covered with the ivory-coloured bedspread.
Debra bounced up and down on it happily.
Now, there is only one thing more that is missing she declared.
'What's that? he asked with mock anxiety. Is it something important?
Come here. She crooked a finger in his general direction. And I'll
show you just how important it is.
During the months of preparation they had not left The immediate
neighbourhood of the homestead, but now quite suddenly the rush and
bustle was over.
We have eighteen thousand acres and plenty of fourfooted neighbours,
let's go check it all out, David suggested.
They packed a cold lunch and the three of them climbed into the new
Land-Rover with Zulu relegated to the back seat. The road led naturally
down to the String of Pearls for this was the focal point of all life
upon the estate.
They left the Land-Rover amongst the fever trees and went down to the
ruins of the thatched summer house on the bank of the main pool.
The water aroused all Zulu's instincts and he plunged into it, paddling
out into the centre with obvious enjoyment. The water was clear as air,
but shaded to black in the depths.
David scratched in the muddy bank and turned out a thick pink earthworm.
He threw it into the shallows and a dark shape half as long as his arm
rushed silently out of the depths and swirled the surface.
Wow! David laughed. There are still a few fat ones around. We will
have to bring down the rods. I used to spend days down here when I was
a kid. The forest was filled with memories and as they wandered along
the edge of the reed banks he reminisced about his childhood, until
gradually he fell into silence, and she asked: Is something wrong,
David? 'She had grown that sensitive to his moods.
There are no animals. His tone was puzzled. Birds, yes. But we
haven't seen a single animal, not even a duiker, since we left the
homestead. He stopped at a place that was clear of reeds, where the
bank shelved gently. This used to be a favourite drinking place. It
was busy day and night, the herds virtually lining up for a chance to
drink. He left Debra and went down to the edge, stooping to examine the
ground carefully. No spoor even, just a few Kudu and a small troop of
There has not been a herd here for months, or possibly years. When he
came back to her she asked gently, You are upset? Jabulani without
its animals is nothing, 'he muttered. Come on, let's go and see the
rest of it. There is something very odd here.
The leisurely outing became a desperate hunt, as David scoured the
thickets and the open glades, followed the dried water courses and
stopped the Land Rover to examine the sand beds for signs of life.
Not even an impala, he was worried and anxious. There used to be
thousands of them. I remember herds of them, silky brown and graceful
as ballet dancers, under nearly every tree. He turned the Land-Rover
northwards, following an overgrown track through the trees.
There is grazing here that hasn't been touched. It's lush as a
cultivated garden. A little before noon they reached the dusty,