before anyone spoke again.

'I heard about the fire, Sean.  Terrible business.  I heard there was a

native killed and both Dirk and Michael were hurt.  Terrible business.'

Ronny shook his head in sympathy.

'Did you also hear that I lost four thousand acres of timber?

Sean inquired politely.

'Heard that also.'  Ronny nodded solemnly.  'Terrible business.

Ronny and Dennis glanced at each other furtively, and then looked down

at their hands.

'Very nasty,' Ronny repeated and a silence fell upon them.

'Anything else worrying you?'  Sean inquired politely.

'Well, now that you've brought it up-- Ronny reached inside his jacket

and withdrew a long folded document tied with a red ribbon.

'Mind you, we don't have to discuss it today.

Leave it until you feel better?'

'Ok!'  Sean grunted.

'Clause eight.  ' Ronny spread the document between the coffee-cups on

the table.  'In the event of the said security, namely, a certain block

of wattle known as No 2 block of Lion Kop Estates in extent

approximately Ronny hesitated.

'Guess there's no sense in me reading it all.  You know what it says.

That wattle was part of the collateral for the loan.

'How long will you give me to raise the money?'  Sean asked.

'Well, Sean, you understand there is no period of grace allowed in the

contract.  Seems to me you'll have to put it up right away.

'I want a month,' Sean told him.

'A month!  ' Ronny was shocked and hurt by the request.

See here now, Sean.  I don't honestly-I mean, surely you've got the

money.  I mean why do you need a month?  Just let us have your


'You know damned well I haven't got it.'

'Seems to me-' Ronny offered delicately.  'Seems to me if you haven't

got it now, there's not much chance you'll have it in a month.

No offence, Sean, but we have to look at this thing from a business

angle.  If you follow me.'

'I follow you.'  Sean nodded.  'And I want a month.'

'Give it to him,' blurted Dennis Petersen, his first contribution, and

Ronny turned on him instantly with his face twisting into a snarl.

The struggle he had within himself to smooth out his features and to

restore his voice to its level and reasonable tone lasted fully five


'Well now, Dennis,' he murmured.  'That's an unusual way to look at it.

Seems to me-' 'I spoke to Audrey before we came up here.  I promised

her .  . . Anyway, we both agreed.'  Dennis was staring out across the

valley, unable to meet his partner's eyes.

Suddenly Ronny Pye chucided.  Yes, by all means, It would be seem

better that way-watching this big arrogant bastard crawling round

begging, with his hat in his hands.  Sean would go to Jackson first and

Ronny had telegraphed Jackson the previous afternoon.  He had also

telegraphed Nichols at the Standard Bank.  By now the message would be

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