that one. Did he have his milk cows with him?' Vicky was for a moment

at a loss, until she remembered the two madonnas. 'His men scour the

mountains to keep him supplied with pretty young mothers in full milk

ugh!' She shuddered theatrically, and Vicky felt her unsettled stomach

quail. 'That and his hemp pipe and the sight of blood. He is an

animal. His people are animals they have been our enemies since the

time of Solomon, and it shames me now that we must have them to fight

beside us.' Then she changed the subject in her usual mercurial


'Will you go down the pass again today?'

'Yes,' Vicky said, and Sara sighed.

'The doctor says that I cannot go with you not for many days still.'

'I will fetch you, as soon as you are ready.'

'No. No,' she protested. 'It is shorter and easier on horseback. I

will come immediately but until then carry My love to Gregorius. Tell

him my heart beats with great fury for him, and he walks through my

thoughts eternally.'

'I will tell him,' agreed Vicky, delighted at the sentiment and the

choice of words. At that moment a tall young man in a white jacket,

with the face of a brown pharaoh and huge dark eyes, came to record

Sara's temperature, stooping solicitously over her and murmuring softly

in Amharic as he felt for her pulse with delicate finely shaped


Sara was transformed instantly into a languid wanton, with smouldering

eyes and pouting lips, but when the orderly left, she was instantly

herself again, giggling delightedly as she drew Vicky's head down to

whisper in her ear.

'Is he not as beautiful as the dawn? He studies to be a doctor, and

goes soon to the University at Berlin. He has fallen in love with me

since last night and as soon as my leg is less painful I shall take him

as a lover.' And when she saw Vicky's startled glance, she went on

hurriedly, 'But just for a short time, of course. Only until I am well

enough to ride back to Gregorius.' When Lij Mikhael came, riding with

his wild horsemen.

They waited outside in the sun while the Prince came into the ward to

take farewell of his daughter. His sombre mood lightened momentarily

as he embraced Sara, and he saw how well she was recovered. Then he

told the two women, 'Yesterday at noon, the Italian army under General

De Bono crossed the Mareb River in force and has begun to march on A

owa and Ambo Aradam. The wolf is into the sheepfold. There has

already been fighting and the Italian aeroplanes are bombing our towns.

We are now at war.'

'It is no surprise,' said Sara. 'The only surprise is that.

they took so long.'

'Miss Camberwell, you must return as swiftly as you can to my father at

the foot of the gorge, and warn him that he must be ready to meet an

enemy attack.' He drew out a gold pocket watch and glanced at it.

'Within the next few minutes, an aircraft will be landing here to take

me to the Emperor. I would be obliged, Miss Camberwell, if you would

accompany me to the-landing field.' Vicky nodded, and the Lij went on.

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