his car. He checked his mailbox and started to unlock his front door. Dee tossed the bag of pigeon food in the trash bin by the park bench.
'Time to go to work, Dad,' she said a bit too eagerly.
They flashed from the bench to the living room of the condo. As Alexander handed her the railpistol, Dee could hear the keys in the door. Then a shard of red and purple light from Tau Ceti and the Jovian's rings glinted through. Walt Fink stepped in and tossed his keys on the table next to the doorway and then turned and locked the dead bolt behind him.
'Well, hello there,
'. . . a miraculous recovery,' Gail Fehrer, anchor for the Earth News Network, said. 'President Alexander Moore had the lowest approval ratings of any president since the twenty-first century, but between the decisive military victory over the Separatists and the historic accords that followed, his approval ratings have reached all-time highs. With less than a year of his present term left, will the Democrats be able to mount any sort of challenge?
'Moore's acceptance speech at the convention tonight is being viewed almost as a coronation. We go now, live to the floor of the convention center.'
President Alexander Moore stepped out onto the stage and slowly walked up to the podium, surrounded by holo-images of his many triumphant moments as president. Many of the images prominently featured the vice president at his side.
When he reached the podium, the images ghosted away, and the lights dimmed down to two lone spotlights that lit up Moore and the presidential seal on the podium.
'George Washington once said, 'However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.'
'I first took office nearly twelve years ago with a single goal—to end the Separatist threat and reunite humanity in common bond and purpose. With yesterday's signing of the Tau Ceti Accords, and thanks in no small part to the great courage, ingenuity, and sacrifice of many brave souls, we have finally succeeded.
'So the time has come for me to step aside, to allow a new vision, a new purpose, a new principle to lead this Grand Old Party and this great nation.
'Mr. Chairman, I hereby nominate Vice President Jacob Forest McClintock to be the next Republican nominee for the office of president of the United States—'
The tumultuous uproar that arose from the capacity crowd in the convention center was everything Alexander had hoped it would be.
With a smile and a wave, the one hundred thirty-first president of the United States disappeared in a flash of white light and the sizzle of frying bacon.
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