When he opened them again, he bowed slightly to Anna.
I beg your pardon, madam, but it has been a long time, over two years, since I tasted a good cigar.
All right, Garry was bolder now. You know my name and you are smoking my cigar, the least you can do is introduce yourself. Forgive me. He drew himself up and snapped his heels together in the teutonic manner. I am Lothar De La Rey, at your service. ,oh my God, all Garry's new-found courage deserted him. I know all about you. There is a price on your head - they'll hang you when they catch you. You are a wanted criminal and a notorious outlaw, sir. My dear Colonel, I prefer to think of myself as a soldier and patriot.
Soldiers do not go on fighting and destroying property after a formal surrender. Colonel Franke capitulated nearly four years ago- I did not recognize Colonel Franke's right to surrender, Lothar interjected contemptuously. I was a soldier of the Kaiser and Imperial Germany. Even Germany surrendered three months ago.
Yes, Lothar agreed. And I have not perpetrated an act of war since then. But you are still in the field, Garry pointed out indignantly. You are still under arms, and- I have not gone in to give myself up yet for the very good reason that you have so succinctly stated: if I do, your people will hang me As if under Garry's scrutiny he had suddenly become aware that he was bare to the waist, Lothar reached for his tunic. Freshly laundered, it hung from a thorn bush beside the entrance to the cave. As he shrugged into it, the brass buttons sparkled and Garry's eyes narrowed, Damn you, sir, your insolence is insupportable. That's a British military tunic, you are wearing one of our uniforms. That in itself is cause enough to shoot you out of hand! Would you prefer I went naked, Colonel? It must be obvious even to you that we are reduced in circumstances. It gives me no pleasure to wear a British jacket.
Unfortunately there is no choice. You insult the uniform in which my son died I take no pleasure in your son's death, just as I take no pleasure in these rags. By God, man, you have the effrontery- Garry puffed himself up to deliver a devastating broadside, but Anna cut across him impatiently.
Mijnheer De La Rey, have you seen my little girl? And Garry subsided as Lothar turned back to her, his features taking on a strangely compassionate cast.
I saw a girl, yes, I saw a young girl in the wilderness, but I do not know if she was the one you seek Could you lead us to her? Garry demanded, and Lothar glanced at him, his expression hardening again. I would try to find her again on certain conditions. Money, said Garry flatly.
Why are rich men always obsessed with their money? Lothar drew on the cigar, and let the fragrant smoke trickle over his tongue. Yes, Colonel, I would need some money, he nodded. But not 5,000. I would need 1,000 to equip an expedition to go into the desert fastness where I first saw her. We will need good horses, ours are from out, and wagons to carry water, and I would almost w need to pay my men. 1,000 would cover those expenses. What else?
Garry demanded, There must be some other price. Yes, Lothar nodded. There is. I am tired of living in the shadow of the gallows. you want a pardon for your crimes! Garry stared incredulously. What makes you think that is in my power! A personal friend of You are a powerful man, Colonel.
both Smuts and Botha, your brother is a general, a cabinet minister in the Botha Government, I would not thwart the course of justice. to the I fought an honourable war, Colonel. I fought it d Botha once fought bitter end, like your friends Smuts an their war. I am no criminal, I am no murderer. I lost a father, a mother, a wife and a son, I paid the price of defeat in a heavy coin. Now, I want the right to live the life of an ordinary man, and you want this girl. ,I couldn't agree to that. You are an enemy, Garry blustered.
You find the girl, said Anna softly, and you will be a free man. Colonel Courtney will arrange it. I give you my word on it. Lothar glanced at her and then back at Garry, and he smiled again as he divined the true chain of authority here.
Well, Colonel, do we have an agreement? How do I know who this girl is? How do I know she is my daughter- in-law? Garry hedged uncomfortably. Will You agree to a test?
Lothar shrugged. As You wish And Garry turned to Anna.
Show him, he said. Let him choose this test Between them, Garry and Anna had designed to thwart the rogues and chancers that the reward posters had attracted. Anna snapped open the clasp of the voluminous carpet bag she carried on a strap over one shoulder and took out a thick buff envelope. It contained a pack of postcard-sized photographs, and she handed these to Lothar.
He studied the top photograph. it was a studio portrait of a young girl, a pretty girl in a velvet dress and feathered hat; dark ringlets hung to her shoulders. Lothar shook his head and placed the photograph at the bottom of the pack.
Swiftly he flicked through the rest of them, all of young women, and then handed them back to Anna.
No, he said. I'm sorry to have brought you so far for nothing. The girl I saw is not amongst those, he lookedVery well, Hend over his shoulder at the big Ovambo.
rick, take them back to the drift.
Wait, Mijnheer.'Anna dropped the pile of photographs into the bag and took out another smaller stack. There are more. You are careful, Lothar smiled in acknowledgement.
We have had many try to cheat us, 5,000 pounds is a great deal of money, Garry told him, but Lothar did not even look up from the photographs.
He turned over two of the paste boards, then stopped at the third. That's her. Centaine de Thiry, in her white confirmation dress, smiled self-consciously up at him.
She is older now, and her hair, Lothar made a gesture describing a thick wild bush. But those eyes. Yes, that's her. Neither Garry nor Anna could speak. For a year and a half they had worked for this moment, and now that it had come they could not truly believe it.
I have to sit down! Anna said faintly, and Garry helped her to the log beside the entrance to the cave. While he tended her, Lothar pulled the gold locket from his shirt front, and snapped open the lid. He took out a lock of dark hair and offered it to Anna. She accepted it from him almost fearfully, and then with a fiercely protective gesture she pressed the lock to her lips. She closed her eyes, but from the corners of her clenched lids two fat oily tears squeezed out and began to trickle slowly down her red cheeks.
It's just a Thank of hair. It could be anyone's hair. How do you know? Garry asked uncomfortably.
Oh, you silly man, Anna whispered hoarsely. On a thousand nights I brushed her hair. Do you think I would not know it again, anywhere?