the lace cover, and they lay on their sides facing each other, not
touching but so close that she could feel the warmth of his belly upon
her own like a soft desert wind, and his breath stirred the dark soft
hair upon her cheek.
She sighed then, with happiness and contentment, like a traveller
reaching the end of a long lonely journey.
I love you, she said for the first time, and reaching out she took his
head, her fingers twining in the thick springing hair at the nape of his
neck, and drew it tenderly to her breast.
Long afterwards the chill of night oozed into the room, and they came
half-awake and crept together beneath the covers.
As they began drifting back into sleep she murmured sleepily, I'm so
glad that surgery won't be necessary, after all, and he chuckled softly.
Wasn't it better finding out for yourself? Much better, lover. Much,
much better, she admitted.
Debra spent one entire evening explaining to David that a
high-performance sports car was not a necessity for travel between his
base and the house on Malik Street, for she knew her man's tastes by
then. She pointed out that this was a country of young pioneers, and
that extravagance and ostentation were out of place. David agreed
vehemently, secure in the knowledge that Aaron Cohen and his minions
were scouring the country for him.
Debra suggested a Japanese compact similar to joe's, and David told her
that he would certainly give that his serious consideration.
Aaron Cohen's henchman tracked down a Mercedes Benz 3 5 0 SL belonging
to the German Charg6 d'Affaires inTel Aviv. This gentleman was
returning to Berlin and wished to dispose of his auto, for a suitable
consideration in negotiable cash. A single phone call was sufficient to
arrange payment through the Credit Suisse in Zurich.
It was golden bronze in colour, with a little under twenty thousand
kilometres on the clock, and it had clearly been maintained with the
loving care of an enthusiast.
Debra, returning on her motor scooter from the University, found this
glorious machine parked at the top end of Malik Street, where a heavy
chain denied access by all motor-driven vehicles to the village.
She took one look at it, and knew beyond all reasonable doubt who it
belonged to She was really quite angry when she stormed on to the
terrace, but she pretended to be angrier than that. David Morgan, you
really are absolutely impossible. 'You catch on fast, David agreed
amiably; he was sunbathing on the terrace. 'How much did you pay for
'Ask me another question, doll. That one is becoming monotonous.' 'You
are really,' Debra paused and searched frantically for a word of
sufficient force. She found it and delivered it with relish.
'You don't know the meaning of the word,' David told her gently as he
rose from the cushions in the sun and drifted lazily in her direction.
Though she had been his lover for only a mere three days she recognized
the look in his eye and she began backing away.