They spoke of Theuniskraal.
'It's a good farm.' There was pride in Michael's voice. 'My family
has owned it since 1867. ' 'You're not running much stock,'
Sean grunted.
'Pa has had a run of bad luck. The rinderpest hit us but we'll build
it up again-you wait and see. ' He was silent a moment, then, 'Pa's
not really a cattleman, instead of putting money into stock he spends
it on horses-like Beauty here. ' He patted the neck of his magnificent
golden mare. 'I've tried to argue with him, but-' Then he realized
that he was steering close to the lee shore of disloyalty, and he
checked himself then went on hurriedly: 'Don't misunderstand me, my
father is an unusual man. Right now he's on the army staff-a colonel,
and one of General Buller's right-hand men. He is a holder of the
Victoria Cross for bravery, and he has been awarded the D.S.O. for the
job he is doing now.
Yes, thought Sean, I have defended Garry also; many times, as often as
you will by the time you reach my age. In understanding he changed the
direction of the conversation.
They spoke of the future: 'So you want to be a farmer, then?'
'I love this place. I was born here. To me it is not just a piece of
land and a house. It is part of a tradition to which I belong built by
men of whom I am proud. After Pa, I will be the only one left to
continue it. I won't fail that trust. But .
They had reached the rise above the road, and Michael stopped and
looked at Sean as though trying to make up his mind how much he should
tell this stranger.
'But?' Sean prompted him gently. For a moment longer Michael stared
at him, trying to account for his certainty in this man-for the
conviction he had that he could trust him beyond all other men on
earth. He felt that he had known him all his life, and between them
was something so strong-so good and strong as to be almost tangible.
'But,' he jerked himself back to their conversation, 'that is not all.
I want something beyond just land and cattle. It's so difficult to
explain. My grandfather was a big man; he worked with people as well
as animals. He had ... you do understand me, don't you?
'I drink so,' Sean nodded. 'You feel you'd like to make a place for
yourself in the scheme of things. ' 'Yes, that's it. I'd like to make
decisions other than when to cull and when to brand, or where to build
a new dip-tank.
'What are you going to do about it then? ' 'Well, I'm at Cape Town
University. This is my third year, I'll have my degree by Christmas.
'Then what?
'I don't know, but I'll find something. ' Then Michael smiled.
'There's a lot to learn first. Sometimes when I realize how much it
frightens me a little. ' They walked their horses down towards the
road, so completely absorbed in each other that neither of them noticed
the buggy coming towards them from the direction of Ladyburg; until it
was almost on them, Then Michael glanced up. 'Hey! Here comes my