'That's all right. I've eaten more than I thought I would.'
'You have, haven't you?' he said, nodding at my empty plate. I had scooped up even the last drop of sauce.
'Very unladylike,' I said, shaking my head. 'A proper young lady always leaves something on her plate.'
'Oh, really? Well, I guess I ain't never met no proper young lady,' he replied, imitating some swamp rat. 'I've known women who ate the plate.'
I threw my head back and laughed. Then I leaned forward. He was laughing, too, and he leaned toward me. We brought our foreheads together gently and Jack kissed the tip of my nose. Our eyes locked again. My heart beat softly, but I felt warm blood flood my cheeks and my neck. Was it the wine?
'Should we clean up?' I asked softly.
'Clean up. Oh, no, mademoiselle. We have servants to do that. Please. Let me escort you to the parlor,' he said, standing and offering his arm. I rose. 'Perhaps we should take along our homemade wine.' He seized the neck of the bottle and our two glasses. Then he blew out the candles and I took the lantern. We returned to the sitting room.
Although the storm had passed, there was a lingering drizzle. It made a gentle pitter-patter on the pane. Lightning still flashed in the distance, each streak turning the pitch-black sky flame-red for a split second. I fixed my gaze on it while Jack poured us each another glass of wine.
'I hope everything's all right back in New Orleans,' I said.
'Don't lose hope.' Jack handed me my wine, and I sipped it slowly. Then I relaxed and let my head fall back against the settee. Jack stood there gazing down at me. When I looked up at him, I saw far more than simple concern and worry in his eyes. What I saw made my heart stir and then thump. Could it be that there really was something called love at first sight? His eyes were pools of desire, which made me aware of my own ravenous need for romantic fulfillment. These sensations made me feel guilty. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes. When I opened them, Jack was at my side, taking my hand.
'Are you okay?'
'Just tired, I guess,' I replied.
He nodded. 'Sure. Considering what you've been through, no wonder. Well,' he added, 'if you insist on staying here another night, I guess we can go upstairs. We still have the blankets I brought last night.'
I nodded. He took my glass and set it on the table. Then he helped me up and took the lantern. We made our way through the darkness and ascended the stairs, neither of us saying much. He wrapped his right arm around me, and I laid my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes.
Suddenly I heard something below and stopped walking. 'What was that?'
'I heard something.' I gazed into the darkness beneath us. 'Mommy! Are you there?'
'Might have been a mouse,' Jack suggested. I continued to listen and then agreed. He continued to lead me up the stairs, my head against his shoulder.
'Here we are,' he announced when we reached Mommy's old bedroom. Jack set the lantern down on the nightstand, and I took off my shoes and lay back. He stood there for a moment looking down at me. I reached up and he took my hand. He brought it to his lips. I said nothing. My heart was pounding. He waited a moment and then let go to turn away and go to the settee.
'Jack,' I said. It was as if my voice had the power to act at will. His name was on my lips so quickly that I didn't have a chance to think why or what I wanted. It didn't matter. He knew.
He returned to my side, knelt beside the bed to kiss my hand, and then leaned over to kiss my lips. 'Pearl,' he whispered.
I tried to reason, to think about what was happening, just the way I always had when I kissed a boy. But tonight my scientific appraisal never took hold; the part of me that questioned and analyzed every touch, every kiss, never showed its face; and it wasn't only because of the wine. In Jack's arms I felt secure; I felt his concern and his care. What he wanted to happen, he wanted for both of us.
His touch was gentle, unselfish. Instead of feeling anxious and fearful, I welcomed the whirl of emotions; I wanted to be engulfed in the tidal wave. I felt myself unlock every door, invite every kiss. I lifted my chin so his lips would fall against my neck, and I kissed his cheeks and his eyes. When he rose, I moved over to make place for him.
'Pearl,' he whispered. Never did my name sound so sweet.
His hands moved over my arms to my breasts. Our clothing seemed to peel away so our skin could touch. Every time he paused, a little hesitant, a little unsure, I kissed him harder, driving away any reluctance, assuring him I wanted to follow the trail we were both burning to my heart.
'Are you sure?' he whispered one final time.
'Yes, oh, yes, Jack,' I replied.
With each touch of his lips, of his hands, I felt electrifying sensations. I realized I was not some scientific creature, after all. I was a woman.
We exploded against each other. I bit down on his ear so hard I thought I tasted blood, but he didn't complain. He held me tightly, his kisses winding down slowly as our hearts slowed. He held on to me like someone who never wanted to let go.
'Are you all right?' he asked when I didn't speak and practically held my breath.
I nodded and whispered yes. He released his hold on me and lay back beside me. Neither of us said a word for a long moment.