crammed a fresh load of brass cartridges into the magazine.

The animal was almost beyond effective range now, but the next bullet

fired with the rear sight at maximum elevation fell in a long arcing

trajectory and they heard the thump of the strike, long after the beisa

had collapsed abruptly and disappeared below the line of grey scrub.

When they had found another crossing and forced the

, Rolls through the deep ravine, scraping the rear fender and denting

one of the big silver wheel-hubs, they came up to the spot where the

antelope lay on its side. Leaving the rifle on the back seat in his

eagerness, the Count leapt out before the Rolls had stopped completely.

-Get one of me completing the coup de grace,' he shouted at Gino,

as he unholstered the ivory-handled Beretta and ran to the downed


The soft bullet had shattered the spinal column a few inches forward of

the pelvis, paralysing the hindquarters, and the blood pumped gently

from the wound in a bright rivulet down the pale beige flank.

The Count posed dramatically, pointing the pistol at the magnificently

horned head with its elaborate face-mask of dark chocolate stripes.

Near by, Gino knelt in the soft earth focusing the camera.

At the critical moment, the antelope heaved itself up into a sitting

position and stared with swimming agonized eyes into the

Count's face. The beisa is one of the most aggressive antelopes in

Africa, capable of killing even a fully grown lion with its long rapier

horns. This old bull weighed 450 lb. and stood four feet high at the

shoulder while the horns rose another three feet above that.

The beisa snorted, and the Count forgot all about the levelled pistol

in his hand in his sudden desperate desire to reach the safety of the


Leading the beisa by six inches, he vaulted lightly into the back seat

and crouched on the floorboards, covering his head with both arms while

the beisa battered the sides of the Rolls, driving in one door and

ripping the paintwork with the deadly horns.

Gino was trying to disappear into the earth by sheer pressure, and he

was making a pitiful wailing sound. The driver had stalled the engine,

and he sat frozen in his seat and every time the beisa crashed into the

Rolls, he was thrown so violently forward that his forehead struck the

windshield, and he pleaded, 'Shoot it, my Count. Please, my

Count, shoot the monster.' The Count's posterior was pointed to the

sky. It was the only part of his anatomy that was visible above the

rear seat of the Rolls and he was shrieking for somebody to hand him

the rifle, but not raising his head to search for it.

The bullet that had severed the beisa's spine had angled forward and

pierced the lung as well. The violent exertions of the stricken animal

tore open a large artery and, with a pitiful bellow and a sudden double

spurt of blood through the nostrils, it collapsed.

In the long silence that followed, the Count's pale face rose slowly

above the level of the back door and he stared fearfully at the

carcass. Its stillness reassured him. Cautiously, he groped for the

Marinlicher, lifted it slowly and poured a stream of bullets into the

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