skill.' She shook her head and sighed. 'It is very difficult.

No, I cannot choose for you. I can only wish you much joy.' The

conversation had disturbed Vicky more than she realized, and

although-she was exhausted by the long hard driven day, she could not

sleep, but lay restlessly under a single blanket on the hard sun-warmed

earth, considering the wicked and barely thinkable thoughts that the

girl had sown in her mind. So it was that she was still awake when

Sara rose from beside her and, silently as a wraith, crossed the laager

to where Gregorius lay. The girl had discarded the robe and wore only

the skintight velvet breeches, encrusted with silver embroidery. Her

body was slim and Polished as ebony in the light of the stars and the

new moon. She had small high breasts and a narrow moulded waist. She

stooped over Gregorius and instantly he rose, and hand in hand,

carrying their blankets, the pair slipped out of the laager, leaving

Vicky more disturbed than ever. She is of the desert. Once she lay

and listened to the night sound thought she heard the soft cry of a

human voice in the darkness, but it may have been only the plaintive

yelp of a Jackal. The two young Ethiopians had not returned by the

time Vicky at last fell asleep.

The radio message that Count Aldo Belli received from General De

Bono on the seventh day after leaving Asmara caused him much pain and


'The man addresses me as an inferior,' he protested to his officers. He

shook the yellow sheet from the message pad angrily before reading in a

choked voice, 'I hereby directly order you'.' He shook his head in

mock disbelief 'No 'request', no 'if you please', you notice.' He

crumpled the message sheet and hurled it against the canvas wall of the

headquarters tent and began pacing in a magisterial manner back and

forth, with one hand on the butt of his pistol and the other on the

handle of his dagger.

'It seems he does not understand my messages. It seems that I

must explain my position in person He thought about this with

burgeoning enthusiasm. The discomfort of the drive back to Asmara

would be greatly reduced by the superb upholstery and suspension

designed by Messrs Rolls and Royce and would be more than adequietely

offset by the quasi-civilized amenities of the town. A marble bath,

clean laundry, cool rooms with high ceilings and electric fans, the

latest newspapers from Rome, the company of the dear and kind young

hostesses at the casino all this was suddenly immensely attractive.

Furthermore, it would be an opportunity to supervise the curing and

packaging of the hunting trophies he had so far accumulated. He was

anxious that the lion skins were correctly handled and the numerous

bullet holes were properly patched. The further prospect of reminding

the General of his background, upbringing and political expendability

also had much appeal.

'Gino,' he bellowed abruptly, and the Sergeant dashed into the tent,

automatically focusing his camera.

'Not now! Not now!' The Count waved the camera aside testily.

'We are going back to Asmara for conference with the General. Inform

my driver accordingly.' Twenty-four hours later, the Count returned

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