Prince showed his appreciation with a gracious gesture.
'Two thousand pounds each,' said Gareth quickly, running the words
together to make it sound less shocking, but still Jake almost choked
on a mouthful of whisky soda.
The Prince nodded thoughtfully. 'I see,' he said. 'That is probably
five times the actual value.' Gareth looked shocked. 'Your
Excellency-' But the Prince silenced him with a raised hand.
'During the last six months, I have spent a great deal of time
inspecting and pricing various items of military equipment. My dear
Swales, please don't insult us both by protesting.' There was a long
silence and the atmosphere in the cabin was taut as guitar strings then
the Prince sighed.
'I could price those weapons but I could not buy. The great powers of
the world have denied me that right the right to defend my country
against the predator.' There was an age of weariness in the dark eyes
and smooth brow furrowed with thought. 'My country is landlocked, as
you know, gentlemen. We do not have access to the sea.
All imports must come through the territories of French and British
Somaliland or Italian Eritrea. Italy the predator or the French and
the British who have placed us under embargo.' Lij Mikhael sipped at
the drink in his hand, and then frowned into the depths of the glass,
as though it were a crystal ball and he could read the future there.
'The great powers are prepared to deliver us to the Fascist tyrant,
with our sword hand empty and trussed behind our back.' He sighed
again heavily and then looked up at Gareth. His expression changed.
'Major Swales, you have offered me a collection of worn and obsolete
vehicles and weapons at many times their actual value. I am a
desperate man. I must accept your offer and the price you demand.'
Gareth relaxed slightly and glanced at Jake.
'I must even accept your condition that payment be made in British
sterling.' Gareth smiled now. 'My dear fellow-' he began, but again
the Prince silenced him with a raised hand.
'In turn I impose only one condition. It is vital to my acceptance of
your offer. You and your partner, Mr. Barton, will be responsible for
the delivery of all these weapons into the territory of
Ethiopia. Payment will be made only when you hand over the shipment to
me or my agent within the borders of his Imperial Majesty, hail
'Good God, man,' exploded Gareth. 'that involves smuggling them
through hundreds of miles of hostile territory. That's ridiculous!'
'Ridiculous, Major Swales? I think not. Your merchandise is of no
value to me or to you in Dares Salaam. I am your only customer nobody
else in the entire world would be foolish enough to buy it from you. On
the other hand, any attempt that I should make to import it into my
homeland would certainly be frustrated. I am being watched carefully
by agents of all the major powers. I know I shall be searched the
moment that I land at Jibuti. Lying here, the merchandise has no
value.' He' paused and glanced from Gareth to Jake. Jake rubbed his
jaw thoughtfully.
'I see your point, Your Excellency.'