In the confined space of the bunkers the jet thunder assaulted the

eardrums, their din only made bearable by the perforated steel baffles

set into the rear of the structure.

The Brig looked across at David, his head enclosed in the garishly

painted helmet, and gave him the high sign.

David returned -it and reached up to pull the Perspex canopy closed.

Ahead of them, the steel blast doors rolled swiftly upwards, and the

ready lamps above them switched from red to green.

There was no taxiing to take-off areas; no needless ground exposure.

Wing-tip to wing-tip they came up the ramp out of the bunker into the

sunlight.  Ahead of them stretched one of the long brown runways, and

David pushed open his throttle to the gate, and then ignited his

afterburners, feeling the thrust of the mighty jet through the

cushioning of his seat.  Down between the fields of green corn they

tore, and then up, with the swooping sensation in the guts and the

rapier nose of the Mirage pointed at the sapphire of the sky that arched

unbroken and unsullied above them, and once again David experienced the

euphoria of jet-powered flight.

They levelled out at a little under forty thousand feet avoiding even

altitudes or orderly flight patterns, and David placed his machine under

the Brig's tail and eased back on the throttles to cruising power, his

hands delighting in the familiar rituals of flight while his helmeted

head revolved restlessly in the search routine, sweeping every quarter

of the sky about him, weaving the Mirage to clear the blind spot behind

his own tail.

The air had an unreal quality of purity, a crystalline clarity that made

even the most distant mountain ranges stand out in crisp silhouette,

hardly shaded with the blue of distance.  In the north the Mediterranean

blazed like a pool of molten silver in the sunlight, while the sea of

Galilee was soft cool green, and farther south the Dead Sea was darker,

forbidding in its sunken bed of tortured desert.

They flew north over the ridge of Carmel and the flecked white buildings

of Haifa with its orange gold beaches on which the sea broke in soft

ripples of creamy lacework.  Then they turned together easing back on

the power and sinking slowly to patrol altitude at twenty thousand feet

as they passed the peak of Mount Herman where the last snows still

lingered in the gullies and upon the high places, streaking the great

rounded mountain like an old man's pate.

The softly dreaming greens and pastels delighted David who was

accustomed to the sepia monochromes of Africa.  The villages clung to

the hill-tops, their white walls shining like diadems above the terraced

slopes and the darker areas of cultivated land.

They turned south again, booming down the valley of the Jordan, over the

Sea of Galilee with its tranquil green waters enclosed by the thickets

of date palm and the neatly tended fields of the Kibbutzim, losing

altitude as the land forsook its gentle aspect and the hills were riven

and tortured, rent by the wadis as though by the claws of a dreadful


On the left hand rose the mountains of Edam, hostile and implacable, and

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