watched the funeral.  Storm was now completely reconciled to her loss

and so thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony that she insisted Sean exhume

the body and start again.

In all the doll was buried four times and Ada's garden looked as though

a swarm of locusts had descended upon it.

Christmas Day started early for Sean.  He and Michael supervised the

slaughter of ten large oxen for the Zulu labour force, then distributed

pay and gifts.  'for each man a khaki shirt and short pants, and for

each of their wives a double handful of coloured beads.  There was much

singing and laughter.  Mbejane, risen from his sickbed for the

occasion, made a speech of high dramatic content.  Unable to prance on

his freshly healed legs, yet he shook his spears, postured and roared

his questions at them.

'Has he beaten you?'

'Ai-bho!  ' They hurled the negative back at him.

'Has he fed you?'

'Yhe-bho!'  explosive accent.

'Is there gold in your pockets?'


'Is he our father?'

'He is our father!'

All to be construed not too literally, Sean grinned.  Then he stepped

forward to accept the large earthen pot of millet beer that Mbejane's

senior wife presented to him.  It was a matter of honour that this be

emptied without removing it from the lips, a feat which Sean and then

Michael both accomplished.  Then they climbed up into the waiting

buggy, Mbejane took the reins and with Dirk on the seat beside him

drove them down to Ladyburg.

After the first flurry of greeting and good wishes, Ruth led Sean into

the back yard followed by everyone else.  There stood a large object

covered by a unmulin which Win ceremoniously removed and Sean gaped at

what Ruth had given him.

Its paintwork burnished to a high gloss, metal parts and polished

leather upholstery sparkling in the sun-stood a motor vehicle.  U

Stamped in the huge metal wheel hubs, and below the mascot on the

radiator were the words

'Rolls-Royce.  ' Sean had seen these fiendishly beautiful machines in

Johannesburg, and now he was overcome by the feeling of unease they had

given him then.

'My dear Ruth, I haven't the words to thank you.  ' He kissed her

heartily to delay the moment when he must approach the monster.

'Do you really like it?'

'Like it?  It's the most magnificent thing I have ever seen.'

Over her shoulder Sean noticed with relief that Michael had taken over.

As the only engineer present, he was seated behind the wheel and

speaking authoritatively to the crowd about him.

'Get in!  ' Ruth ordered

'Let me look at it first.  ' With Ruth on his arm, Sean circled the

Rolls, never approaching closer than half a dozen paces.  The great

headlights glared at him malevolently and Sean averted his eyes.  His

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